When Xuanyuan Hong finished speaking, Fudao Xuanzhen on the side also looked at Wang Feng, with a searching look in his eyes. Although the two patriarchs of Yangsheng and Tianyuan were killed by the strong men of the Shenxian Sect, and even the strong men of the two major divine races, A lot of them have also fallen, but they still haven’t damaged the true foundation of the two major divine races!

The two major gods still have a strong foundation, and their real foundation is the old monsters hidden in the depths of the gods. However, it is not that easy to deal with these old monsters.

Even with the current strength of Yongye City and even the Shenxian Sect, it is still very difficult to completely destroy these two major clans of gods.

The foundation of the God Clan is too deep, and it has been standing in this Imperial Realm for too long. It has already formed a huge network of relationships. There are countless forces in the entire Imperial Realm that secretly seek refuge with these two major God Clan. It is not easy to completely destroy them. ?

"Thank you Chief Xuanyuan for your kindness. However, the strength of our Yongye City is uneven now. I would like to take this opportunity to let them sharpen their skills!"

After hearing Xuanyuan Hongyi's words, Wang Feng slightly cupped his hands and chuckled.

Nowadays, the Shenxian Sect does not lack top experts, but the mainstay is extremely lacking. Many elders of the Shenxian Sect are extremely talented and have unparalleled combat power, but after all, their cultivation is only at the peak of the Red Dust Emperor Realm, and they can no longer keep up with what they are today. The height at which the Immortal Sect stands.

Due to system restrictions, he cannot use the extracted cultivation to directly improve the strength of many elders of the Shenxian Sect, but this does not mean that many elders of the Shenxian Sect cannot practice and advance independently!

But even if many of the elders of the Immortal Sect are extremely talented, it is not that easy to improve their cultivation level in a short period of time. Only by tempering between life and death can they achieve a thorough enlightenment, break through their bottlenecks, and successfully advance!

The remaining strong men from the two major divine clans, Yang Sheng and Tian Yuan, are good whetstones.

"In this case, we will not get involved. If there is need, City Lord Wang just ask, and we will definitely help!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Hong nodded, understood Wang Feng's thoughts, raised his hand towards Wang Feng, and said sincerely.

"Thank you!"

Wang Feng smiled slightly and thanked him again.

"At this time of turmoil, I am afraid that the Nether Clan will not be content with peace. If there is any change, please consider the danger of all living beings in the Imperial Realm and send strong men to the outer starry sky battlefield to resist the Nether Clan!"

Xuanyuan Hongyi, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around again.

"This is natural. Chief Xuanyuan, don't worry. I, Wang Feng, am not the kind of person who cares about the world's common people and only cares about his own interests!"

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded and said extremely seriously.

Xuanyuan Hong nodded, then looked at Xuanyuan Yi who was standing not far away, and said: "Boy, follow the King City Master well. If you can be half as good as the King City Lord, my father will be proud of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hong waved his hand and left with the powerful Xuanyuan God Clan, Fudao Xuanzhen and many other powerful Fudao God Clan, and disappeared from the sight of Wang Feng and others!

Xuanyuan Yi, who was behind Wang Feng, couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face when he heard his father's words. Even though he was extremely confident in his qualifications, he still had no confidence that he could achieve half of the sect master his father said he was!

Among the great men in the world, who can compare with the sect master? Let alone half, if it can reach one-tenth, it would be great!

After bidding farewell to Xuanyuan Hongyi and others, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and with a wave of his hand, he led many strong men back to the main hall of Yongye City, leaving behind many respected Yongye City strongmen.

Even at this moment, these powerful people in Eternal Night City still feel that it is extremely dreamy. In just a short period of time, Eternal Night City has risen from an inconspicuous force in the Imperial Realm to the top overlord in the entire Imperial Realm?

In the main hall of Yongye City, Wang Feng sat on the throne, looking at the many strong men standing below, pondering for a moment, and then said: "Mu Chen, you led many strong men in Yongye City to rebuild Yongye City. I, We want this Eternal Night City to become the largest city in the Imperial Realm!"

"At the same time, clean up the ruins of the surrounding battlefields. From now on, I don't want our Eternal Night City to experience war again. I want all living beings in this Imperial Realm to be in awe as soon as they step into Eternal Night City. Don’t you dare to have any thoughts again!”


"We will obey the city lord's order!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Mu Chen and many other powerful people in Yongye City had tears in their eyes, and their blood boiled all over. They shouted loudly that he had never had such a glorious moment in Yongye City for many years. All of this was because of Wang Feng. maple!

Their hearts were filled with endless joy and reverence. They were glad that they had chosen to let Wang Feng become the Lord of Yongye City.

After the words fell, Mu Chen and others all bowed respectfully to Wang Feng, then turned and left to complete what Wang Feng ordered. After Mu Chen and others left, there were only many people left in the entire hall. Elder of the Immortal Sect.

Looking at the silent elders of the Immortal Sect, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. Compared to the powerful men in Yongye City, these people are his true confidants and the foundation for his rise!

"Jiang Ziya, you lead Li Bai, Guo Jing, Dongfang Bubai, Ah Qing, Li Yuanba, Guan Yu... and other elders as a team to stop the powerful outsiders of the Yangsheng Divine Clan. Don't hold back any people from the Yangsheng Divine Clan and kill them all! "

"Jinwu, you lead Shi Gandang, the leader of the worshiping moon, Pang Ban, Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er, Yang Guo... and other elders as a team to stop the powerful people of the Tianyuan God Clan outside. Don't hold back any people from the Tianyuan God Clan. Kill them all!"

"At the same time, if any force is detected, it surrenders to these two great gods and will be annihilated together!"

"During this process, you can act separately or together. Jiang Ziya and Jinwu, you two will coordinate the overall situation. There is no need to take action. Let many elders take action. If they encounter danger or a strong person who cannot be dealt with, you and others will Please help again!"

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng spoke, and his powerful voice echoed throughout the hall.

With the profound heritage of the two major divine clans, this battle is bound to be a protracted battle, and this is what Wang Feng wants. Only in this way can many elders of the Immortal Sect be tempered. Otherwise, if it is a one-sided battle, , what about tempering?

"Yes, I will obey your order!"

After hearing Wang Feng's words, many powerful men from the Immortal Sect, led by Jiang Ziya, shouted loudly, and the sound shook the entire main hall, causing the main hall to tremble slightly.

"If the city lord doesn't mind it, we will also be willing to help!"

Emperor Yongye and Emperor Xiaoyao, who were standing aside, looked at each other, and then said to Wang Feng in unison.

"How dare you, kid? It would be great to have two people to help you! You two can choose a team to follow, and they will also coordinate the overall situation. When they are in danger, we will help them!"

After hearing what Emperor Yong Ye said, Wang Feng had a smile on his face and spoke quickly.

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