Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 936 The only sword god in the world is Chen Taixuan

Taixuan Sword Lord suddenly relaxed, a hint of joy appeared on his face, and he chuckled: "What a good boy, you are indeed my best friend, and you have actually succeeded in breaking through to the divine realm!"

"Turn danger into danger, overcome disaster and become a god. From now on, no difficulty in this world will be able to trouble you!"

At the same time, Wang Feng and others who were cleaning the battlefield in Yongye City also felt the fluctuations of the divine realm coming from the direction of Yunding Imperial Sect. Their pupils shrank and they suddenly raised their heads and looked in the direction of Yunding Imperial Sect.

Xuanyuan Hongyi, Fudao Xuanzhen, Emperor Yongye and others all had a golden light flashing in their eyes, as if they saw the situation in Yunding Emperor's Sect through many obstacles.

"not good!"

"This aura of the divine realm is...the Nirvana of the Netherworld!"

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Hong's expression changed and he suddenly exclaimed.

After saying these words, Wang Feng and others also narrowed their eyes and murmured softly: "It seems that the battle between us and the Tianyuan God Clan caused changes in the outer starry sky battlefield, causing the strong men of the Nether Clan to sneak into the Imperial Realm. !”

"King City Master, now the battle of Yongye City has ended. The two major protoss have suffered heavy losses as a result of the battle. Although the Yunding Imperial Sect has had friction with Yongye City, we are facing foreign enemies. We should go to the rescue!"

"The civil war is a civil war, but when foreign enemies come, we still have to work together to fight against the foreign enemies!"

Xuanyuan Hong looked solemn, stared at Wang Feng, and said in a deep voice.

With the current strength of Yongye City, there is no doubt that it is a behemoth in the entire Imperial Realm, or in other words, it is the absolute overlord. Even the Xuanyuan God Clan and even the Fudao God Clan cannot compare with it.

Therefore, even though he was extremely anxious, he did not dare to ignore Wang Feng's opinion.

In the past, the four major gods guarded the outer starry sky, and the Nether Clan had no idea of ​​sneaking into the Imperial Realm silently. Now, due to the battle in Eternal Night City, the Imperial Realm was in turmoil, and the Nether Clan actually sneaked into the powerful God Clan silently. , and now they are taking action against Yunding Imperial Sect. If they are not stopped, there will be endless troubles.

"Chief Xuanyuan is wrong!"

"After Chen Taixuan broke his arm to apologize, the conflict between our Yongye City and the Yunding Imperial Sect has disappeared!"

"Now that the Nether Clan is invading, I, Eternal Night City, have no choice but to do so!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Hongyi's solemn words, Wang Feng smiled and said loudly.

He, Wang Feng, had promised to let go of Chen Taixuan and the Yunding Emperor Sect. As long as Chen Taixuan and the Yunding Emperor Sect were no longer enemies of Yongye City or Wang Feng, he would not take the initiative to deal with the Yunding Emperor Sect and Chen Taixuan.

There are things that a real man does and things he doesn't do. No matter how much trouble there is between human races, it is still the business of the human race, and no foreign race can be allowed to interfere!

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes. They thought that after defeating the two great gods of Tianyuan and Yangsheng, Wang Feng's character would expand. Unexpectedly, , still so wise, really admirable!

If it were an ordinary person, if he could defeat the supreme gods, he would probably have floated to the sky. From now on, he would have to look at people with his nostrils, unlike Wang Feng, who was still calm.

Looking at today's world, which young generation can achieve what Wang Feng does?

Wang Feng glanced at Xuanyuan Hongyi and Fudao Xuanzhen, and ignored the shocked two people. He turned to look at the strong men of Yongye City and the elders of the Shenxian Sect who were cleaning the battlefield, and said loudly: "Everyone, the Nether Clan has arrived. To attack the Yunding Imperial Sect, I have decided to lead the strong men to support the Yunding Imperial Sect. Are you willing to follow me?"

The thunderous words exploded in the whole world, causing the whole world to shake continuously. When many powerful men heard the words, their eyes were filled with chills, and they shouted loudly: "We are willing to follow the city lord and annihilate the underworld tribe. , aid the Yunding Imperial Sect!”

The sound waves spread out in ripples visible to the naked eye. Every strong man was boiling with fighting spirit, wishing he could appear in the Yunding Imperial Sect immediately and kill everyone.

Now Wang Feng led them to defeat the two major gods, destroying the myth of the gods, causing many powerful people in Yongye City to respect Wang Feng as a god. When Wang Feng gave the order, they were like chicken blood, and they couldn't wait to be bloody for Wang Feng.

Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand, intending to lead many powerful men to the Yunding Imperial Sect for assistance. However, at this moment, a word that sounded like the sound of heaven resounded throughout the entire Imperial Realm, setting off endless waves. Feng Lang and all the cultivators in the Imperial Realm were dumbfounded by these words.

"Today, I, Chen Taixuan, entered the Tao with my sword and opened the divine gate with my sword!"

"From now on, I am the only sword god in the world, Chen Taixuan!"

These words echoed over the entire Chaos Emperor Realm over and over again. No matter where you were in the Emperor Realm, you could hear these words that sounded like the voice of heaven, making the souls of the monks throughout the Emperor Realm tremble.

They never expected that after tens of millions of years, a strong person from the Imperial Realm would come to the divine realm again, and it would be Chen Taixuan, the leader of the Yunding Imperial Sect. Previously, in Yongye City, he was forced to cut off his arms to apologize, and had his religion closed down. !

How amazing and stunning is this?

After experiencing the catastrophe, not only did he not fall, but he went to a higher level and directly reached the divine realm. This is the realm that countless cultivators in the Imperial Realm long for!

In the sky above Yongye City, Wang Feng's pupils shrank, and his heart was extremely shaken. Even he did not expect that Chen Taixuan would break through the catastrophe and reach the divine realm. Such will and even luck are truly admirable and enviable.


Many cultivators who witnessed Chen Taixuan being forced to cut off his arm to apologize couldn't help but gasp, and stood there like a wooden chicken, with their whole heads blank. Even many powerful people from Yongye City and even powerful people from the Immortal Sect could not help but gasp. , are all like this.

"This man is truly amazing!"

"With this person here, I am not alone!"

Even beings like Emperor Yongye couldn't help but sigh, their eyes flashed with blazing light, and their whole body was filled with a strong will to fight.

The Xiaoyao Emperor beside him did not speak, but he was also full of fighting spirit.

At the same time, violent power was erupting in the Yunding Imperial Sect's headquarters. Ji Xuanyou and the Ji Mie team, who were planning to annihilate Taixuan Sword Master in one fell swoop, also heard these words that sounded like the sound of heaven.

The movements in his hands stopped subconsciously, and he stared at the depths of the Yunding Emperor's Sect with horrified eyes. At this moment, even Ji Xuanyou, who had fully opened his divine door, felt a throbbing, as if deep in that place. Here, it seems as if some great terrifying existence is about to appear.

This feeling makes Ji Xuanyou very unbelievable. He is a dignified existence in the spiritual realm, and the so-called Chen Taixuan, even if he has reached the divine realm, has just entered it. How can he be given to such a veteran powerful person in the divine realm? Feeling like this?


When Ji Xuanyou was trembling, a terrifying wave centered on the mountain peak deep in the Yunding Emperor's Sect and spread out like a violent storm, shaking the whole world!

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