Feeling the power that the old man unleashed, Ji Xuanyou's pupils shrank, and his whole body tightened uncontrollably. He, the second strongest person in the Imperial Clan of the Netherworld Clan, actually felt the power in this old man's body. To a crisis?

How can it be?

How could such a powerful existence be hidden in this little imperial sect?

For a moment, Ji Xuanyou couldn't help but turn around and glared at the investigating member of the Ji Xuanyou team. What the hell was this investigation? He just wanted to find a soft persimmon to pinch, but he didn't expect to encounter a hard problem?

What made him even more nervous was that the old man could tell at a glance that he was a member of the Nether Clan. If he was not good enough, he would be surrounded by powerful people from the Imperial Realm.

Although he was nervous, he would not lose even if he loses. On the surface, Ji Xuanyou showed no signs of weakness and directly snorted: "The current internal war in the Imperial Realm is an opportunity for us, the Nether Clan, to attack in one fell swoop. I advise you to stay calm, otherwise As soon as our underworld army arrives, you will definitely die without any intact corpses!"

"Seeing that your cultivation is not weak, if you are willing to surrender, I can guarantee that you can become the elder of our Nether Clan and enjoy the supreme glory of our Nether Clan!"

Ji Xuanyou's domineering words echoed in the deserted Yunding Imperial Residence. As these words fell, Ji Xuanyou suddenly burst out with a tyrannical aura. Not only him, but also many people behind him Members of the Nirvana team also broke out.

For a moment, the void around them was distorted and cracked by this terrifying power. The entire Yunding Imperial Sect station was enveloped in a depressing and solemn atmosphere, as if they planned to use this power to frighten the old man and make him... He didn't dare to act rashly.


"They are just a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. What glory is there? And they still want to rule the imperial realm? It is simply ridiculous!"

However, at the next moment, a word full of ridicule suddenly came out from the old man's mouth, resounding throughout the entire Yunding Imperial Residence, making Ji Xuanyou and others furious, staring at the old man, if The old man's cultivation was insufficient, so he might have been shocked to death by their angry gazes!

"you wanna die!"

Ji Xuanyou couldn't bear it any longer, so he shouted loudly, stepped on his back foot, and the ground exploded. His whole body shot out like an arrow from a string, and above his fist, there was a bright light, like the bright sun, He hit the old man brazenly.

Facing such an offensive, the old man did not show any signs of weakness. He was filled with fighting spirit and rushed forward in a flash.


In an instant, the two collided like two stars, erupting with a deafening roar. The violent impact of power swept across all directions, directly destroying the surrounding magnificent buildings, and endless smoke and dust filled the entire Yunding Imperial Residence.

Many members of the Nirvana team looked at Ji Xuanyou and the old man who turned into two streams of light and collided with each other. Their hearts trembled. Even if they were the supreme genius of the Nirvana Nether Clan's imperial branch, they could not interfere with this for a while. Such a fierce battle.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Such a fierce battle naturally awakened many powerful Yunding Imperial Sect members who were in retreat. However, when they were trembling inexplicably and about to rush out to find out what was going on, a voice rang in their ears and stopped them. Behavior.

"The strong men of the Nether Tribe took advantage of the battle in Eternal Night City to invade the Imperial Realm. Don't come out. It will only increase casualties. I can handle it by myself!"

Although this voice was extremely unfamiliar to many powerful people from the Yunding Imperial Sect, for some reason, they subconsciously stopped and did not rush out.

From the terrifying fluctuations of the battle, they knew that even if they went out, it would not have any effect, and they might only increase casualties as the voice said.

At the same time, while Ji Xuanyou was fighting with the old man, the battle over Yongye City also began!


I saw Tuoba Tiance standing in the sky, with a sinister look on his majestic face. The Tianyuan Talisman in front of him shone with layers of light, making him look like a demon, which was terrifying. !

Tuoba Tiance kept waving his hands, pouring all his own power and even the power instilled by Huangfu Yulong into the Tianyuan Talisman in front of him.

After deciding to use the Tianyuan Talisman, Tuoba Tiance was determined to succeed or succeed without any reservation at all. Either he would kill Feipeng in one fell swoop and win the war, or he would sink into nothingness!

If Huangfu Yulong knew that Tuoba Tiance was so crazy, he would not go crazy with him. He would rather accept failure than die.


With the influx of majestic power, the Tianyuan Divine Talisman also bloomed with bright light, and the mysterious lines carved on the Talisman seemed to come to life, flowing slowly.


In an instant, an unparalleled terrifying power spread out from the Tianyuan Talisman, covering the entire place where Yongye City is located. When this power was suppressed, the entire world trembled crazily, and the void directly cracked open. , many of the powerful people watching and even those hiding in Yongye City were directly pressed to the ground by this terrifying power.


I don't know how many strong men could not withstand this terrifying power. They spit out blood and turned pale. Some of the weaker ones were directly crushed and exploded like fireworks. In the whole broken world, In an instant, the strong smell of blood filled the air, making the place where Eternal Night City is located seem to have turned into a realm of blood.

Even Wang Feng, who was standing in the sky above Yongye City, was pale with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. This was after he had used the power of the system. If he had not used the power of the system, he was afraid that he would be like those powerful people who were watching. He was pressed to the ground. .

As strong as Emperor Yongye and others, his whole body trembled uncontrollably. Although he could withstand the terrifying power, his face was still pale.

In the void, the only thing that could stand safely was Feipeng in silver armor. Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen both chose to come to Yongye City, firstly to help Yongye City resist this power, and secondly, they wanted to Relieve some stress.

"Everyone must die to this god!"

When everyone was frightened and trembling, Tuoba Tiance looked like a madman and roared to the sky. His eyes were red, like a ferocious beast that had lost its mind. His whole body was filled with astonishing murderous intent, turning the broken world into ice. Get cold!


As the roar fell, the Tianyuan Divine Talisman in front of him rose up in the storm, and instantly turned into a talisman that covered the sky and the sun. The entire Yongye City was dimmed because of this. This talisman carried an astonishing power, and slowly Slowly falling towards Yongye City.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky above the entire Yongye City, as if even the heaven and earth would be destroyed under this talisman. Everyone present had a look of despair on their faces, standing there in fear, and even ran away. All desires are gone!

Under such a terrifying offensive, where could they escape? The whole body seemed not to belong to them, and they couldn't even move.

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