No one dared to look at Shenyoudi, and everyone lowered their heads. Even Tuoba Tiance trembled and looked away unconsciously.

The dark eyes that Shen Youdi listened to seemed to contain endless divine majesty, which made it difficult to look into the eyes. Just touching the eyes was already awe-inspiring.


Shen Youdi snorted coldly, and a flash of disdain flashed in his dark eyes. Then he raised his eyes to look at the Tianyuan Talisman that was slowly falling from the sky, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Listen and guard!"

The next second, without any hesitation, it directly displayed its strongest natal magic. A thunderous roar came from its mouth and resounded throughout the world!


In an instant, a rich dim light bloomed from its huge body, and every scale on its body bloomed with a jet-black brilliance, as if forming a huge black hole, extremely deep.

After this rich dim light bloomed, it spread in all directions. In just a moment, it enveloped the entire sky over Yongye City, like a sky curtain, blocking the falling Tianyuan Talisman!

Listening to Guardian is not as powerful as Feipeng's Heavenly Emperor's Sword Punishment, nor does it have majestic fluctuations, but it inexplicably gives everyone present a strong sense of security, as if they are under this dark sky. The enemy's offensive will be blocked.

If someone looks down from a high altitude, they will find that the diffuse light in this layer is not spread evenly in all directions, but is like a hemisphere, shrouding the Tianyuan Talisman in it.

The entire Tianyuan Talisman is shrouded in gloomy black light in all directions.


As Shenyou Diting's Listening Guardian took shape, Feipeng also moved. His eyes were illuminated with a cold light, and he was holding the Gallbladder Divine Sword. On the sword, there was an astonishing brilliance. What was even more shuddering was that these radiances, It's not light, but bright and sharp sword energy!


As Feipeng slashed down, the whole world exploded, and endless sword energy swept out like a storm. What was even more terrifying was that a huge Eight Trigrams Starburst appeared in the sky above Yongye City, and a giant sword, from The Bagua star light is slowly falling in the catalog!

The endless sword energy storm, as if being inspired, gathered crazily towards the giant sword. In an instant, it contaminated the entire sword body. The originally illusory giant sword was shrouded in this endless sword energy. Became extremely solid.

In the eyes of everyone, the endless sword energy seemed to be turned into layers of scales, embedded on the giant sword, making the entire giant sword seem to have spirituality, blooming with extremely sharp sword intent. With just one glance, The giant sword made everyone present tremble, as if it contained a huge world of sword energy, and it was absolutely terrifying!


Under the trembling eyes of everyone, the giant sword, wrapped in an astonishing storm of sword energy, crashed down towards the Tianyuan Divine Talisman like a pillar holding up the sky. The terrifying sound of the sword howling resounded throughout the entire world and void. A huge gash was torn open by the sharp sword, as if the entire world had been cut in half!


At the same time, the surrounding Diting Guardian Light also gathered together and headed towards the Tianyuan Divine Talisman. Under attack from both sides, the Tianyuan Divine Talisman had no room to retreat at all!

When the giant sword hit the Tianyuan Talisman, the Diting Guardian Light also gathered into a ball, completely wrapping the Tianyuan Talisman and the giant sword!


Under the trembling eyes of everyone, the giant sword suddenly collided with the Tianyuan Talisman. The terrifying sound of explosions resounded throughout the world. The rolling sound waves spread like a torrent in all directions, even if someone was listening. The guard isolated the impact of the explosion, but the sound still caused many low-level cultivators present to burst open and turn into a ball of blood mist, floating between the sky and the earth!

The strong smell of blood permeated the entire world, making many cultivators who survived the scene feel terrified. When this wave of sound swept over, even the immortals were deafened, and their souls seemed to be stunned. Generally, it’s blank!

If it were not for the protection of those layers of ghostly light, the terrifying impact would be enough to destroy all the powerful people present. Unless there were people like Emperor Yongye and others, or people with trump cards like Wang Feng, they would not be able to stop it at all. Even the entire Chaos Emperor Realm will be mostly destroyed by the impact of the powerful person who lives in the God Realm!

It can be said that the natal divine art of listening and guarding erupted by Shenyou Tingting not only protects the entire Yongye City and the entire Shenxian Sect, it can also be said to protect the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!

Tuoba Tiance, who was so angry that he lost his mind, didn't even consider the consequences of the Tianyuan Talisman breaking out.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, there was already a violent turbulence in the dark curtain of light. Even a powerful man like Emperor Yongye could not see through the scene.


Waves of roars came from the dark screen of light and resounded over the entire Yongye City, making everyone present tremble. Wang Feng, who stood in the Evernight City, stared at the dark screen of light. Although his face was solemn, there was no trace of worry. He believed that Feipeng and Shenyou Tingting would be able to resist this so-called Tianyuan Talisman together!

If even Fei Peng and Shen You Ting couldn't resist the alliance, then this so-called God Clan would be too terrifying. With such a terrifying talisman, the Tianyuan God Clan would have already informed the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!


As if to confirm Wang Feng's conjecture, a roar suddenly exploded. Immediately afterwards, the dark curtain of light dispersed directly, revealing the scene inside. What everyone present did not expect was that there was nothing inside, not the Tianyuan Talisman. , whatever Heavenly Emperor's sword punishment, all disappeared without a trace at this moment.

He couldn't even feel the slightest bit of violent force, as if everything just now was an illusion.

For a moment, the entire sky above Yongye City was silent. Everyone present looked at the empty battlefield in astonishment, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.


In this moment of silence, two sudden sounds of vomiting blood resounded, causing everyone present to come back to their senses and turn away after hearing the sound. At this glance, their expressions were suddenly startled, and their pupils widened!

At this moment, Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong were both spitting blood. Not only that, they were originally handsome and majestic, but they had become extremely old. Their long hair turned into snow white, and their skin became like tree bark. , all wrinkled, looking not like the two patriarchs of the gods at all, but more like two waning old men!

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