Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 870 Tianxuan Overlord Body


A series of terrifying supernatural powers stood in the sky like a bright sun, and the terrifying power fluctuations swept across the entire world, making the world seem to be destroyed and dim.

Everyone present was trembling, looking at the god-like ancestors of the Heavenly Palace with horrified eyes. Their whole souls seemed to be wandering on the edge of death, extremely cold!

At this moment, the power displayed by the ancestors of the Great Heavenly Palace was extremely shocking. Outside the entire Yongye City, sand and rocks were flying, and the earth was torn open with cracks like abyss. The entire protective shield of Yongye City was violently shaking. trembling.

Even though these great Tiangong ancestors have not really erupted yet, the spreading wave of magical power still shocked many Yongye City powerhouses and elders of the Immortal Sect to the point of vomiting blood.

If it weren't for the secret help of Jiang Ziya and the Fourth Protector of the Sect, the protective cover of Eternal Night City would have been shattered long ago, and the entire Eternal Night City would have been destroyed in this terrifying fluctuation.

Facing the tyrannical supernatural powers unleashed by these great Tiangong ancestors, Xuanyuan Tianba's calm and pale face showed solemnity for the first time. His burly body tensed up, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his hands Keep pinching the complicated and difficult-to-understand seal!

"Tianxuan Tyrant Body!"

A low voice like thunder came from Xuanyuan Tianba's mouth, and with a bang, his shirt shattered, revealing his bronze skin, and his muscles were like a dragon lying on a candle, full of explosive power.

Brilliant golden light shone out from his body, as if he was dyed with a layer of golden armor. His overwhelming power shook the heavens and the earth. Wisps of inscriptions spread out from between his hands, sticking to him. Surrounded by their bodies, they are like agile elves!

Although Xuanyuan Tianba is a member of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, he is different from other members of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. He majors in cultivating the physical body. It is said that he has been inherited by a supreme body cultivator. Therefore, he has never practiced the magical powers of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. , but specializes in physical boxing.

In the entire Xuanyuan Divine Clan, there is almost no one who can match Xuanyuan Tianba in terms of physique. Not only in the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, but in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, there are few who can match Xuanyuan Tianba in terms of physical fitness!

And this Tianxuan Hegemony Body is the magical power he obtained from the inheritance of the Supreme Body Cultivator. Once it is used, his body will transform into the Hegemony Body state, and his defense and attack power will increase several times!

Ever since Xuanyuan Tianba realized this Tianxuan Hegemony, he has rarely used it, and very few people have been able to make him use such unparalleled magical powers. However, facing the strongest magical powers of several Tiangong ancestors, he finally used this trick!


After displaying the Tianxuan Tyrant Body, Xuanyuan Tianba's whole body was covered with golden light, and his long hair even transformed into golden color. It danced wildly in the wind, making him look like a mad god. He was fierce and domineering, and could command a man with just one glance. People were trembling with fear.


As Xuanyuan Tianba kicked off his back foot, a terrifying sonic boom sounded. A big hole was made in the void by Xuanyuan Tianba's kick. His whole body was ejected like a cannonball. He waved his fist in his hand and blasted out. Let out a series of terrifying fist lights!

Facing the magical offensive jointly displayed by several Tiangong ancestors, Xuanyuan Tianba still showed no fear at all. Instead, he took the initiative to greet him. His strong posture made everyone present look at him sideways, with a gleam of awe flashing in their eyes. .

Even Wang Feng nodded secretly. This Xuanyuan Tianba was really strong and fierce, but it was easy to break if he was too strong. If he could combine hardness and softness, he might be able to reach a higher level!

"court death!"

Seeing that Xuanyuan Tianba dared to face them with such a strong posture, Ancestor Yunxia and others all showed murderous intent, shouted coldly, rolled up the magical power they had exploded, and bombarded Xuanyuan Tianba. .

At this moment, everyone present held their breath and stared at the void, for fear of missing any detail!

This is an unprecedented battle that has been rare for millions of years. Normally, the powerful Shenlong of the Immortal Emperor Realm never sees his head or tail. It is difficult to even see him, let alone see him fight!


Under the nervous gazes of everyone, Xuanyuan Tianba suddenly collided with many Tiangong ancestors. Just like countless stars colliding, the whole sky exploded with a deafening roar, and terrifying power fluctuations, like tornadoes, moved towards Sweeping in all directions.

The entire earth was blown away by the terrifying force, and dark cracks spread in all directions like spider webs.

In the sky and the earth, smoke and dust filled the air and splashed at any time. Everyone present could not see the figures of Xuanyuan Tianba and others at all. They could only hear the roaring sounds coming from their ears and streams of light intertwining and colliding in the smoke and dust.

Every time those streams of light collided, the whole world shook, as if they could not bear the terrifying force of the collision. Many practitioners with weaker cultivation levels vomited blood and flew backwards, with fear in their eyes. .

Such a terrifying battle is unprecedented, and even if there is a fatal crisis, they still don't want to miss it. This is an experience that they can brag about for a lifetime!

Even Wang Feng, who was standing in the sky above Yongye City, was shaken and stared at the battlefield. This battle was beyond his reach at the moment. Although he could compete with the most powerful people at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm. One or two, but neither Xuanyuan Tianba nor the ancestors of the great Tiangong are at the peak of the ordinary Immortal Emperor Realm!

Each one of them is an outstanding figure. They have been raped in the Immortal Emperor Realm for many years, and their strength is powerful and terrifying, far beyond what ordinary people can match!

What Wang Feng didn't expect was that when many Tiangong ancestors exploded with their strongest magical powers, Xuanyuan Tianba could still resist these strong men with his own strength. His combat power was truly astonishing!


With a terrifying sound that sounded like the world was shattering, the smoke and dust that filled the surrounding area was instantly dispersed by a powerful force, allowing everyone present to have a glimpse of what was happening on the battlefield!

However, this sight made everyone present stunned as if they were sculptures!


The sound of gasping for air could be heard endlessly, and everyone looked at the figure in the void with shock!

I saw Xuanyuan Tianba at this time, his whole body shining with bright golden light, fighting in a bloody battle. Surrounded by many Tiangong ancestors, he rushed left and right, extremely fierce, his fists shone brightly, and he kept swinging As it came out, streaks of domineering fist power emerged around it, like shields of fist seals, which not only impacted many Tiangong ancestors, but also laid a solid protective shield for Xuanyuan Tianba.

Even though he was seriously injured, Xuanyuan Tianba was still unparalleled in strength and did not retreat at all!

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