The Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land is located deep in the Evil Buddha's Celestial Palace and is a natural secret realm.

After Xie Fotian, the first generation of Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace's lord, founded Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, he shrouded the entire secret realm in the huge and glorious palace of Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, in order to cover up and protect this mysterious forbidden land!

After being reinforced by the evil Buddha Heavenly Palace masters and many immortal emperor ancestors of the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, an extremely strict formation system has almost been formed around the entire secret realm. Even the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm masters want to Breaking into this evil Buddha's forbidden area is not that simple.

Coupled with the guarding of many ancestors of the Evil Buddha Celestial Palace who have reached the Immortal Emperor Realm, the entire Evil Buddha Celestial Palace can be called the most formidable place in the Evil Buddha Celestial Palace.

"Tap! Tread!"

But at this moment, the originally silent Evil Buddha's forbidden area suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. Two figures came slowly from a distance. They seemed slow, but in fact each step covered an extremely long distance.

These two figures are Xie Foliu and Leng Lie!

The closer he got to the evil Buddha's forbidden area, the cold light in Evil Buddha Liu's eyes became stronger and stronger, and an undetectable sneer flashed across his face. It wouldn't take long for him to regain the insult he had suffered before!

He wants to take back the insult he suffered from this person tenfold and a hundredfold!

Even if this person's cultivation reaches the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, once he steps into the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land, he will only end up being suppressed. Not to mention the several ancestors who guard the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land, only those in the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land The terrifying formation contained in it cannot be resisted by ordinary experts at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

The formations in the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land were created by Lord Evil Buddha, the first generation of Lord Evil Buddha. At that time, Lord Evil Buddha's strength was not only arrogant to the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, but he was at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Among them, there are few opponents.

Leng Lie seemed not to notice Xie Foliu's expression, and followed Xie Foliu to the Xie Foliu's forbidden area calmly, without any disturbance in his whole person.

"Master, are you sure that the friend you mentioned is in this evil Buddha's forbidden area?"

"You are so powerful, and your friends must also be powerful. How could you be trapped in this mere evil Buddha's heavenly palace?"

At this moment, Leng Lie didn't pay any attention to the evil Buddha flow beside him. Instead, he sank his whole mind into the simple box and asked secretly.

The reason why he came to the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace as soon as he came to the Chaos Emperor Realm was because he was ordered by his mysterious master to come to the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace to save those who were suppressed in the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land. friends!

"This mere Evil Buddha Celestial Palace cannot suppress my old friend!"

"I sensed a trace of the aura of an old friend from the people in this Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace. I think it was the person who originally founded the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace. He accidentally got a little inheritance from my old friend and founded this Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace. of!"

"Lie'er, you have to remember that the only people who can suppress me and my old friends are the most powerful people in the world, even those at the highest level of ordinary gods. They are no match for me and others! If you want to avenge my master, There’s still a long way to go!”

In the chaotic space, ancient and vicissitudes of sound echoed.

"Master, don't worry. One day, the disciples will definitely kill all the enemies who insult the master! Let them bear the humiliation a hundred times and a thousand times heavier than the master!"

A cold light flashed in Leng Lie's eyes, and he spoke extremely firmly.

"Okay! Don't worry, you will be trained as a teacher. As long as your mind is strong enough, you will become the strongest in the world. It only takes a short time!"

A word of relief sounded in the chaotic space again, and these words also contained strong confidence!


"If a foreign enemy invades, please take action to suppress it!"

At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly exploded in Leng Lie's ears, which brought him back to his mind. He looked intently and found that Evil Buddha Liu didn't know when he had rushed into the Evil Buddha's forbidden area and was heading towards Roaring at the evil Buddha's forbidden area.

Seeing this, Leng Lie raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth. He did not take action to stop Xie Foliu, but stared at Xie Foliu coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

For Leng Lie, the evil Buddha flow at this moment is like a clown, no matter how you look at it, it's ridiculous!

"Who dares to invade my Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace?"

Not long after the roar of the evil Buddha stream sounded, an ancient voice suddenly came out from the evil Buddha's forbidden area. The ripple-like sound waves mixed with majestic power rippled out, just like the brilliant sound of heaven. If There are people with insufficient cultivation here, and this sound alone is enough to shatter them.


As this voice sounded, several extremely powerful forces soared into the sky from the Evil Buddha's forbidden area. The entire area was filled with a thick and oppressive aura that made people almost suffocate.

At the same time, the originally dead Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land seemed to come to life. Wisps of mysterious runes lit up from within the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land. The entire Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land bloomed with bright brilliance. Wisps of mysterious runes appeared in the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land. The evil Buddha's forbidden area is criss-crossed like a series of powerful dragons.

After these runes lit up, a strong murderous aura bloomed from the Evil Buddha's forbidden area, making people feel like they were falling into a bloody battlefield, and their souls could not stop trembling.

But such terrifying and unrivaled power still failed to change Leng Lie at all. He stood with his hands behind his back and scanned the entire Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land indifferently, like a lofty divine king looking down at a group of ants, with a temperament Dominate the world!


At this moment, the void in front of the Evil Buddha's Forbidden Land was suddenly torn open with a huge hole, and then several figures stepped out of the void!

The leader is a monk wearing a red cassock, and the other four are also wearing light red cassocks, but they all have long gray hair.

These five are the ancestors of the Immortal Emperor Realm of the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace. The leader is the Buddha Spirit Heaven, the great ancestor of the Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace, who has reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm. The other four are all in the early stages of immortality. Under the pinnacle of immortality!

As soon as he appeared, Fo Lingtian, the Great Patriarch of the Evil Buddha Tiangong, squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Leng Lie, with a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.

"Great Ancestor, this is the man who coerced his disciples and asked them to take him to the forbidden land of the Evil Buddha. This man is extremely powerful. If he is not his only enemy, he may have reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm!"

Seeing the appearance of Fo Lingtian and others, Xie Foliu seemed to have found a supporter. A flash of joy flashed in his heart, but his face was extremely aggrieved and full of anger.


"I have been waiting for a long time, but I didn't expect that now even some cats and dogs would dare to provoke my Evil Buddha Heavenly Palace? I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Hearing Xie Foliu's words, Fo Lingtian's eyes turned cold and he snorted coldly. His words were filled with endless killing intent, causing the temperature of this world to drop to the extreme!

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