Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 941 Introducing the Underworld Tribe into the Passage

"Tiance and Tianxing are dead!"


Hearing Tuoba Tianyuan's words, Tuoba Tianhong's pupils shrank and he suddenly exclaimed.

Although he has not been born for a long time and is sleeping in this forbidden land, he also knows that both Tiance and Tianxing have broken through to the divine realm. In this imperial realm, except for a few old guys from the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, who can kill them? Tiance and Tianxing?

"What happened?"

Tuoba Tianhong looked gloomy and asked.

Before that, he had been in a deep sleep. If he hadn't been awakened by the terrifying murderous intention emanating from Tuoba Tianyuan, he would not have known that such a big event had happened in the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

"This matter must be dealt with from Yongye City...!"

A full quarter of an hour later, Tuoba Tianhongfang learned the whole story from Tuoba Tianyuan, his face was shocked and angry. He did not expect that a mere Yongye City would dare to challenge the power of his divine race? What's more, he didn't expect that even Tuoba Tiance's use of the Tianyuan Talisman failed to kill the enemy, and instead he was killed by the enemy!

That is the Tianyuan Talisman!

The Tianyuan God Clan's strongest trump card is actually unable to do anything to the opponent? How terrifying is the so-called Immortal Sect? Could it be a force that came down from the God Realm? Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?

"Brother, the hatred between Tiance and Tianxing must be avenged!"

Even though he was fearful, Tuoba Tianhong still gritted his teeth and said, with a strong hatred bursting out from all over his body. He thought that the Tianyuan Divine Clan, who had stood in the entire imperial world for so long, had never suffered such humiliation?

The majestic Tianyuan God Clan’s patriarchs and even the Great Elders have fallen one after another. If they don’t avenge this bloody sea of ​​​​blood, how can the Tianyuan God Clan have the dignity to stand in this imperial realm?

"Don't worry, I have my own thoughts on this matter!"

A cold light flashed in Tuoba Tianyuan's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"Even the Tianyuan Talisman can't do anything to the other party. Even if you take action, big brother, I'm afraid...?"

Hearing Tuoba Tianyuan's words, Tuoba Tianhong's face flashed with hesitation. After thinking about it, he still spoke.

"Brother, I plan to lure the Underworld tribe into the pass!"


After Tuoba Tianyuan said these words, Tuoba Tianhong's pupils shrank, and a look of shock flashed across his face. No matter what, he never expected that his eldest brother would make such a decision!

Once the Nether Clan is lured into the Pass, not to mention whether they can kill them, once this is done, the Tianyuan Clan will be despised by the entire Imperial Realm, and from now on, they may not be able to gain a foothold in the Imperial Realm.

Even if Tuoba Tianyuan really does this, all the soldiers of his Tianyuan God Clan who have fallen on the outer starry sky battlefields over the years will die with their eyes open, and everything his Tianyuan God Clan has done before will also be in vain!

"Sometimes, you have to be ruthless not only to your enemies, but also to yourself!"

"Broken and then established, Nirvana and rebirth!"

"After the deaths of Tiance and Tianxing, our Tianyuan Divine Clan has become the laughing stock of the Imperial Realm. Now, the Shenxian Sect and even Yongye City are extremely famous in the entire Imperial Realm, and are even vaguely respected by the world as the overlord of the Imperial Realm! "

"The opponent's strength is unfathomable. Even the Tianyuan Talisman can block it. Even if I take action, I have no confidence that I can defeat the opponent. It is even very likely that I will be severely injured by the opponent."

"Coupled with the fact that the other party has Xuanyuan Divine Clan and Fudao Divine Clan helping us, it is almost impossible for us to seek revenge!"

"The only chance is to lure the Underworld tribe into the pass, let them bite the dog, and we will reap the benefits!"

"If there is no place for us to stand in this Imperial Realm, then we will simply overthrow the entire Imperial Realm and start over. Maybe I, the Tianyuan Divine Clan, can still stand on the top of the Imperial Realm!"

Tuoba Tianyuan's words kept ringing in Tuoba Tianhong's ears, making his face look uncertain, but his thoughts of dissuasion were reduced a lot. He knew very well that his elder brother's decision was right, and Only by taking a risk can you avenge your blood.

"If this can be done, when the war begins, our Tianyuan Divine Clan will occupy the majority, and it will not be impossible for our entire clan to ascend to the God Realm by then!"

A flash of light flashed in Tuoba Tianyuan's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"Now that eldest brother has decided, I, my younger brothers, and even the entire Tianyuan Divine Clan will fully support it!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Tianhong's eyes flashed with determination, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"For this matter, I will personally visit the Nether Clan for my brother. Now that you have awakened, everything about the God Clan will be left to you!"

"Before Brother Zai returns, don't act rashly. If there is any movement, endure it!"

"Brother understands!"

Hearing Tuoba Tianyuan's solemn words, Tuoba Tianhong nodded and said.

After the words fell, Tuoba Tianyuan's figure flashed and disappeared into the forbidden area like a ghost. Seeing his elder brother leaving, Tuoba Tianhong's eyes flashed with a cold light and he murmured softly: "Eternal Night City? You dare to touch me, Tianyuan." The Gods, even if they spend everything they have, they will still make you pay the price!"


Tianyong City is located in the northeast of the Imperial Realm, and is also a city within the residence of the Tianyuan God Clan.

Although the death of the two top Tianyuan God Clan experts, Tuoba Tiance and Tuoba Tianxing, has made the entire Tianyuan God Clan panic, as long as the Tianyuan God Clan has not been truly destroyed, the Tianyuan God Clan will not be in chaos because they all know that in Tianyuan God Clan, there will be no chaos. Deep within the God Clan, there are ancestors who are even more terrifying than Tuoba Tiance and Tuoba Tianxing.

Of course, at this time of crisis, the Tianyuan God Clan and even some of the forces that surrendered to the Tianyuan God Clan have become cautious and do not dare to be as arrogant as in the past.

On this day, two figures slowly walked into Tianyong City. Looking at the still prosperous Tianyong City, the corners of the lips of the two figures evoked a sneer.

The two of them had a clear purpose. Once they entered Tianyong City, they walked straight towards a luxurious mansion in the southeast of Tianyong City.

This mansion looks luxurious, but it is not the most luxurious mansion in the entire Tianyong City. But as long as you stay in Tianyong City for a while, you will understand that although this mansion is not the most luxurious in Tianyong City. The mansion is the most untouchable mansion!

Because there lived a protector from the Tianyuan Divine Clan, whose cultivation had reached the terrifying pinnacle of the Red Dust Emperor Realm. It was said that this mansion was the place where the protector lived, and there were countless beautiful servants in it.

Every night, the sounds of warblers and swallows could be heard coming from the surrounding mansions, making many women in the surrounding mansions blush.

But no matter how absurd this Tianyuan God Clan protector is, no one dares to say a word. In this Tianyuan God Clan's residence, those who slander the Tianyuan God Clan are undoubtedly digging their own graves.


When the two figures walked to the front of the mansion, the two guards guarding the gate fiercely scolded, with arrogance on their faces, and they did not take these two figures seriously at all!

"Do you know who the owner of this mansion is? Are you ordinary people seeking death before you dare to set foot in your mansion?"

One of the guards, with a cold glint in his eyes, scolded him in a cold voice.

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