Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 879: Alone and independent, watching the storm with a smile

"We, the Fudao God Clan, and the Xuanyuan God Clan are in the same spirit. Since the Xuanyuan God Clan wants to protect Yongye City, we, the Fudao God Clan, cannot be left behind. You personally take action and take the three, four, five and ten immortal guardians to Yongye City. Night City support!”

"Hong Yi is so determined that he will probably go there in person. You guys go to support us first. It's time for me, the leader of the clan, to take action!"

Immediately afterwards, a gleam of light flashed in Fudao Xuanzhen's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

As soon as he said these words, Fudao Haoming was shocked. Fudao Xuanzhen was as mysterious in the Fudao Divine Clan as Xuanyuan Hongyi was in the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. Even the elders like them did not know his strength. Unexpectedly, this time Yong The battle for Night City actually caused such a mysterious figure as the clan leader to take part in person.


After a brief shock, Fudao Haoming did not hesitate, bowed and left, preparing to go to Yongye City for support!

On the top of the mountain, Fudao Xuanzhen stood with his hands behind his back, staring in the direction of Yongye City, with a deep light shining in his eyes, making it impossible to figure out what he was thinking!

The four supreme divine clan chiefs are not only extremely mysterious among their respective divine clans, but also extremely mysterious beings in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. Almost no one has ever seen the four supreme divine clan chiefs take action. Even if there is an incredible war, it will not be their turn. When they take action, they can kill all threats with just the strongest among the gods!

As for the hidden ancestor in the God Clan, he is a god-like figure. Even the people in the God Clan have never seen him, let alone an outsider.


Deep in the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace, Leng Lie sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, staring in the direction of Yongye City, with an unknown smile flashing across his face, and murmured softly: "Wang Feng, you really didn't disappoint me, only Only in this way can you be worthy of being my lifelong rival!"

After hearing the news about Yongye City, Leng Lie was not afraid, but was very excited. The stronger the Immortal Sect and the stronger Wang Feng were, the happier he was, because when he trampled the Immortal Sect under his feet, he would trample Wang Feng under his feet. At the bottom of his feet, his sense of accomplishment will be even higher when he takes revenge.

"To single-handedly trigger a war in the entire Chaos Empire is truly incredible!"

"But, this time, can you still turn the tide?"

"Don't die, I will be very disappointed!"

The cold words kept resounding on the top of the mountain. He liked the feeling of sitting on the top of the clouds and watching the world with a smile. He was like a god from above, watching all the movements of ants in the world. .

For a moment, Leng Lie seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his heart, causing him to suddenly fall into a state of enlightenment. How was the so-called divine realm different from him at this time?

A strong person in the divine realm regards the Kingdom of God as all living beings. As a god, he overlooks the life of the creatures in the kingdom of God. At this moment, he is also like a god, smiling at the storm of Eternal Night City.

The world is fighting for power and wealth, but I am alone and look at the world with a smile!

At this moment of indifference, all kinds of enlightenment came to mind. It was not only the understanding of the strong, but also the deepening of the understanding of the divine realm. A strong person in the divine realm was aloof, like the way of heaven, indifferent and ruthless, and everything in the world was just like the past. Like clouds and smoke, you can take it seriously or ignore it.

Every powerful person in the divine realm has a different perception of the divine realm. Naturally, the strength after breaking through to the divine realm is also different. What Leng Lie perceives at this moment is the domineering and indifferent nature of heaven. ruthless.

The way of heaven regards all living beings as stupid dogs, but I am both a god and a Tao, and I am no longer on the same level as all sentient beings!

For a moment, all kinds of mysteries emerged from Leng Lie's body, and wisps of runes appeared and shone around him, like an elf, making him look extremely mysterious. The Yuan and ghosts in the secret realm of the black box in his body seemed to be aware of it. When he reached the cold state, a look of relief flashed across his face.

"Old friend, this disciple of yours is truly extraordinary. It took me a lifetime to understand the truth of heaven's way. But Leng Lie has already realized this before he has broken through to Hongmeng Divine Realm. In the future, he may not be able to surpass me. wait!"

The ghost sighed with a look on his face, and a glint of envy flashed in his eyes. For suppressed masters like them, Yuan is the only one who can receive such an amazing and talented disciple. ?

"It's difficult!"

"Although he has comprehended a hint of the truth of heaven, he has only just entered the threshold. He is still far from our level. If he wants to surpass us, he still needs to continue to work hard!"

Yuan shook his head and said solemnly.

Hearing this, Gui smiled softly, with an inexplicable look on his face, as if he was laughing at this old friend, who was not satisfied with having such a disciple during the suppression!


On the other side, in the main hall of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Tiance, the contemporary leader of the Tianyuan God Clan, stands in the hall with his hands behind his back. He is dressed in a black robe, showing his majesty and solemnity. He has a majestic figure, bronze complexion, clear and deep facial features, and dark and deep eyes. , looking wild and unrestrained, exuding a kingly aura that shocked the world.

There was a bohemian smile on his evilly handsome face, and just one glance was enough to shock people.

In the main hall, there was another burly figure standing, it was Tuoba Hongye, the second elder of the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

"Clan Chief, by now other gods should have discovered that I am leading many powerful men to Eternal Night City!"

Tuoba Hong also had a flash of light in his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"very good!"

"With a ray of spiritual body, I can avoid the sight of these spies, let them make wrong judgments, and make it easier for us to act!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Tiance nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice.

"You left the Imperial Realm quietly and went to the stars outside the territory to exchange Tianxing back!"

Immediately afterwards, a flash of light flashed in Tuoba Tiance's eyes and he said in a deep voice.

Tuoba Tianxing is the great elder of the Tianyuan God Clan. His strength is extremely terrifying. He also sits in the outer star sky and leads many strong men of the Tianyuan God Clan to resist the attack of the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan.

Hearing Tuoba Tiance's words, Tuoba Hong was also shocked, a look of shock flashed across his face, and he said solemnly: "Clan Chief, is it necessary for the Great Elder to come back to this mere Eternal Night City?"

"On the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield, those people from the Heavenly Underworld Clan are extremely crazy. If the Great Elder makes even a slight move, he may cause unnecessary trouble!"

The entire extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield is extremely vast. Among them, it is precisely because of the powerful and mysterious great elders of the four major god clans, who lead a group of strong men from the four major god clans and many practitioners who voluntarily went to the outer starry sky to fight against the Heavenly Dao and the Nether Clan. Only in this way can we intimidate many strong men from the Heavenly Dao and Nether Clan!

It can be said that the cultivators gathered in the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield are the most powerful group of people in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. Years of fighting have allowed them to accumulate extremely rich combat experience and skills. Among them, few people can fight with such a strong person.

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