Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 558 Emperor 2nd Generation

Hearing Xuanyuan Yi's words, Wang Feng smiled and did not answer.

In fact, he also wanted to know who he was. Di Qin, Yan Yusenlong and the Phoenix Egg all seemed to understand his identity and took special care of him!

But Wang Feng knows who he is. He is a good young man who has traveled from that blue planet. Is it possible that he really has some mysterious and strange identity?

"System, what is my identity?"

Wang Feng couldn't help but start to doubt himself, and asked secretly.

However, the system did not answer him, causing Wang Feng to smile bitterly and shake his head. It seemed that he was still not strong enough to know everything behind it, but one day, he would find out who he was.

Xuanyuan Yi looked at Wang Feng's unpredictable posture and fell into deep thought.

Is it possible that this person is the reincarnation of a powerful person in the Hongmeng Divine Realm?

For a moment, Xuanyuan Yi panicked. If it was as he suspected, then he had obviously offended someone who could not be offended!

The reincarnation of a powerful person in the Hongmeng Divine Realm is a supreme figure destined to hang high in the sky. Although he has an extraordinary background, he is like an ant in front of such a figure!

"who are you?"

Wang Feng came back from his thoughts, narrowed his eyes, stared at Xuanyuan Yi, and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, Xuanyuan Yi couldn't help but tremble, especially Wang Feng's deep gaze, which made his heart palpitate. It was as if there was an ancient figure looking at him across the river of time, letting him I felt an unspeakable horror!

"I sneaked down from the Chaos Emperor Realm to play!"

That kind of terror made Xuanyuan Yi dare not neglect and speak honestly.

The unruly man experienced the feeling of being involuntarily for the first time and acted extremely well-behaved. He was not frightened by Wang Feng's strength, but by Wang Feng's mysterious identity and the loyal protection of the phoenix egg. Got it!

The higher your cultivation level and the richer your background, the more you understand the depth of the water in this world and the existence of some great horrors that you cannot even imagine.


Wang Feng's eyes lit up, he was surprised, and continued to ask: "Tell me about it!"

He did not expect that he would meet a young man who had slipped down from the Chaos Emperor Realm and took this opportunity to learn about the situation in the Chaos Emperor Realm. As far as he knew, Ye Muqing and others were now in the Chaos Emperor Realm. middle.

"My father is the leader of the Xuanyuan God Clan in the Chaos Emperor Realm. He leads the entire Xuanyuan God Clan and has great power in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. He is the top figure in the Chaos Emperor Realm!"

"My mother is the princess of the Fudao God Clan in the Chaos Emperor Realm, my grandfather is the previous generation chief of the Xuanyuan God Clan, my grandpa is the previous generation chief of the Fudao God Clan, and my uncle is the current head of the Fudao God Clan, and he is also a top figure in the Chaos Emperor Realm!"

"And I am the only son who is loved by both clans. I have been appointed as the young clan leader of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan since I was born, and I have made a baby marriage with the contemporary princess of the Fudao Divine Clan!"

"Of course, that princess is not from my mother's lineage!"

Xuanyuan Yi said honestly, but an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes. Is he really afraid because he is so honest?

Not necessarily, he also wanted to test Wang Feng and others.

When Xuanyuan Yi finished speaking, Wang Feng, Li Bai and others couldn't help but twitch their mouths. They knew that Xuanyuan Yi was introducing himself, but they thought Xuanyuan Yi was showing off!

Is this the second generation of the emperor who is so inappropriate?

Although Wang Feng and others do not know what the structure of the Chaos Emperor Realm is, they can also know from Xuanyuan Yi's words that Xuanyuan Yi's identity is probably at the top of the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. He is the leader of the Chaos Emperor Realm. One of the most distinguished young people!

Seeing the expressions of Wang Feng and others, Xuanyuan Yi trembled in his heart. In the expressions of Wang Feng and others, he did not see shock or panic, only astonishment. Could it be that Wang Feng is really in the Hongmeng Divine Realm? Mighty reincarnation?

"With such an identity, why do you have to run down to the lower world?"

"It's boring!"

After hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, Xuanyuan Yi thought for a while and said.

"Not interesting?"

"Yes, I have everything a cultivator dreams of when I am born. Every time I go out, there are all kinds of people fawning over me and trying their best to show their kindness. It's so annoying!"

"I have everything I want. There is no need to struggle or pursue. I have lost my purpose in life, so I started wandering!"

When Xuanyuan Yi finished speaking, Wang Feng and others fell silent. Wang Feng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he couldn't say anything.

They really don’t understand the troubles of the second generation of emperors!

Not to mention Li Bai and Situ Zhong, the two brothers Wang Feng and Gu Chou both had miserable life experiences.

After Wang Feng traveled from the earth, he had nothing. In that ravine, he relied on his deception ability to build the Immortal Sect. With the help of the system, he developed the Immortal Sect to its current level. Who knows the bitterness in it?

Without the system, he might not even know how he died!

Although the two Gu Chou brothers have prominent status in the Origin World, they are abandoned sons. Not only were their parents killed, but they themselves wandered the mainland and became major robbers. If they hadn't met Wang Feng, they would have been abandoned at this time. The two Gu Chou brothers are probably still doing robbery in some unknown ravine.

Can people like them understand the troubles of the second generation emperor?

Obviously not!

They only deserve to work hard to become the emperor generation!

"Won't your family come to take you back?"

After a long silence, Wang Feng asked again.

"No! I kept all the treasures they gave me, and wiped all the breath from my body. They can't find them in a short time!"

Xuanyuan Yi shook his head and said loudly.

"and you……?"

After hearing Xuanyuan Yi's words, Wang Feng's face froze. He glanced at the many chaotic imperial weapons suspended around Xuanyuan Yi. The meaning of his words was very obvious.

Damn, even with this Chaos Emperor Weapon, he still kept the treasures given to him by his family. If he hadn't kept them, how many treasures would he have that were unimaginable to ordinary people?

Is this the trouble of the second generation emperor?

The two Gu Chou brothers behind Wang Feng had red eyes with envy, wishing they could change their identities with Xuanyuan Yi.

"Oh, are you talking about these little things?"

"During the first year I sneaked out, I accidentally obtained the inheritance of the God of Thieves and found it myself!"

Xuanyuan Yi said nonchalantly, his tone almost saying that these Chaos Emperor Artifacts were not valuable at all.

After Xuanyuan Yi finished speaking, the two Gu Chou brothers became even more envious. Why is the gap between people so big? If someone sneaks out to wander around, they can get the inheritance of Lao Shizi's thief god?

It’s simply outrageous!

They have been wandering the mainland for so many years, why can't they get an inheritance?

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