Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 919 Arrival at the Sword God

When everyone was shocked by Feipeng's appearance, Wang Feng smiled, stretched out his hand to support Feipeng, and whispered to Feipeng: "No need to be polite!"


At this moment, a roaring sound came from the ground. The ground that Tuoba Tianxing smashed into suddenly shattered, setting off bursts of smoke and dust. Then, a figure rushed out from the smoke and dust, carrying an astonishing power. Blatantly bombarding Feipeng.

"You despicable villain, how dare you attack me secretly?"

Accompanying this astonishing power, there was also a thunderous sound of shock and anger.


Tuoba Tianxing soared into the sky, his divine power boiling around him, like an unparalleled true god, with boundless power. He opened his mouth and roared, and the terrifying divine power instantly condensed into a sharp sword, which shot out from his mouth with astonishing sharpness. , meet Feipeng!

On the other side, Feipeng stood in front of Wang Feng with an indifferent expression. Even when he saw Tuoba Tianxing erupting with such terrifying power, he remained calm and indifferent, as if he didn't take Tuoba Tianxing into his eyes at all!


Suddenly, Feipeng's robes moved automatically in the wind, making a hunting sound like a snow cloak. Divine light shone all over his body, and wisps of divine patterns burst out, converging into a sharp sword, heading towards Tuoba Tianxing like a violent wind and rain. Bomb away.

After reaching the Hongmeng Divine Realm, every move is filled with breathtaking divine power. At this moment, the battle between Tuoba Tianxing and Fei Peng made everyone present tremble and fear, even though this battle was just a warm-up for the two of them. , but it was still unbearable for everyone present.

That kind of mighty and terrifying divine power spread to the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, causing all the creatures in the Imperial Realm to tremble and tremble.


At the same time, Ji Xuanyou and others who were flying towards the Yunding Emperor Sect, intending to kill the creatures of the Imperial Realm, also felt the terrifying divine power. Their fast footsteps suddenly stopped, and Ji Xuanyou's face Flashing with disbelief, he stared suddenly in the direction of Yongye City and murmured in shock: "A strong man in the divine realm? How is this possible?"

Ji Xuanyou didn't expect that this internal battle in the imperial realm would be so terrifying? Are even powerful men in the divine realm involved?

For a moment, Ji Xuanyou's expression was a little uncertain. As the second master of the Emperor's Realm branch of the Netherworld Clan, his strength naturally reached the level of a god. He was the same as Xuanyuan Hongyi and others. He sealed his own divine power. .

Therefore, although he was shocked by the appearance of a powerful man in the divine realm, he was not afraid, and there was even a faint excitement in the depths of his eyes. The higher the level of this battle, the greater the contradiction within the imperial realm, which also means that This battle won't end so soon.

Ji Xuanyou even hoped that it would be best for the four major divine clans to lose both sides, so that he could become the final winner and harvest many powerful men from the Imperial Realm, giving his Nether clan a chance to succeed in his great cause!

"Let's fight, the more passionate the better!"

Thinking of this, Ji Xuanyou's cold eyes flashed with a touch of teasing, and he whispered softly. After the words fell, he waved his big hand, led the Nirvana team, and continued to gallop towards the Yunding Imperial Sect.

On the other side, on the top of the mountain in the Yunding Imperial Sect's forbidden area, Chen Taixuan sat hovering in the air, with surging power rippling around his body. Wisps of mysterious runes, like elves, danced around him, making his whole body look like Godly.

At this time, Chen Taixuan fell into a wonderful state of enlightenment, recalling what he had learned throughout his life, and constantly practicing the Tao that truly belonged to him.

In his life, he has tried countless swordsmanships, killing sword masters and sword masters. All swordsmen trembled under his sword. He was unrivaled. His only failure was with the Emperor of Yongye on the Yongye City. That battle!

In that battle, the pride in his heart completely sank. The lack of his arms even caused flaws in his own swordsmanship, and his sword spirit was depressed. He had been confused and thought about sinking, but he was unwilling to accept it!

Along the way, he looked stern and unstoppable, but just because of one failure, he fell into ruin? Then how is Chen Taixuan different from ordinary people?

A sword can be easily broken if it is too strong, but the combination of hardness and softness is the true meaning of swordsmanship!

Perhaps, this catastrophe is not a disaster for him, but an opportunity, an opportunity to help him achieve the supreme godly position!

There are countless swords in the world, most of them are similar, but Chen Taixuan is the only sword in the world, a sword that is unique!

His sword can not only shatter stars and cut the moon, but it can also cut away oneself, regain the true meaning, evolve into a primordial realm, and ascend to the divine realm!


As various enlightenments came to his mind, Chen Taixuan's whole body shone with light, surrounded by hazy divine mist, and various visions appeared, as if even heaven and earth were celebrating him. With Yunding Emperor Sect as the center, the power of heaven and earth spread over hundreds of thousands of miles. , like a whale swallowing, converging towards Chen Taixuan.

Such an astonishing vision moved the expression of the old man who was hiding in the dark. He quickly appeared and exerted astonishing power, blinding Chen Taixuan. A hint of relief flashed in his turbid eyes, and he couldn't help but murmur. Said: "All living beings are destined to suffer countless disasters, but how many of them can truly turn disasters into their own opportunities?"

"You, Chen Taixuan, are a swordsman. You got your name because of the sword. You became brilliant because of the sword. You also fell into ruin because of the sword. Now you have become a god because of the sword. The so-called legend is nothing more than that!"

"From now on in the art of swordsmanship, you should be respected. There are very few people in the world who can surpass you!"

The sound of sighs resounded throughout the mountain top. The old man was completely independent. His simple robes were rippling in the wind. The terrifying power that emerged turned into a huge energy shield, covering the entire mountain top, preventing Chen Taixuan from letting go. The astonishing vision that had sprouted was revealed.

The eyes of all living beings in the entire Imperial Realm were attracted by the battle in Yongye City. No one thought that Chen Taixuan, the leader of the Yunding Imperial Sect who was willing to cut off his arm to make amends in order to survive, would actually ascend to the divine realm at this moment and reappear. Get a new lease of life!

Even Wang Feng could not have imagined that Chen Taixuan's fate would be so wonderful that he could turn his own disaster into his own opportunity. If word spread, it would shake the entire Chaos Emperor Realm. Chen Taixuan's name would definitely be remembered by all the kendos in the Imperial Realm. Worshiped by monks!

When Chen Taixuan reappears, he will surely amaze the world. He will return to the Imperial Realm as a sword god and shock all directions!

When Chen Taixuan realized the divine realm and ascended to the divine realm, Ji Xuanyou, who was rushing towards the Yunding Emperor Sect, suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, and an inexplicable crisis emerged. A hint of uncertainty flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly stopped. Come down!

At his level, any omens cannot be without reason. They are all warnings from the divinity in his heart. Even if this crisis comes out of nowhere, it still makes Ji Xuanyou vigilant. He pondered for a moment and turned towards his side. A member of the Nirvana team said: "Go and investigate, what kind of force is that force in front of you?"

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