Just as he could feel the terror of the Great Demon Xuancha, he believed that the Great Demon Xuancha could also feel his power. Jianxuan's qualifications were indeed good, but compared to him, they were far behind.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Great Demon Xuan Cha agrees to seize the Jian Xuan, the Great Demon Xuan Cha will not only get a young prodigy, but also a top powerhouse who has a high chance of achieving the Hongmeng Divine Realm!

Everyone must know how to choose, right?

What's more, once he is reborn, he will be powerful not only because of his qualifications, but also because of the countless years of experience he has practiced. His training speed will be even more terrifying than that of ordinary top geniuses.


After hearing Kui's words, the Great Demon Xuan Cha didn't even hesitate, and directly exploded his momentum. He stared at 'Jian Xuan' coldly, and the killing intent bursting out of his body was even more fierce and terrifying than before.

"You don't understand at all the importance of being a disciple of the Immortal Sect!"

"Only those approved by the sect master can become disciples of the Immortal Sect. Otherwise, even if you are the strongest in the world, you will not be able to become a disciple of our Immortal Sect!"

As the Xuan Cha Demon shouted loudly, endless demon patterns spread out from his body, spreading all over the world in the blink of an eye. The sky on the eighth floor of the Blood Tower dimmed, and the sky of endless dark demon energy , covering the entire sky, as if turning the eighth floor of the Blood Tower into a demonic realm.

Seeing this scene, 'Jian Xuan''s pupils shrank, and a look of panic flashed deep in his eyes. He never expected that the Great Demon Xuan Sha would reject his proposal.

Is he stupid?

Now he has only a trace of his soul left. Even if he forcibly borrows Jianxuan's body, the strength he can unleash is only at the level of the Immortal Emperor. He has not even reached the peak of immortality, and it's not long yet. Otherwise, Jianxuan His body will be directly exploded by his terrifying power.

Under such circumstances, he is simply no match for the Great Demon Xuan Cha, a powerful man in the Hongmeng Divine Realm. Even in his heyday, he may not be a match for the Great Demon Xuan Cha, not to mention that now there is only one ray left. Remnant soul?

"Your Excellency, I give up the fight for my body and let me go. All the wealth I have accumulated before can be given to you!"

Under the terrifying power of the Xuan Cha Demon, Kui directly compromised and said to the Xuan Cha Demon.


"You can take your home if you want, and you can leave if you want? Do you really think that there is no one in our Immortal Sect?"

Hearing Kui's words, the Great Demon Xuancha snorted coldly, with murderous intent surging all over his body. He waved his hands violently, and wisps of magic patterns rotated as he waved his hands, gradually forming a dark sharp sword.

However, this pitch-black sword seemed to have no deterrent effect. Wang Feng and others did not even feel the slightest edge from the sword. However, towards this pitch-black sword, Wang Feng and others But no one dares to look down upon him in the slightest.

Just one glance made their entire souls tremble, as if there was a sharp sword hanging over their souls. Although their bodies did not feel the slightest threat, their souls felt a huge crisis.

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and understood that the offensive unleashed by the Xuansha Demon should be aimed at the soul, not the physical body. Only this kind of offensive could kill Jianxuan in his body without harming him. The remaining soul of him was extinguished.

As soon as the pitch-black sword appeared, the remnant soul of Kui Zhi in 'Jian Xuan''s body felt a strong crisis, which made his whole soul tremble continuously and made him panic.


A desperate cry came from Zi Kui's mouth.

He originally thought that he had no plan left. Before his death, he had already laid the seeds to use his position as the city lord of Eternal Night City to have countless big forces compete for it. Through the geniuses of these big forces, he would select the genius most suitable for him to seize the body and be reborn.

In fact, his plan was indeed successful. Jianxuan was incomparably suitable for him to seize the body. The chance of rebirth was quite high, even 100%. If he could live another life, he would definitely be able to ascend to the divine realm and become the supreme power in all the worlds. By.

But he never expected that all his plans would come to nothing due to the appearance of the Xuan Cha Demon!

"call out!"

As Kui let out a cry of despair, the pitch-black sword was like a meteor, piercing the sky in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced the forehead of 'Jian Xuan'!


If anyone could see through Jianxuan's mind, they would find that at the moment when the dark sword penetrated, endless sword energy spurted out, just like sword energy, sweeping through Jianxuan's entire mind and removing all the things that were swirling in Jianxuan's mind. That wisp of blood-red soul was crushed into pieces.

These jet-black sword energies were extremely sharp, but they did not harm Jianxuan's soul at all. It was as if he had spirituality and could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

An ordinary strong man who has just broken into the divine realm would never be able to achieve the control of the Great Demon of Xuan Cha. However, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha possesses everything that a demon who controls the sky has, including his experience in using power. To achieve this step, It's easy to do.


After the blood-red soul body was twisted into pieces, a roar suddenly came from Jian Xuan's body. The remnant soul of Kui was annihilated into pure soul power by the sharp sword exploded by the Xuan Cha Demon. The nourishment that turned into Jian Xuan's soul was absorbed by Jian Xuan!

"Sect Master, what happened?"

After an unknown amount of time, Jian Xuan woke up faintly, looked at Wang Feng and others with a blank expression, and asked.

"A clown tried to steal your body and be reborn, but he was killed by this demon!"

After Jian Xuan finished speaking, before Wang Feng could say anything, the Great Demon Xuan Cha on the side said directly.

Hearing this, Jian Xuan's pupils shrank, and a hint of fear appeared in his heart. He quickly bowed to Jian Xuan and thanked him: "Thank you, Chief Manager, for saving my life!"

Just now, his entire consciousness fell into a coma. He didn't understand what happened at all, but he could also imagine that without the help of the Xuansha Demon, he would have been snatched away by that person and reborn. , the entire consciousness was completely wiped out.

"It doesn't matter! If you join the Immortal Sect, you will be one of your own!"

The Great Demon Xuansha waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

As soon as he said this, Jianxuan was even more grateful. If he had not chosen to join the Immortal Sect, he would have died long ago. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, even if he was lucky enough to get the Fengkui Emperor Sword, he would not be able to escape being snatched away in the end. End!

"Okay, get ready to leave!"

Wang Feng waved his hand and said indifferently.

He understands that there is still a tough battle waiting for him outside. Many of the geniuses who participated in the battle for the city lord of Yongye City have died, but they are the only ones left. What will happen to those arrogant and self-righteous powerful men? Treat them without thinking.

But Wang Feng is not afraid. Perhaps this is also an opportunity for the Immortal Sect to rise!

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