Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 933 The war ends, Xuanyou is shocked

Listening to this man's exclamation, the surrounding cultivators nodded subconsciously. After this battle, the three names of Yongye City, Shenxian Sect, and Wang Feng will be completely resounded throughout the Chaos Emperor Realm. He is worshiped and respected by countless powerful people, and will even leave a strong mark in the history books of the entire Imperial Realm.

Of course, in this battle, Emperor Yongye, Emperor Xiaoyao, and even Feipeng, Shenyou Diting, etc. all showed unparalleled heroic appearance. Even the victory of this battle was largely due to these people.

But these people are all headed by Wang Feng. Even the patriarchs of the God Clan such as Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen came to help Yongye City because of Wang Feng.

What's more, the final victory of this battle is determined by the guardians of the Shenxian Sect and the sacred beasts that protect the sect. It can be said that the most critical outcome of this battle is all because of the Shenxian Sect!

In less than a month, the Shenxian Sect went from being an unknown sect to becoming famous throughout the Imperial Realm. It even surpassed several major divine clans and became the strongest overlord in the Imperial Realm!

If someone had told them before that such a sect existed in the Imperial Realm, they would have definitely cursed. Even if they saw it with their own eyes now, they would have an unreal feeling as if they were in a dream.

With the fall of the heads of the two major divine tribes, if there is no trump card among these two major divine tribes, I am afraid that both of these two major divine tribes will be wiped out under the revenge of the Shenxian Sect!

Thinking of this, everyone present trembled. Is it possible that the God Clan, which has been so powerful in the entire Imperial Realm for countless years, is really about to decline?

For a moment, many cultivators looked at Wang Feng standing in the sky in awe. From now on, they and Wang Feng are people in two different worlds. If they want to see Wang Feng again, it will be difficult to climb to the sky. .


As Fei Peng and Shen You Di listened to clearing out the powerful men of the two major divine races, many of the powerful men of Yongye City and even the powerful men of Shenxian Sect could not sit still and rushed out from Yongye City directly towards the inexplicably terrified and few remaining men. The super power rushed away.

This unprecedented battle, after more than ten days, will finally come to an end!

Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen, who were standing in Yongye City, looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They never expected that Wang Feng's hidden strength was so terrifying.

Before Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong died, they wished each other would die, but after seeing Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong die, they felt a sense of emptiness and dreaminess in their hearts.

The sworn enemy who had been unable to be killed for countless years just died in front of him?

Or was it solved by a young man who had just appeared in the Imperial Realm?

For a moment, Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen couldn't help but feel lucky that they had chosen to help Yongye City, otherwise, the consequences would have been unpredictable!



At the same time, deafening roars resounded in the Yunding Imperial Sect. The battle between the old man and Ji Xuanyou became more and more intense. Even the vision of Tuoba Tiance and his two men's deaths did not affect them!

The two of them had completely fought with real fire, their moves were fierce, and every time they collided, there was an extremely powerful impact. Under this situation, neither Ji Xuanyou nor the old man dared to be distracted in any way.

The Nirvana team in the distance stared closely at the battle between the two, and their hearts were extremely shocked. They did not expect that a strong man who randomly appeared in this small imperial sect could fight to such an extent with the adults. , that terrifying impact made them tremble even from a distance.

Among them, there are many strong men who are at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but even though they are extremely talented and have extraordinary fighting power, when facing the battle between Ji Xuanyou and the old man, they feel ashamed and tremble in their hearts!

"Who are you anyway?"

"How can there be someone like you in this small imperial sect?"

While Ji Xuanyou was fighting madly with the old man, he was shouting loudly, and his words were filled with disbelief. Even though this was his first time to step into the Imperial Realm, he knew that in the entire Imperial Realm, people with the same attitude had always been... The four major divine clans are respected, and although the imperial sect is also powerful, compared with the divine clans, it is far behind!

In the extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield, the powerful gods have always been the main force against the Nether Clan. They, the Nether Clan, only know about the four major divine clans in the Imperial Realm, but not the so-called Imperial Sect forces!

Ji Xuanyou never expected that the Imperial Sect, which was defeated in Yongye City, could have such a terrifying and powerful person?

"You alone are not worthy of knowing my name!"

The old man's eyes flashed with cold light, and he snorted coldly, showing endless arrogance. He waved his hands one after another, and the powerful palm prints filled the sky in an instant, like a violent wind and rain, falling suddenly towards Ji Xuanyou!


Hearing the old man's arrogant words, Ji Xuanyou was filled with rage and roared, "Who is he?" The second strongest person in the Imperial Realm of the Nirvana Clan, one person is inferior to ten thousand people, and he is even more powerful in the divine realm. How has he ever been treated with such contempt?

If he showed his identity, even the four most powerful divine clans in the Imperial Realm would not dare to neglect him. How could this old man be so arrogant?

Thinking of this, a fierce look flashed in Ji Xuanyou's eyes, he gritted his teeth suddenly and said in a deep voice: "Shenmen, open!"

When Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong fell, his battle with the old man was not affected, but he still sensed the vision of the two gods falling. Even though he did not know the situation of the battle in Yongye City, he still knew , plus the fallen gods before, in this battle of Eternal Night City, the three gods who fell in total are definitely rare in tens of millions of years, not to mention the ancient times and the present!

No matter which side he belongs to, it means that the battle of Yongye City is about to end. He does not want to be entangled with this old man anymore. Otherwise, once the battle of Yongye City is over, those emperor gods will be able to sense him when they come back to their senses. In the battle with this old man, let alone destroying the Imperial Religion, whether he can leave the Imperial Realm alive is a question.

But the old man is extremely powerful. Before the Divine Gate is opened, he is not sure to kill the opponent. It is even difficult to defeat him. If he wants to end the battle quickly, the only way is to open the Divine Gate and release the divine power!


As Ji Xuanyou's words fell, layers of light suddenly bloomed from his body, and the terrifying aura of annihilation, with him as the center, swept out in all directions. When this aura of annihilation swept through, the people in the Yunding Emperor's Sect All the herbs lost their vitality and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xuanyou did not fully open the Divine Gate, but only opened part of it to release part of his strength. He knew the consequences of fully opening the Divine Gate. He also knew that once the Divine Gate was fully opened and he ascended to the divine realm, the gods in Eternal Night City would It is bound to be noticed.

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