Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 857 The sword comes out and becomes a legend

At this time, Yun Luoxuan didn't pay enough attention to him and looked down on him at all.

Therefore, this is definitely his best chance to kill Yun Luoxuan. When no one knows that the Mysterious Dao Sword in his hand is a divine weapon, he explodes with all his strength and kills Yun Luoxuan by surprise!

With this thought, the power in Wang Feng's body gathered more and more fiercely, pouring into the Xuanji Dao Sword in his hand. Although this power did not cause the Xuanji Dao Sword to fluctuate at all.

But don’t forget, this Mysterious Dao Sword is a supreme divine weapon. Even if it is no longer at its peak, the sword’s own sharpness is enough to tear the sky apart. How can someone at the peak of Tongtian Emperor Realm resist it?


Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a bright light, and the sword power in his body was concentrated to the extreme, and he slashed out violently!

In an instant, the entire world was dimmed, with only a glimmer of light emerging!

What a shocking sword this is?

It can't be described in words at all, it's like time and space are going backwards, and mountains and rivers are upside down!

When the sword comes out, the world is shocked, ghosts and gods cry!

Even the powerful Immortal Emperor Realm masters cannot see through the mystery of swordsmanship contained in this sword, and they cannot even capture it. The movement trajectory of this sword is indistinct, but it contains a terrifying edge.


In an instant, this sword light streaked across the sky like a meteor, as if tearing the sky into two halves. The dragon shadow erupted by Yun Luoxuan, under this sword light, was like a bubble, touching It broke into pieces and turned into little stars, dissipating in the world without causing any waves!

In the heaven and earth, there was not even an impact of power, as if the aftermath of the dragon shadow's shattering had been swallowed up by this sword light.

Under Yun Luoxuan's frightened gaze, this sword light slashed towards Yun Luoxuan at an unstoppable speed.


The sound of penetration resounded in the silent world. Yun Luoxuan's pupils widened, she lowered her head and looked at the scars on her body in disbelief. At this moment, she could clearly feel the pain on her body. Life was passing quickly. Since her birth, she had never felt so close to death!


After a moment, blood like a waterfall spurted out from Yun Luoxuan's waist, but what spewed out was not blood like running water, but clouds of blood mist, as if it had been destroyed by some powerful force. generally!


Yun Luoxuan's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't get them out. The light in her eyes gradually went out, and the vitality in her body completely dissipated.


With a roar, Yun Luoxuan's whole body exploded, turning into little bits of light and disappearing into the world without leaving even a trace!

A strong person like Yun Luoxuan can be reincarnated or seize a body even with a drop of blood. However, the terrifying edge contained in Wang Feng's sword directly completely destroyed the vitality in her body and even wiped out every drop of blood in her body. All the vitality was completely destroyed.

Since he planned to kill Yun Luoxuan, how could Wang Feng give her a chance of rebirth?


Wang Feng was holding the Xuanji Dao Sword, breathing heavily, his face was as pale as paper, and cold sweat was pouring from his forehead. With this sword, he almost used all his strength, and he almost collapsed, but the effect was also remarkable. , successfully killed Yun Luoxuan, a terrifying powerhouse at the peak of the Tongtian Emperor Realm.

Of course, if Yun Luoxuan hadn't been so careless and despised Wang Feng, maybe she wouldn't have died so easily, but it was too late.

When Wang Feng was breathing heavily, the whole world seemed to have fallen into a state of silence, and it was extremely silent.

All the strong men present opened their mouths and widened their eyes like sculptures, staring at Wang Feng in the void with trembling fear. Their minds went blank, and they even lost the ability to think!

They thought about many endings, and even thought about Wang Feng being able to resist Yun Luoxuan who was attacking with all his strength, but they never thought about the ending where Yun Luoxuan was killed by Wang Feng with one sword.

I don't know how many cultivators' worldviews were shattered at this moment, and their entire souls were even trembling. It was even more terrifying than the heaven-defying qualifications and combat power that Wang Feng had shown before.

That's right, at this moment, the feeling of everyone present was no longer shocked, but horrified!

They couldn't believe that a terrifying monster like Wang Feng could be born in this world. With his cultivation at the peak of the Red Dust Emperor Realm, he could kill Yun Luoxuan, who was at the peak of the Tongtian Emperor Realm, with one sword.

Let me ask, in all the worlds, apart from Wang Feng, is there any person at the pinnacle of the Red Dust Emperor Realm who can do this?

This sword is no longer a move, but a legend that lasts forever. Wang Feng not only killed his enemies, but also created a taboo legend that the world cannot look up to and reach.

Everyone present could not come back to their senses for a long time. Even the Immortal Emperor Realm expert who was hiding in the void looked at Wang Feng with horrifying eyes, and his whole body even trembled slightly.

"No wonder it makes you fearful. Is this person serious...serious...?"

In the void, Fo Lingtian, the ancestor of the Evil Buddha Tiangong, stared at Wang Feng with horrified eyes and murmured involuntarily. He wanted to find a word to describe it, but he found that the vocabulary in his mind did not exist at all. A word that can describe Wang Feng at this time.

"If I had known that this kid was so scary, I should have given him all my help!"

On the other side, Uncle Lin also said with regret, his face was also full of horror. With the amazing combat power shown by Wang Feng, the Juepin Alliance might be in trouble this time, and he, the Xuanyuan God Clan, also missed out on a man with unlimited potential. The evil monster!

The icing on the cake is always better than giving help when it is time. If they had given Wang Feng all-out help from the beginning, perhaps their relationship with the Shenxian Sect would not be limited to the surface. Now even if they have the relationship with Xuanyuan Yi, his Xuanyuan God Clan and the Shenxian Sect will not have the same relationship. It will be a real bond!

"City Lord...City Lord actually...?"

While Uncle Lin and Fo Lingtian were lamenting their annoyance, Mu Chen and others, who were standing outside Yongye City, looked at Wang Feng's tall back, and the shock in their hearts could not be greater.

Mu Chen couldn't even speak. He was so excited that his whole body was trembling. No words could describe his inner emotions at this time. He never expected that Wang Feng could kill Yun Luoxuan with one sword. , even he may not be Yun Luoxuan's opponent!

Before, Wang Feng was still a young man with unparalleled qualifications. But after this battle, who dares to treat Wang Feng as a young man? Even a powerful person in the Immortal Emperor Realm would not dare to underestimate Wang Feng!

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