Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 906: Common people, what does this have to do with me?


Everyone present took a breath, with trembling expressions on their faces. They had never thought that this battle would lead to two leaders of the God Clan. These were figures who stood at the top of the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. In terms of status and strength, very few people can match them!

"Is it possible that the mere battle at Yongye City will really trigger a war in the Imperial Realm?"

Some of the powerful onlookers exclaimed, with fear flashing on their faces. Once a war in the Imperial Realm is triggered, countless forces will be implicated. By then, the entire Imperial Realm will probably flow into a river of blood!

The most frightening thing is that if there is a war within the Imperial Realm, the Tiandao Nether Clan in the outer starry sky will definitely be waiting for the opportunity!

It's a pity that their words and words are so soft that they can't prevent this war from happening!

On the other side, seeing Tuoba Tiance's appearance, Wang Feng's eyes gleamed with coldness, and an inexplicable murderous intention rose in his heart. These gods had been high on the throne for a long time, and they wanted to snatch any good treasure they saw, but they didn't know that there was someone outside. There is a sky outside the sky, and the gods may not be truly invincible!

Now that you’re here, don’t even think about leaving!

Tuoba Tiance had no idea that he was already being targeted by Wang Feng. At this moment, he stood with his hands behind his back, his whole body filled with astonishing aura, like a god descending from the dust, looking down at the people present with a look of invincibility!

"Zhengchou has no opponent. Since Taoist friend is here, let's fight!"

Emperor Yongye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped up to the sky step by step, walking towards Tuoba Tiance. His thunderous words resounded throughout the whole world. With every step he took, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger. A little stronger.

When he came to the opposite side of Tuoba Tiance, the power on his body was already too terrifying to describe. The whole world was changing, and the surrounding void was shattering and twisting.

"Don't worry, there are still people who haven't come yet!"

Who would have thought that Tuoba Tiance smiled slightly and murmured softly.


After hearing Tuoba Tiance's words, Emperor Yongye was startled and stared at Tuoba Tiance. A solemn look flashed across his face. Could it be that these two great clans of gods really went out in full force and even the ancestors woke up? Already?

"The majestic leader of the God Clan actually takes action against a junior, and if he tells it, he is afraid of making the world laugh at him!"

But at this moment, a cold snort resounded throughout the sky above Yongye City, and then, two figures stepped out from the void. It was Xuanyuan Hongyi, the patriarch of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, and Fudao Xuanzhen, the patriarch of the Fudao Divine Clan!


"The heads of the four major divine clans are gathering together?"

"What an amazing event is this?"

Among the people present, I don't know who it was, and suddenly exclaimed, and his words were full of disbelief. After saying these words, the pupils of many powerful people present shrank. For ordinary people, this The chiefs of the four major divine clans can be said to be the most powerful figures in the world. Unexpectedly, they are now gathered in Yongye City?

"I didn't expect that after becoming the Lord of the Gods, my old friend would still be so naive!"

"History is written by the victors!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Don't you know, old friend?"

After hearing Fu Daoxuanzhen's words, Tuoba Tiance had a joking smile on his face and said mockingly.

"You are quite confident, right? I hope your strength can support your self-confidence and don't get beaten to pieces!"

Hearing this, Fudao Xuanzhen did not indulge him and said sarcastically.


Tuoba Tiance suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he was crazy. His loud laughter resounded throughout the world and shook all directions!

"Come out!"

Suddenly, Tuoba Tiance's laughter stopped abruptly and he shouted loudly.

As soon as these words were spoken, Fudao Xuanzhen, Xuanyuan Hongyi and Emperor Yongye seemed to feel something. Their pupils shrank and they looked suddenly in a certain direction in the void. A look of solemnity flashed across their faces. color.


Under the gaze of Fudao Xuanzhen and others, several figures stepped out from the void. The leader was an old man with a stooped figure. Wearing a simple Taoist robe, he looked like a kind old man. , but inexplicably, it gives people a thrilling and thrilling feeling.

In addition to the leader, there are three figures, who are also rickety old men. One is wearing a black robe, one is wearing a red robe, and the other is wearing a yellow robe. They also do not show the slightest momentum, but they are different from the leader. Just one look at that old man was enough to make people frightened and uneasy.

"Tuoba Tianxing?"

"Three Saints, old monster?"

When they saw the faces of these four figures, Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen shrank their pupils and suddenly exclaimed.

"Are you crazy?"

"Aren't you afraid that the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan is waiting for an opportunity?"

After exclaiming, Xuanyuan Hong's face darkened, he stared at Tuoba Tiance, and shouted angrily, he didn't expect that Tuoba Tiance would be so crazy and even recruit Tuoba Tianxing!

As the Great Elder of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Tianxing leads many powerful people from the Tianyuan God Clan to guard the outer starry sky. He has a heavy responsibility. No one knows that the extremely mysterious elders of the four major God Clan all have terrifying strength comparable to their clan leaders. , it is precisely because there are four great elders of the gods guarding the outside of the territory that the Dao Ming clan of that day cannot break even half a point even if they launch several attacks!

As long as the four great elders of the God Clan are here, no matter how big the war is within the Imperial Realm, there will be no big chaos. But now, Tuoba Tiance, this guy, for his own ambition, actually directly summoned Tuoba Tianxing, the great elder of the Tianyuan God Clan. When we come back, without Tuoba Tianxing and the Tianyuan God Clan guarding the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield, there will most likely be a big mess!

By then, the entire Imperial Realm may fall!

"Tuoba Tiance can ignore the common people of the Imperial Realm for his own ambitions. You have been guarding the outer starry sky for so long, have you forgotten your mission?"

Fudao Xuanzhen even yelled out and asked Tuoba Tianxing, his pupils flashing with raging anger, like a volcano about to erupt!

"Mission? Ridiculous!"

"What does the so-called common people have to do with me?"

Hearing Fu Daoxuanzhen's roar, a look of indifference flashed across Tuoba Tianxing's face, and he said coldly, his words were full of vicissitudes of life and ruthlessness, which made people tremble!

When Tuoba Tianxing finished speaking, no matter whether it was Xuanyuan Hongyi, Fudao Xuanzhen, or even Emperor Yongye, nameless anger arose in their hearts, and the eyes staring at Tuoba Tianxing were flashing with cold murderous intent!

The so-called strong person is not about how strong he is, but about his broad mind and openness to all rivers. In order to protect the weak, he turns into a devil; in order to protect the common people, he kills countless people.

When a cultivator's strength reaches a certain level, what he carries on his shoulders is not only his own kin, but also all the people in the world. The Heavenly Dao and the Underworld are raging. As a strong man who stands on the top of the imperial world, how can he be blamed for his own actions? Selfishness, giving up on the world?

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