Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 888 Even if my arm is broken, I can still cover the sky with one hand

Although each Imperial Sect force is not as powerful as the Gods, they still have profound foundations, and their locations are full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is basically impossible to find out all the details of an Imperial Sect force.

The forces below the Imperial Religion are basically transparent to both the Imperial Religion and the Protoss, and are far less ancient and profound than the Imperial Religion and the Protoss.

Hearing Xuanyuan Tianba's words, Wang Feng nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was no trace of fear on his face. After thinking about it, he said: "In this case, please work hard for fellow Taoist Xuanyuan." Fan, end this battle!"

Since Jiang Ziya and the Fourth Protector of the Sect have been hiding for so long, they will continue to hide and use them as trump cards to deal with the two major gods and the two emperors.

But Jiang Ziya and the Fourth Guardian Divine Beast did not take action. If they wanted to quickly deal with these powerful Immortal Emperor Realm warriors, they could only rely on Xuanyuan Tianba or Emperor Yongye!

"Don't worry, City Master Wang, I'll leave it to you!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Xuanyuan Tianba didn't hesitate at all, cupped his hands and said.


As soon as he finished speaking, a tyrannical power surged out of him and swept across the entire world. The entire world changed color in an instant, as if he was afraid of this Xuanyuan Tianba!

After such a long period of recovery, Xuanyuan Tianba has returned to his peak state. He is unparalleled in strength. With a flash of his body, he rushes straight into the battlefield like stars colliding.


Xuanyuan Tianba didn't even look at it, and punched out directly. The terrifying power of the punch burst out from his hand, and struck towards a powerful man in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor Realm who was at the top of his game.

The strong man who was fighting with the elder of the Shenxian Sect felt Xuanyuan Tianba's terrifying fist power. His face changed drastically, and the power in his body shook. He directly knocked the elder of the Shenxian Sect away. He used all his strength to resist Xuanyuan. Tianba’s punch!

However, how could he resist Xuanyuan Tianba's unparalleled punch? The defensive power that exploded was shattered like a bubble under Xuanyuan Tianba's punch.

The terrifying fist power shook the void, and hit the strong man with unparalleled force.


There was a deafening roar, and the strong man was directly blasted into a ball of blood mist by Xuanyuan Tianba's punch. The rich smell of blood spread throughout the world. This scene shocked all the strong men present!

This is a powerful person in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Although many people present had witnessed with their own eyes the terrifying strength Xuanyuan Tianba had shown previously, they were still shocked to see Xuanyuan Tianba destroying a powerful Immortal Emperor Realm man so easily.

Of course, even if this Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse was not injured, with Xuanyuan Tianba's strength, it would be easy to kill him, but it's just not that easy!


After finishing off the Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse with one punch, Xuanyuan Tianba did not stop. With his unparalleled fists, he rushed straight into the battlefield. Wherever he passed, many top forces resounded. The cry of the strong.


Muffled thunderous roars continued to explode throughout the world, and the fists swept across all directions, frightening those who were at the top of their power. Even if they wanted to escape, they could not escape. Many elders of the Immortal Sect and Yongye City Strong men surrounded them, blocking all their escape routes, so that they could only watch Xuanyuan Tianba attack!


A series of desperate and unwilling roars came from the mouths of the top powerhouses. They never imagined that one day, they, the mighty Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses, would be reduced to such a state, where they could only cry in despair and not even the slightest resistance. No power can be raised.

The strongest have their own strong hands. They thought that they would be invincible in the world after reaching the Immortal Emperor Realm. However, they never thought that in this world, even the strong ones in the Immortal Emperor Realm are divided into high and low. In front of the real strong ones, Immortal The Imperial Realm can be destroyed easily like ants!

This is just Xuanyuan Tianba's action. If Emperor Yongye takes action, these people will not even have a chance to cry out, and will be crushed directly by Emperor Yongye's terrifying power!

Wang Feng, who was standing in the sky above Yongye City, saw this miserable scene. There was no trace of pity on his face, but only endless indifference.

What kind of mercy can be shown to the invaders?

He asked himself, he had never provoked these top forces, he just became the city lord of Yongye City. These top forces came together to try to invade him in Yongye City. Now that he was not as powerful as him, he deserved to be killed. !


At the same time, when Xuanyuan Tianba was crushing many powerful men from the top forces, deep in the Yunding Imperial Sect's station, Chen Taixuan stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back. His empty sleeves were fluttering in the wind, making him look a little confused. A sense of desolation.

However, there was no trace of sadness in Chen Taixuan's eyes. Instead, they were just so profound and incomprehensible that it was impossible to figure out what he was thinking.


But at this moment, an old figure appeared out of thin air behind Chen Taixuan. This person had white hair and wore a simple Taoist robe. He looked like a kind and kind old man. But if you look closely, you will find that his skin is delicate and white, like a Like a newborn baby, the void around him is even more faintly distorted, as if the heaven and earth cannot bear this person's body.

"Tai Xuan, did you gain anything from this disaster?"

The old man looked at Chen Taixuan with a kind face and spoke. His words were ancient, and you could feel the ancient atmosphere just by listening to his voice.

"I thought I was invincible in the world, but I never thought I would end up like a frog in a well!"

"The sword is strong and easy to bend, and only when the strength and softness are combined can it be a sword!"

"This calamity is both a calamity and an opportunity!"

Upon hearing the old man's words, Chen Taixuan's eyes flashed and he said calmly.

"I'm very pleased that you think so!"

"So what if a broken arm is broken? A truly strong man, even if his arm is broken, can cover the sky with one hand, and even if he carries the abyss on his back, he is still invincible!"

The old man nodded and spoke domineeringly.

"Do you want to take revenge? If so, I will go there myself and destroy the Eternal Night City!"

"Although Emperor Yongye is strong, he may not be my opponent!"

Then, the old man changed the topic and said coldly.

He and Chen Taixuan were both teachers and friends. They had already forged a deep friendship after spending endless years together. Now that he saw Chen Taixuan suffering such a catastrophe, even though he was as light-hearted as water, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. .

He had witnessed the battle between Chen Taixuan and Emperor Yongye with his own eyes, and naturally understood how powerful Emperor Yongye was. Although he was a little wary, if Chen Taixuan was angry, he would not mind fighting against Emperor Yongye.

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