
Under the horrifying gazes of Ming Kong and others, the offensive of Xuan Cha Demon and others hit Ming Kong and others without exception, with a deafening explosion sound, and the majestic power exploded like fireworks. , splashed everywhere, and the void was pierced one after another.

The terrible storm swept across all directions like a volcanic eruption, impacting everything around it.

On the other side, Gu Chou also showed murderous intent. He sacrificed the Xiaoyao Emperor Sword, the Chaos Emperor weapon obtained from Huangdao Divine Kingdom, and used his sharp sword energy to kill Minghuang and others one after another.

The shrill roar resounded throughout the world.

The death of a young generation who was comparable to the epic genius made many cultivators in the Holy City of Covering the Sun tremble.

This was an epic Pluto-level talent, and he fell like this?

Even the clan leaders of several major Heavenly Dao Nether Clan and powerful Chaos Emperor Realm warriors were killed so easily?

If it weren't for the violent explosion wave that was still raging, they would never have believed that this was true.

Normally, they wouldn't dare to think about such a scene, but today, the Shenxian Sect directly completed it with their own efforts?

Without Ming Kong and others, what threats do the major Tiandao Ming Clan and the Killing God Pavilion still have?

For a moment, many cultivators in the Holy City of Covering the Sun were like sculptures, staring blankly at the deadly explosion, with little rays of light reflected in their pupils.

"Congratulations to the host, the elders of the Shenxian Sect and disciple Xuanyuan Yi, for killing four peak experts of the Imperial Palace, and receiving a reward of four trillion sect values, and ten random summoning opportunities for the ultimate Holy Realm!"

"Congratulations to the host, Gu Chou, a disciple of the Shenxian Sect, for killing twelve Pluto-level geniuses, receiving a reward of 200 billion luck points, and three ultimate random summoning opportunities in the Holy Realm!"

With the death of Ming Kong and others, a cold voice sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

However, such a reward seems to be unable to shake Wang Feng's mind. His face is as calm as ever, and he stands quietly in the void, looking down at the world of mortals like a true god.

At this time, except for the deafening sound of the explosion, there was deathly silence in the entire world.

All the cultivators in the Hidden Sun Holy City lost their voices in an instant, including the Hidden Sun Emperor. The powerful enemy who had been fighting for so long died in front of him in such a dramatic way. It was so dreamy no matter how you look at it.

Including the great emperors of the Holy Dynasty who have set their sights on this battlefield, they are also in a dream. In the past, the Death Nether Clan and other Heavenly Dao Nether Clan have brought great disasters to the Qiankun Holy World.

That war that year destroyed half of the Holy World of Qiankun. If they hadn't organized strong men in time and established an empire to resist, they would have just managed to snatch half of the Holy World of Qiankun from the hands of several major underworld tribes. At this time, the Holy World of Qiankun , have all fallen into the hands of the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan.

But even such a powerful Tiandao Nether Clan was killed by the Shenxian Sect. Several top experts were killed one after another, and even the Pluto-level geniuses were wiped out.

This also means that the opportunity for his Qiankun Holy Realm human race to counterattack has arrived!

For a time, the emperors of several major holy dynasties could no longer stay any longer. With a sway, they headed towards the Sun-covering Holy City. The Immortal Sect was so powerful, so what if they didn't come to pay an audience and win over each other?

It took half an hour for the violent explosion to calm down, but the violent power was still raging. As for Ming Kong and others, it seemed that they had been smashed to pieces, and not even a trace of bone could be seen!

Xuanyuan Yi and others swayed and returned to Wang Feng. Wang Feng looked at Xiao Wenxue, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He smiled and rubbed Xiao Wenxue's little head, letting Xiao Wenxue enjoy it for a while. Holding Wang Feng.

"Sect Master Wang!"

At this time, Emperor Zhiri also came to Wang Feng and bowed his hands in a somewhat respectful manner.

Seeing the Shenxian Sect showing such great strength with his own eyes, how could Emperor Zhiri dare to act like an emperor in front of Wang Feng?

"Emperor Hidden Sun, you're welcome!"

Wang Feng smiled, returned the salute, and murmured softly.

He just learned from Li Qing and others about the previous actions of Emperor Zhidir, so Wang Feng still had a good impression of Emperor Zhidir.

"I really didn't expect that the leaders of the Nether Clan who had been invading the Qiankun Holy Realm for so long would be killed so easily by a few fellow Taoists. I'm really gratified!"

"The Shenxian Sect's contribution to the Holy World of Qiankun and the human race this time is really too great."

"I have prepared a banquet, and I would like to ask you to show your respect."

There was a look of emotion on the face of Emperor Zhiri, he cupped his hands and spoke again.

"That's fine!"

With Wang Feng nodding, a group of people, led by Emperor Zhidri, headed towards the Palace of Zhidri Holy Palace, including Bai Hong, who was also invited.

Although Bai Hong is a member of the Tianqiong Nether Clan, he also helped the Immortal Sect this time. Therefore, the Sun-hiding Emperor did not exclude Bai Hong, which would undoubtedly make Wang Feng unhappy.

After Wang Feng and others left, many cultivators in the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty just recovered from the shock and started talking one after another with excitement on their faces.

"I didn't expect that the Immortal Sect would be so powerful. It's really scary!"

"Yeah, I don't know how to join the Immortal Sect?"

"This time, the Shenxian Sect may have directly established a new situation for the entire Qiankun Holy World. In the future, if there are no accidents in this holy world, the Shenxian Sect will be respected!"

Amidst the noise, many cultivators from the Holy City of Hiding the Sun also dispersed, leaving only the devastated land outside the Holy City of Hiding the Sun, an interpretation of the horrific battle just now!

The eldest prince stood coldly on the wall of the Sun-covering Holy City, and did not return to his senses for a long time.

Previously, the Death Nether Clan had tried to win over him and wanted to help him win the throne of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty. But after this battle, he no longer had to hesitate to cooperate with the Death Nether Clan. I'm afraid it won't be long before the Death Nether Clan It is not certain whether the clan can exist or not.

What makes Leng Lie even more painful is that his other support, the master of the Killing God Pavilion, was also beheaded. The entire Killing God Pavilion will probably be destroyed soon.

Looking at the entire Qiankun Holy World, he can no longer find a force that can help him win the throne?

Is it possible that not even the sky is optimistic about him?

Otherwise, why treat him like this? But just when he had the greatest hope, a Immortal Sect appeared and completely shattered his hope.


He is cold and doesn't believe in fate, he doesn't believe in God, he only believes in himself!

Even if he pays any price, he will win the supreme throne.

Leng Lie's eyes gradually turned red. The position of the Great Emperor has become an obsession in his heart. If he can't get it, he will never be able to get ahead in his life. If he gets it, his future cultivation path will be extremely open.

The powerful strength of the Immortal Sect indeed made him frightened, but the obsession in his heart also made him unable to let go of the supreme throne!

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