Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 867 The Sword Demon Devours the Sky

"Sword Demon Eats the Sky!"

As a low roar came out, Uncle Lin's eyes suddenly condensed, and the power of his whole body was instantly concentrated on the immortal sword in his hand. The immortal sword in his hand fell down like a volcano erupting!


The sword power that exploded at that moment was like the earth falling apart. The powerful edge of the sword made a huge sonic boom vibrate in the void. The bright sword light, like a rainbow, shot past and dragged out a A long, dark crack!

At the same time, a powerful Immortal Emperor Realm warrior with the highest power was charging towards Uncle Lin. The ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch under the pressure of Uncle Lin's sword, but from all directions, there were cracks. There was a huge suction force, which firmly bound the Immortal Emperor Realm expert in the void, causing the impact to stop immediately.

"Immortal Sword Domain!"

The extremely powerful Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse shrank his pupils and suddenly exclaimed, a look of panic flashed across his face!

The Immortal Dao Realm is when a cultivator reaches the Immortal Emperor Realm and condenses the Tao Principles into a realm that controls the world. It is an extension of the Tao Principles and also represents the power of the Immortal Emperor Realm to command the power of heaven and earth!

As for Uncle Lin, he condensed his own swordsmanship into the Immortal Sword Domain. With one sword strike, it was like a domain suppressing him. It was very terrifying. Xuanyuan Tianba also had a fist domain, but he was extremely confident in his own strength. It hasn’t exploded yet!

The Immortal Dao Realm is an evolutionary way for the powerful in the Immortal Emperor Realm to understand the mysteries of the Immortal Imperial Realm. After evolving this Immortal Dao Realm to its peak, the embryo of the Kingdom of God will be formed. Once the Kingdom of God is condensed, Coupled with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, you can break through to the Hongmeng God Realm!

Of course, during the evolution of the Immortal Realm, one can devour and fuse the real world to strengthen the progress of the evolution of the Immortal Realm. Therefore, Emperor Xiaoyao previously used a world as a bet to bet on the victory of Yongye City, which led to such a situation. What a big shock!

After all, for the powerful Immortal Emperor Realm, a real world is an opportunity to improve their strength. Who is willing to take it out as a bet? Even the so-called prodigal son would not dare to be so prodigal!

Wang Feng, who was standing in the sky above Yongye City, was even more shaken at this time, staring at the sword that Uncle Lin had unleashed. For a swordsman like him, he could understand Uncle Lin's move even more. The secret of swordsmanship contained in the sword.

Watching a strong swordsman like Uncle Lin fight is also a kind of accumulation of experience for Wang Feng, which will be of great benefit to him in the future to condense his own immortal sword domain!


Under the horrified gaze of the Immortal Emperor Realm expert, the sword that Uncle Lin unleashed struck him down with lightning speed.

The speed of this sword was extremely fast, even exceeding the reaction speed of the Immortal Emperor Realm strongman. In an instant, it was in front of the Immortal Emperor Realm strongman!

Under the great terror between life and death, the Immortal Emperor Realm expert's pores stood upright, his whole body tensed up, and he roared suddenly, bursting out his power crazily, even burning his own essence and blood, transforming Become a powerful force!

This Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse has just broken through the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor Realm. He is considered the weakest among the many top Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses who came to Eternal Night City!

But no matter how weak he is, he is still a strong person in the Immortal Emperor Realm. Even if he cannot see through the speed of Uncle Lin's sword, he is still extremely sensitive to the crisis. In an instant, he bursts out with infinite power, forming a bell-like body. Protect yourself with a protective shield!

At the same time, the terrifying power condensed by his burning essence and blood gathered into an offensive, striking out from the guardian bell shadow and bombarding the sword light.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the rolling force impacted in all directions, causing the void where the Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse was to explode like a broken mirror.


The bell shadow condensed by the Immortal Emperor Realm expert suddenly shattered, and the sword light shattered, as if he had successfully resisted Uncle Lin's sword!

The head of the Immortal Emperor Realm expert was covered in cold sweat, his face was as pale as paper, and there was a sense of fear in his heart. Even he himself did not expect that he could react so quickly in this instant. Really withstood Uncle Lin's terrifying sword!

But the next second, he felt something was wrong. When he reacted, a flash of extremely sharp sword light had easily broken through his immortal body and cut him in half!

The extremely sharp sword energy contained strong corrosive properties and eroded away the vitality contained in the immortal body of this powerful Immortal Emperor Realm warrior. However, in just a short moment, this powerful Immortal Imperial Realm warrior became as if Like fireworks, they exploded and turned into wisps of stars, twinkling in the sky and earth, adding a touch of splendor to this terrifying battlefield!


"Kendo illusion!"

Many powerful onlookers in the distance took a breath when they saw this scene. They did not expect that this immortal battle had just begun, and an immortal emperor had already fallen!

That was the Immortal Emperor Realm. The extremely powerful man who stood at the top of the entire Chaos Emperor Realm fell so easily? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that this scene was real!

Some peak powerhouses in the Tongtian Emperor Realm who were already comprehending the mysteries of immortality even screamed out in surprise. None of them expected that Uncle Lin's seemingly terrifying sword turned out to be fake. Even Wang Feng couldn't believe it. He was unable to react. It was not until the real sword light struck that he reacted, with a dignified look on his face!

Uncle Lin's sword is extremely deceptive. Most people really can't react. Uncle Lin's sword is actually combined with the illusion of swordsmanship. If he hadn't seen Uncle Lin's fighting process, even Wang Feng would have They are all likely to be injured by Uncle Lin's sword, and killing them is impossible. Wang Feng, who possesses four strange things, is even more difficult to kill than an ordinary peak-level Immortal Emperor Realm expert!

"This is Uncle Lin's terror!"

"This Sword Demon Devouring Heaven was created by Uncle Lin himself. It contains the mysteries of swordsmanship that he has learned throughout his life. In order to create this move, Uncle Lin even went to a sect that fully practiced illusion alone and hid his identity there. I am willing to be a mere disciple and devote myself to the study of illusion. It took a hundred thousand years to create this trick!"

"Even my father was extremely impressed by Uncle Lin's move. He claimed that if Uncle Lin could break through to the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, there would be no more than ten fingers in this Emperor Realm that could block Uncle Lin's move!"

When Wang Feng was shocked, Xuanyuan Yi's voice transmission suddenly sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

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