In the God Realm, in a certain unknown region, Ye Muqing was wearing a fluttering white dress, standing alone and magnificent.

Behind him, the Hell Forest Dragon and the Desolate Heaven Demon God stood respectfully.

"Empress, can they really accept the inheritance of Luantian Daozu, Shifang Demon God and others?"

After hesitating for a long time, the Desolate Heaven Demon couldn't help but ask.

The Dao Ancestor of Luan Tian and the Demon Gods of the Ten Directions were just like them. They were all the most powerful men in the God Realm who participated in that dark war. However, these people all fell and had no chance of rebirth.

The Demon Gods of the Ten Directions are almost as good as him in their demon ways, and the Dao Ancestor of Luan Tian has pioneered the Dao of Luan Tian. His Dao Techniques of Luan Tian have shocked the world and made ghosts and gods cry. If he had not been ambushed by the Master of Heaven, Luan Tian Dao Ancestor would not have died.

After the voice of the Desolate Heaven Demon fell, the Hell Senlong on the side also looked at Ye Muqing. Can those elders of the Immortal Sect really accept the inheritance of such a powerful existence?

"Those elders of the Immortal Sect, I deduced, are the most suitable to accept the inheritance from Luan Tian Dao Ancestor and others."

Facing the question from the Desolate Sky Demon God, Ye Muqing said calmly without looking back.

Hearing this, the Desolate Sky Demon God and the Hell Senlong looked at each other, and both of them were filled with fear. They had no doubt about the empress's deduction ability.

"I wonder where your Excellency found so many strange and powerful people?"

Then, the Desolate Sky Demon God couldn't help but sigh, he had personally observed many elders of the Shenxian Sect, and what shocked him was that many of the elders of the Shenxian Sect were not only highly qualified, but they also had a strange power that was similar to destiny. It is as if these elders of the Immortal Sect were once the protagonists of heaven and earth.

Hearing this, Ye Muqing's face flashed with an unpredictable smile, but she did not answer.

Even she couldn't figure out the origins of those elders of the Immortal Sect, and she couldn't even deduce the secrets of heaven.


The Yangsheng Divine Clan is stationed in Tianyan City.

"The nickname is nickname. Huangfu, the son of the Yangsheng Divine Clan, and Yan Shen, the genius of the Shenxian Sect, have made an appointment to fight on the banks of Jingyang Lake. It is a battle between high and low, as well as life and death!"

The excited and trembling voice resounded throughout Tianyan City, causing the pupils of many cultivators in Tianyan City to shrink.

Huangfu made an appointment to fight the immortal Zong Yanshen at dawn?

This is shocking news!

As a cultivator in the Yangsheng Divine Clan's camp, many strong men in Tianyan City are very familiar with Huangfu Lixiao. This Huangfu Lixiao is the contemporary divine son of the Yangsheng Divine Clan. His cultivation has reached the realm of the mortal emperor, and his combat power is extremely powerful. Even if he is an old man, Even the powerful men in the mortal emperor realm of his generation may not be his opponents.

And Yan Shen, the genius of the Immortal Sect, was said to have just broken into the realm of a true king, yet he dared to accept Huangfu's invitation to fight?

For a moment, many powerful people in Tianyan City were shocked, and at the same time they couldn't help but have a trace of doubt. Can Yan Shen, the genius of the Immortal Sect, be able to stop Huangfu Breaking Dawn?

Recently, the battle of annihilation between the Shenxian Sect and the two major divine clans has attracted the attention of the entire Imperial Realm. Many elders of the Shenxian Sect are also killing each other, and their reputation has spread far and wide. Even those elders of the Shenxian Sect are only at the pinnacle of the Red Dust Emperor Realm. Although he has great cultivation level, even the powerful ones at the level of saints and immortals do not dare to underestimate him.

In addition, many elite disciples of the Shenxian Sect who came out to practice have gradually emerged.

For example, they specialize in robbing the disciples of the two major gods, the black and white evil spirits Gu Chou Gu Geng Chou, who are known as the wild geese that pluck their hair; for example, they carry a black coffin on their backs, saying that the sky has eyes and their fate is determined, but if they fall into my hands, their souls will be buried. Sealing the coffin and burying all the souls of the buried king's disciples of the two major gods; for example, using Buddhism to kill the disciples of the two major gods, but it was Shura Buddha Wu Nian who didn't spare a hand...

However, this was the first time they heard the name Yan Shen.

However, during this period of time, the great display of skills by Gu Chou and others made many monks in the Imperial Realm look at the Tianjiao of the Immortal Sect with admiration. Although they had doubts, they were still looking forward to the battle between Huangfu Lixiao and Yan Shen.

"call out……!"

Sounds of breaking through the air rang out in the sky above Tianyan City, and many monks from Tianyan City rushed towards Jingyang Lake, wanting to witness this battle of top geniuses.

In the blink of an eye, the originally noisy Tianyan City suddenly became silent, as if it had turned into a dead city.

In the inn, Wang Feng looked at the empty hall, shook his head and laughed. He was not in a hurry, and continued to drink the fairy tea on the table leisurely. After leaving the God Burial Forest, he did not return to Yongye City, but came straight here. In the Yangsheng Divine Clan's camp, they planned to deal with the Yangsheng Divine Clan first. Unexpectedly, they heard such news.

Just take a look at how far Yan Shen has grown now.

Jingyang Lake is only a few hundred miles away from Tianyan City. It is said that there was once a strong casual cultivator named Jingyang Zhenren who attained immortality on this lake. Therefore, in order to commemorate that strong man, the lake was named Jingyang.

As the news spread, Jingyang Lake, which was originally empty, suddenly became crowded with people. Not only many monks from Tianyan City came here, but also monks from several surrounding cities heard the news. Among them, there were many extremely powerful people with saint immortals and heaven-reaching powers. Tens of thousands of cultivators gathered together, causing the whole world to tremble.

The originally calm Jingyang Lake was shaken up by waves, and the whole world was filled with a solemn and depressing atmosphere.

Although the real owner has not yet appeared, the people present were not impatient. Instead, they were all talking excitedly.

"Everyone, who do you think can win in this battle of geniuses?"

"It's hard to say."

"Although Huangfu Lixiao is the divine son of the contemporary Yangsheng Divine Clan, and his cultivation has broken through to the realm of the mortal emperor, none of the geniuses of the Immortal Sect can be judged by common sense, such as the Black and White Shuangsha, the Burial King, Shura Buddha and others, which one Not only can the weak defeat the strong, but his combat power is terrifying. Although this Yan Shen is not well-known, it is extraordinary to think that he can become an elite disciple of the Shenxian Sect."

"Yes, apart from the battle between the leader of the Immortal Sect and the leader of the Sword Body Sect of Eternal Night City, this battle is probably a battle between the top geniuses in the Imperial Realm."

"Despite this, I still think that Huangfu will win at Dawn. After all, he has reached the realm of the Red Dust Emperor and is a contemporary son of the Yangsheng Divine Clan. The skills and magical powers he has cultivated are difficult for ordinary people to achieve."

"Fart! I think Yan Shen will win."

"Go away! I don't want you to feel it, I want me to feel it!"

"Do you dare to take a gamble?"

"Just bet, no one is afraid of whom!"

"I bet on a real imperial weapon, and I bet on Yan Shen's victory."

"I bet...!"

Somehow, a good discussion suddenly turned upside down, and a bet was started on the spot. At first, it was just a dispute between two monks from Tianyan City. With the participation of many monks, it gradually turned into a bet.

"Look, Huangfu is coming at dawn!"

But at this moment, a cry of exclamation suddenly resounded across the entire Jingyang Lake, causing many cultivators present to be shocked and hurried away after hearing the sound.

I saw, in the distant sky, a figure walking through the air, the aura surging around it, shocking the heaven and the earth.

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