Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 836 Emperor Xuanling Flower

Following Dugu Zhi's outline, a white tiger gradually took shape in the void. As the white tiger emerged, a sharp killing aura suddenly filled the entire world. Accompanying this killing aura, There is also a strong tiger power!

Tiger, the king of the earth, the supreme beast!

When this tiger's power emerged, the ferocious monster suddenly trembled, and its scarlet gaze suddenly shot towards Dugu Zhi, as if it felt threatened, it became more and more violent!


Fierce and majestic power surged out from its huge body, attacking Wu Ming and others crazily, trying to break away from the siege of Wu Ming and others, and strangle the lonely wisdom that gave it crisis in the cradle. middle!

However, Wu Ming and others, who cooperated tacitly, knew that Dugu Zhi had reached a critical moment, so they gritted their teeth and burst out their own strength, and they were stunned to hold back this ferocious monster at the peak of the emperor!


The ferocious monster trapped in the siege of Wu Ming and others became more and more violent. It raised its head to the sky and let out a roar like a bell. The tyrannical power filled the air, and the single horn on its head shone brightly. , like a sharp sword, emitting terrifying sharp edges!


This terrifying edge directly destroyed the offensive of Wu Ming and others. Bursts of roars resounded throughout the world. The terrifying storm of power swept away in all directions, destroying everything around them and forcing Wu Ming and others to the ground. Get away!


While Wu Ming and others were forced to retreat, a strong murderous intention flashed in the eyes of the ferocious monster. It glared with its hind legs and rushed towards Dugu Zhi like a sharp arrow. The majestic power condensed in its bloody mouth , causing the void in front of Dugu Zhi to distort in a manner visible to the naked eye!

"Xiao Zhi...!"

Seeing the ferocious monster rushing towards Dugu Zhi, Wu Ming and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they exclaimed. As if they were desperate for their lives, they rushed towards the ferocious monster crazily.

As the youngest and the most qualified among the five of them, Dugu Zhi is already the group favorite among them. Although the five of them are not real brothers, they have become closer than real brothers after spending many years together. He has already regarded the other party as his closest relative!

How could they not be worried now that they saw Dugu Zhi encountering a crisis?

Facing the attack of the ferocious beast, Dugu Zhi did not panic. A ray of determination flashed across his immature face. He took a deep breath, and the power in his body surged out even more vigorously!

The Geng Jin Xuan Brush in his hand also sketched out faster and faster, and the shape of the white tiger became more and more complete!

"The white tiger comes to the world!"

With a low roar from Dugu Zhi, the white tiger floating in the void took full shape. The strong power of the tiger and the terrifying edge swept across the entire world, as if a real white tiger, a mythical beast, had come into the world, making people tremble uncontrollably!


The deafening tiger roar resounded in all directions, and the white tiger seemed to come to life. A flash of agility flashed in its huge pupils, and its huge body rushed towards the ferocious monster!

The white tiger seemed to turn into a white stream of light. It was extremely fast. In just the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the ferocious monster. The terrifying power caused a humanized fear to flash in the eyes of the ferocious monster. !


As a roar resounded, the white tiger completely collided with the ferocious monster. However, what is surprising is that the white tiger did not attack the ferocious monster. Instead, it completely enveloped the ferocious monster. It looks like the two monster beasts have completely merged!

"Quick! That monster has been sealed by me and has lost any power. It is no different from an ordinary beast!"

Dugu Zhi's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his face was slightly pale, and he shouted loudly.


Hearing Dugu Zhi's roar, Wu Ming and others reacted one after another, and without hesitation, they fully exploded their power, turning into fierce offensives and attacking the ferocious monster!


In just a moment, the ferocious monster was enveloped by the violent attack. The deafening sound of explosions resounded throughout the mountain forest. The surrounding ground cracked open, smoke filled the sky, and gravel splashed!

"Phew, I finally killed this monster!"

Wu Ming collapsed to the ground without any image, and said breathlessly that although they were powerful in combat, they were still in the early stages of the Emperor's Realm. Five people working together could kill a monster at the peak of the Emperor, which was enough to prove that they The horror of talent!

After all, the combat power of the monster beast itself is even more powerful than that of an ordinary peak emperor. It is no exaggeration to say that this monster beast of the peak emperor is no weaker than the peak emperor genius of the human race, and is even a bit stronger!

"It's time for me to wait for the harvest!"

Huo Xuan's face flashed with anticipation and he murmured softly.

When Huo Xuan finished speaking, Wu Ming and others looked at the dark cave not far away, with a look of expectation flashing on their faces. The cave of the monster at the peak of the emperor must have rich treasures, not to mention enough to make them come back. It’s a step up, but at least it can make them a lot of money!

Although they are the most powerful forces in Yongye City, the forces they belong to are all small forces in Yongye City. They are not even comparable to the Sword Body Sect. Naturally, they cannot support the huge supplies they need for cultivation. So they can only rely on themselves.

Afterwards, Wu Ming and others rested for a while and then eagerly walked towards the dark cave!

About half a quarter of an hour later, Wu Ming and others appeared outside the cave again, their faces flashing with joy. The treasure in the monster cave did not disappoint them!

"I didn't expect that this monster actually collected an Emperor Mystic Spirit Flower!"

"Xiao Zhi is the youngest. Give Xiao Zhi this Emperor Mystic Spirit Flower!"

Wu Ming sighed, then glanced at Leng Yao and the others, and said.

The Emperor Xuan Spirit Flower is a monarch-level heavenly material and earthly treasure, and it is the top monarch-level heavenly material and earthly treasure. Once they take it, their cultivation level will definitely be promoted to the middle stage of the Emperor Sect, and it is very likely that they will even be promoted to the Emperor Sect. Later!

The only pity is that this Emperor Mystic Spirit Flower is only enough for one person. If there are more, they may not even reach the middle stage of the Emperor Sect. Of course, their strength will be enhanced, but Wu Ming still does not hesitate. To Dugu Zhi!

When Wu Ming finished speaking, Leng Yao and others didn't hesitate at all and nodded directly. Not only did they say that Dugu Zhi was their group favorite, they just said that Dugu Zhi was the one who contributed the most in this battle. He got this Emperor Xuanling. Flowers, it makes sense!

Without Dugu Zhi's final seal, it's not certain whether they could kill that monster!

Dugu Zhi was silent for a moment, then reached out to take it. He knew the character of Wu Ming and others. Although he didn't show it at all on his face, he kept the feelings of Wu Ming and others in his heart!

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