Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 924 A gentleman’s revenge is never too late in 10 years


With the explosion of Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong, the divine power was so majestic that it shook the heavens and the earth. The entire sky above Yongye City was filled with rays of light, as if the heavens and the earth were trembling in celebration of the birth of the gods.

The entire world became oppressive and solemn because of that terrifying divine power. Everyone present felt as if a huge boulder was weighing on their hearts, making them almost breathless.

Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen, who were not far away, stared at Tuoba Tiance who was erupting with all their strength. Their hearts were extremely shaken. They never expected that things would evolve to this point and explode. The battle between gods, if one is not careful, the entire Chaos Empire will be dragged down by this battle.

A look of hesitation flashed across their faces. As the heads of the two major divine clans, standing at the top of the imperial world, they enjoyed the admiration of the world, but at the same time they also shouldered unimaginable responsibilities.

Once this battle gets out of control and the four major gods fight each other, the Tiandao Nether Clan in the outer starry sky will surely take advantage of the situation and invade. At that time, the entire Imperial Realm will be devastated, and they will also become the sinners of the entire Imperial Realm.

But they also understand that at this point, they can no longer prevent this battle from happening. They can only try their best to preserve their strength and prevent the invasion of the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan. As for the battle in Eternal Night City, they will definitely not fight against the Divine Sect unless it is a last resort. Fully open.

All living beings in the world are far more important than winning or losing a battle.

On the other side, Wang Feng, who was standing in the sky above Yongye City, saw the explosion between Tuoba Tiance and the two men. Although his whole body was shaking, there was no trace of fear on his face. Instead, cold light shot out, and murderous intent surged.

He originally thought that Tuoba Tianxing's death would make Tuoba Tiance and others tremble with fear, but unexpectedly, it would become even worse. In this case, he can't be blamed. Since the so-called God Clan is so stubborn, then Fortunately, I lifted it up and allowed myself to rule all living beings in this world!

"Feipeng, don't hold back, feel free to do what you want!"

Wang Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and he sent a message to Feipeng. Even though the power unleashed by Tuoba Tiance and the two men was extremely powerful, Wang Feng still believed in Feipeng's strength!

Even if they are one against two, Fei Peng can still suppress them!

Without unparalleled combat power, Feipeng would not have been selected by the system as the guardian of the Immortal Sect. Every guardian of the Immortal Sect is selected by the system and has abilities that ordinary people cannot match!

Hearing Wang Feng's voice transmission, Feipeng's face was indifferent and he nodded lightly. An astonishing fighting spirit suddenly emerged from all over his body. He once stood at the top of the God Realm, and his endless loneliness made him long for an opponent. Now, he has arrived here. In another world, the two people in front of him could barely be considered his opponents!

He is not afraid that Tuoba Tiance and the two are strong, but he is afraid that they are not strong, and they are just incapable of withstanding his few blows and unable to give him a hearty fight.


When Feipeng's fighting spirit was soaring into the sky, Tuoba Tiance's divine power had already reached its peak. His eyes were red, he stared at Feipeng fiercely, and shouted loudly, like a thunderous roar, exploding in the whole world, with rolling sound waves. , sweeping away in all directions.

For a moment, the eardrums of everyone present were shattered by the terrifying sound, they lost their hearing, and their whole bodies trembled.


As the roar fell, Tuoba Tiance held the Blood Abyss Divine Sword, and the sharp sword spirit rose into the sky. Like a peerless sword god, he waved it at will, and a dense and sharp sword energy was swayed. The area around him was directly Transformed into a boundless sword domain.

With a flash of his body, he controlled the boundless sword domain, carrying a terrifying edge, and bombarded the flying canopy boldly. The scene was like a mountain of swords crashing down, and just one glance was enough to tremble the soul.

At the same time, Huangfu Yulong also moved. He held the Long Minglie Divine Spear and burst out with a domineering and sharp spear intent. His whole body seemed to be one with the spear, cutting through the sky like a meteor, carrying endless spear light, Like a rainbow, it stabbed down suddenly, and an endless black hole was drawn in the entire void, as if the sky was cut in half!

Facing this terrifying offensive, Fei Peng's expression remained unchanged. He just clenched the Zhaodan Divine Sword in his hand, and with his sword intent soaring into the sky, he held the Zhaodan Divine Sword and faced it directly.


In full view of the public, Feipeng and the three men suddenly collided with each other, and the deafening roar resounded continuously. Everyone present could not see the fighting scene of Feipeng and the others at all. They could only see three streams of light, colliding with each other, in an instant. , they collided countless times. Every time they collided, endless sword energy and gun light burst out, shocking everyone present to hurriedly avoid it!

The entire void battlefield has been completely destroyed by the terrifying power erupted by the three people. It is like the world has been destroyed. The scene is extremely horrifying. The terrifying divine power is frightening even from a long distance away. There is a kind of The feeling of being crushed.

On the top of the mountain in the forbidden area of ​​the Evil Buddha's Heavenly Palace, Leng Lie stood with his hands behind his hands. In his deep eyes, bursts of light flashed. His eyes seemed to see the battle above Yongye City through many obstacles. At this moment, his face was flashing with shock. With shadow.

He really hoped that Wang Feng would be strong so that he would have a higher sense of accomplishment when he crushed Wang Feng in the future, but he never expected that Wang Feng's strength would be so terrifying?

Not only did he have the subordinates of the gods, but even those at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm had such terrifying fighting power. After seeing the fighting power of Jiang Ziya and the Tianyan Golden Crow, even he was trembling with fear at the fighting power of Jiang Ziya and the Tianyan Golden Crow. .

At this time, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't go to Wang Feng for revenge, otherwise, he might have been tricked by Wang Feng.

What opportunity did this guy get? So evil?

Leng Lie's face was uncertain, and he was very unhappy. Whenever Wang Feng was on the verge of death, he could always turn the danger into danger. His trump cards were endless and extremely weird. If you were against such a person, if you didn't have a perfect plan, it would be better not to take action.

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late!"

"Don't be proud, one day I will become your nightmare!"

Thinking of this, Leng Lie's eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance, and he stared in the direction of Yongye City and said in a cold voice. The cold voice echoed on the top of the mountain, causing the temperature on the top of the mountain to suddenly drop to the extreme.

On the other side, Ji Xuanyou, who was thousands of miles away from Yunding Emperor Sect, felt this terrifying wave of divine warfare. His face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but curse angrily: "Is this Imperial Realm crazy? Let's just kill each other. , and started a divine war? Could it be that you want to destroy the Imperial Realm?"

"Sir, in this battle in the Imperial Realm, the higher the level, the better it will be for us, the Nether Clan. It is best if all the top experts in the Imperial Realm die. In this way, we, the Nether Clan, can easily occupy the Imperial Realm!"

A member of the Nirvana team behind him heard this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly spoke.

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