Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 964 Chaotic Forbidden Territory

"Dragon Martial Saint Sword Jue!"

Like an ancient sound coming from a long river, it suddenly exploded throughout the entire meteorite group. A huge and ferocious green dragon head poked out from the void, accompanied by endless sword energy, roaring out with unparalleled power.

"Damn it!"

A moment of inadvertence caused Guan Yu to launch such a terrifying offensive. The protector of the Tianyuan God Clan cursed angrily and his heart was trembling. If the people behind him hadn't given him a little confidence, he would have turned around and ran away.

Such a terrifying power made him tremble with fear at just one glance.


A peak Saint Immortal of the Nirvana Clan had a cold light flashing in his eyes, and he shouted loudly.


After the words fell, a total of fifteen strong men above the pinnacle of the world of mortals burst out without reservation. The colorful offensive covered the sky and the sun, and magical powers were thrown out from their hands as if they were free of money. A powerful impact of power. , the shock caused the surrounding meteorites to explode and turn into pieces.


In an instant, the two sides collided violently. The deafening roar broke through the vacuum limit and resounded throughout the entire meteorite group. The terrifying power swept across all directions, destroying everything around them. Black cracks were like a It stretches like a black dragon.

"Bang! Bang!"

In the endless power storm, thunder-like explosions suddenly sounded. One by one, the peak human beings of the Nether Clan exploded like fireworks, and the protector of the Tianyuan God Clan who was being cared for by Guan Yu, even more so. Dead as hell.

The only ones still alive in the field were the five peak Saint Immortal experts who had destroyed the Nether Clan.

" is it possible?"

One of the peak Saint Immortal experts widened his eyes and looked at Guan Yu who was standing opposite with a sword in disbelief. He was so horrified that ten of the top human mortals and five peak Saint Immortals were unable to bear it. This mortal peak elder of the Immortal Sect? With just one move, the ten top mortals on their side fell directly?

This scene is like a dream, no matter how you look at it, it is unreal.

But how do they know that every elder of the Immortal Sect is a top master in their respective worlds, and they are the best in the world in terms of qualifications and combat power.

Just like Guan Yu, the Lord of Martial Saints, he has a blue dragon body, which can summon the shadow of the green dragon to protect himself. It is extremely powerful. In addition, after the blue dragon bloodline is activated, it can be transformed into the green dragon divine armor, and its defensive power can block a person higher than himself. The enemy in the big realm strikes with all his strength.

Just now, without saying a word, Guan Yu directly used all his strength, and even unleashed the terrifying magical power of 'Dragon Martial Saint Ultimate Sword' that he had just realized recently. Even if the opponent had dozens of strong men above the pinnacle of mortal world, how could he stop him? live?

"A bunch of trash!"

When the five powerful men of the Nirvana Tribe were horrified, a powerful cold snort suddenly exploded in the star field, and then a figure appeared out of thin air, filled with the terrifying power of the Tongtian Emperor Realm. Shocked the entire star field.

Guan Yu's phoenix eyes in the distance were slightly condensed, and his whole heart sank. The blow just now had consumed most of his strength. He was not sure how to deal with even the five peak saints, let alone this one. A powerful person in the Tongtian Emperor realm?

"See Tianyun Protector!"

When the five peak Saint Immortal Saints from the Nirvana Clan saw the visitor, their expressions changed slightly and they quickly bowed respectfully.

The person who came was none other than Ji Tianyun, the protector of the Tongtian Emperor Realm of the Netherworld Clan.

"Your strength qualifies me to remember you and tell you your name!"

Ji Tianyun ignored the five people, glanced at Guan Yu indifferently, and shouted in a deep voice.

"I'm Guan Yu, the elder of the Immortal Sect!"

Hearing this, Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his long beard, and said proudly.

"Guan Yu?"

"What a good name. I'll give you a chance to surrender and avoid death!"

Ji Tianyun nodded and extended an olive branch towards Guan Yu. With Guan Yu's amazing combat prowess, he was already qualified to recruit him personally.

"People from the Shenxian Sect would rather die than surrender!"


"Dragon Martial Saint's Absolute Sword!"

As these words fell, Guan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and exploded again, using all his remaining strength to unleash the strongest blow.


The sound of dragon chants and howling swords resounded throughout the entire star field, and the terrifying green dragon shadow reappeared, roaring out with unparalleled power, shattering the void wherever it passed.

"The mantis' arms are like a chariot!"

Ji Tianyun shook his head, smiled contemptuously, stretched out his palm suddenly, and the vast power spurted out, converging into a huge palm print, and slapped it out, covering the sky and the sun.

As a powerful person at the pinnacle of the Tongtian Emperor Realm, no matter how powerful Guan Yu's attack was, to him, it was just a strike from an ant and was of no use at all.


A terrifying blow that was comparable to ten people at the top of the Red World Emperor Realm. In front of that palm print, it was like a bubble and was easily defeated. Guan Yu's whole body was blown away by a terrifying force. His whole body was ejected like a cannonball. In an instant, , then disappeared into the dark starry sky.

"You still want to escape in front of me?"

Ji Tianyun smiled disdainfully, his face was calm, his body swayed, and he chased after him unhurriedly.


In the endless star field, Guan Yu's face was pale, blood spurted from his mouth, and his whole body was shaking. The terrifying power of the sky penetrated into his body. If he hadn't activated the Qinglong bloodline and was protected by the Qinglong divine armor, his internal organs would probably be damaged. Shattered.

The severe pain made his whole consciousness a little confused, and he had no idea where he was.

Guan Yu gritted his teeth, supported his body, and walked forward quickly.

Behind, Ji Tianyun paused, looked at the star field that Guan Yu entered, his face changed slightly, and he murmured in a low voice: "It seems that I don't need to take action anymore!"

"This guy is really asking for his own death, and he actually stepped into the forbidden territory of chaos!"

Seeing Guan Yu's figure gradually disappearing into the psychedelic star field, Ji Tianyun shook his head, stopped pursuing, and turned around to leave.

As the protector of the Tongtian Emperor Realm of the Nirvana Clan, he knew very well how terrifying the Chaotic Sky Forbidden Territory was.

In the entire extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield, the Chaotic Sky Forbidden Area is an absolutely forbidden area. No matter whether they are from the Nether Clan or the Emperor Realm, no matter how strong their cultivation is, they dare not step into it.

No one knows how this chaotic forbidden realm came about. They only know that the Tao in it is chaotic, and the energy of heaven and earth is chaotic. Once you step into it, no matter how strong your cultivation is, you will be affected by the chaotic Tao, causing your cultivation to appear. Riot, eventually exploded and died.

Back then, a large-scale war broke out between the Nether Clan and the Imperial Realm. Even the powerful gods were dispatched. The battlefield was around the Chaotic Forbidden Territory. The strong men accidentally stepped into this chaotic forbidden area during the battle. As a result, in less than an hour, the two strong men in the divine realm both exploded and died without any body parts.

That scene shocked all the powerful men at that time, and thus interrupted the war. Since then, this chaotic forbidden area has been classified as a forbidden area by the Hades and the powerful emperors guarding the stars outside the territory.

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