"Your Excellency, please come this way!"

The old man sitting in the village suppressed the shock in his heart, bowed respectfully to the young man, and said.

Such a huge undertaking is no longer his decision.

The young man nodded indifferently, followed behind the old man who was sitting in the bank, and walked towards the back of the main hall. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared into the main hall, leaving behind many gamblers with shocked faces.

These gamblers also know that for today's huge bets, the old man sitting at the bank is not qualified at all. He may not even be qualified to make the decision, even the owner of the Digan Casino. The person behind the casino can really make the decision!

They all turned their attention to the huge light screen next to the main hall, staring at the bottom of Eternal Night City. Whether this unprecedented bet in the history of the Chaos Emperor Realm can be established depends on whether the young man appears above the light screen. The name and the bet are up!

Deep in the Diqian Casino, in a glorious hall, the owner of the Diqian Casino, Di Hongtian, is lying on his throne, closing his eyes and concentrating. Behind him, there are two beautiful maids, rubbing his shoulders and back. .

Di Hongtian is not handsome, nor tall, and has a big belly. He looks like a rich man, but the majestic aura that permeates his body makes the void around him distort, and even makes him feel uncomfortable. The two maids whom he rubbed on the shoulders and backs both had a terrifying aura.

But at this pleasant moment, Di Hongtian's eyes suddenly narrowed, he suddenly drove towards the entrance of the hall, and shouted in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

"Sir, Ye Gong wants to see you!"

A vicissitude of words came from the door and rang in the hall.

"Let him in!"


As Di Hongtian's words fell, the old man sitting in the village slowly walked into the hall with the mysterious young man. When he saw Ye Gong bringing an outsider to see him, Di Hongtian's lazy posture disappeared instantly and was replaced by He looked majestic. He sat up straighter and looked at the mysterious young man.

What shocked Di Hongtian was that even with his cultivation in the Immortal Emperor realm, he could not find out the details of this mysterious young man, which made him feel a little more solemn.

"Sir, this strong man plans to bet the whole world to defeat Yongye City!"

After entering the main hall, Ye Gong, the old man in charge, spoke directly without any hesitation.


When Ye Gong said these words, Di Hongtian's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at the mysterious young man next to Ye Gong in surprise. Even the two maids beside him were shocked, with beautiful eyes twinkling. There was a hint of trembling.

Even though they have been dressed like Emperor Hongtian for many years and have seen many powerful people display their generosity, they have never seen such an unparalleled act of using the whole world as a bet.

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, Your Excellency could be so accomplished. I am deeply impressed!"

After a moment, Di Hongtian calmed down the shock on his face, looked at the mysterious young man, and said with a chuckle, what he said was true. This was the first time he had encountered such a huge handiwork since he became the owner of Diqian Casino. !

Hearing this, the mysterious young man smiled but did not speak.

"I would like to ask, what is your name?"

Seeing this, Di Hongtian did not mean to blame him, but spoke again. In his eyes, this mysterious young man was a rich man and could not be offended.

What a world, even though he was well-informed, he was shocked by this young man's handiwork.

"Emperor Xiaoyao!"

The mysterious young man didn't mean to hide anything and spoke directly.

"Emperor Xiaoyao?"

Hearing this, a bright light flashed in Di Hongtian's eyes, and he murmured in a low voice. His mind immediately started running at high speed, searching for all the information about this name. What shocked him was that, even with his experience, I couldn't find any information about this name.

Perhaps, in order to cover up, this person gave a random name!

Di Hongtian thought of this, some big-money gamblers would often say a random name in order to prevent others from knowing their true identity. After all, being too sharp can easily lead to disaster.

Just like Eternal Night City, it was because of its strong edge that it attracted the fear of many top forces, which triggered this unprecedented war and also allowed their casinos to make a lot of money.

Even if the odds of the Ultimate Alliance are low, millions of gamblers can beat the Ultimate Alliance to win, and the wealth required to pay is beyond ordinary people's imagination, but don't forget, the handling fee alone is It's enough to pay for this wealth, and even make a fortune.

But now it seems that there is no way to make a fortune, it is simply a huge profit. This is a world. Di Hongtian has the same idea as many gamblers. He is not optimistic about Yongye City at all. In his opinion, this Once a young man really bets a whole world on the victory of Yongye City, then this world will 100% go into his pocket!

Given Di Hongtian's temperament, he couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this.

"The bet to win in Yongye City is one to one hundred!"

"If you really suppress a world, then Yongye City will win. Our Emperor Gan Casino will compensate you for a hundred worlds. If Yongye City loses, then you will not only have to pay a large handling fee, but the world you suppressed, It will also become the world of our Digan Casino!”

"I would like to ask you again, do you really want to conquer a whole world, and more importantly, Yongye City?"

Di Hongtian stared at the mysterious young man closely and asked in a deep voice.

With such a huge gesture, he had to be cautious. If he had not just consulted the real owner of Diqian Casino behind it, he would not have dared to accept this bet.

Although he is not optimistic about Yongye City, what if it happens? What if Yongye City really wins? That's a whole hundred worlds. Even if the entire Diqian Casino is not enough to compensate, even the existence behind him may not be able to make such a huge effort.


Under Di Hongtian's nervous gaze, the mysterious young man, Emperor Xiaoyao, slowly responded, with a calm expression on his face, as if this was just an unimportant matter.

Even Emperor Hongtian admired him for his magnanimity.

After receiving the confirmation from Emperor Xiaoyao, Di Hongtian and Ye Gong beside him were so excited that they were trembling with excitement. They were not only the powerful people in charge of the Diqian Casino, but they were also gamblers themselves. They could witness the largest gambling event in the history of the Chaos Emperor Realm. The birth of gambling is their honor!

"From now on, you will be our most distinguished guest at Digan Casino!"

"No matter what the bet is, you are the one!"

"Whenever you step into our Digan Casino, the odds will be doubled and the redemption rate will be doubled!"

Di Hongtian suppressed his excitement, stared at Xiaoyao Daojun, and said in a deep voice, with such a unique gambling, his Diqian Casino will probably be famous in the casino world of the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, and even become the largest in the Chaos Emperor Realm. One of the casinos!

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