Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 991 Guo Jing VS Ghost Mandrill

Ghost Mandrill looked at the desolate area in front of him, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his red eyes. If he had not known it in advance, he would never have imagined that in this desolate secret realm, there would be hidden the supreme and powerful Tianlong Daozu of the God Realm. inheritance.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and with a flash of his body, he galloped towards the mountain peak that reached into the sky in the distance. The entire secret realm behind the ban was desolate. The only difference was that the mountain could not be higher, just like A long sword soars into the sky.

Come to think of it, the inheritance of Dragon Daozu that day was on the top of this mountain.

In just a moment, Demon Mandrill came to the mountain and stood at the foot of the mountain. Even a person like Demon Mandrill couldn't help but feel like an ant. He even vaguely noticed that from the mountain in front of him, From the mountain peak, there was a breath that made him tremble.

This did not frighten him, but made him more excited. The more extraordinary the mountain was, the more it reflected the terror of Daozu Long that day.

He swayed and climbed up the mountain. He thought he would encounter difficult obstacles, but he didn't expect that the journey was smooth. In just a moment, he reached the top of this towering mountain.

The entire mountaintop is extremely empty, surrounded by clouds and mist. Although there is no trace of life, it still gives people a mysterious artistic conception.

However, at the next moment, Demon Mandrill's pupils shrank and he stared straight ahead. An unknown anger burst out of his chest, and his whole body seemed to explode.

I saw that in the center of the mountain, there was an ancient and huge altar. Around the altar, there were twelve stone pillars carved with mysterious patterns, which looked like twelve pillars supporting the sky.

In addition, there is a tall statue on the altar, but the face of the statue cannot be clearly seen, as if its face is obscured by a mysterious force.

What really made Oni Mandrill angry was that at the foot of the statue, on a huge rock that looked like a five-pointed star, there was already a burly figure sitting upright. The man's eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body was surrounded by mysterious lines, as if he was receiving some kind of It seems that the inheritance has been accepted and the mystery of inheritance is being understood.

There is no doubt that the inheritance of Tianlong Dao Ancestor that excites him is likely to be taken advantage of by this damn guy.


In an instant, the ghost mandrill couldn't bear it any longer, and the power in his body burst out crazily. The tyrannical momentum was like a stormy sea, shaking the entire mountain top, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds were forced to disperse by this terrifying momentum. The powerful momentum The fluctuations in power caused the void around the mountain top to distort in a manner visible to the naked eye.

Such terrifying power also alarmed the figure who was comprehending. His eyes suddenly opened, and a soul-stirring light flashed across his eyes, followed by a roar like thunder. Voice.


Guo Jing suddenly stood up, his whole body surged with momentum, resisting this terrifying power, and stared at the ghost mandrill with his sharp eyes!

Yes, this figure is none other than Guo Jing, a powerful figure from the Shenxian Sect whose whereabouts are unknown!

Back then, when he was liquidating the Yang Sheng Divine Clan's protectors, he was carelessly ambushed by strong men from the Yang Sheng Divine Clan. After killing two Yang Sheng Divine Clan protectors, he was seriously injured and escaped. Unexpectedly, he accidentally fell into this secret realm. It allowed him to get the inheritance of a mysterious strong man named Tianlong Daozu, and also allowed him to avoid the pursuit of many strong men from the Yangsheng Divine Clan!

"Damn guy!"

"How dare you steal my inheritance and die for me!"

Ghost Mandrill had no intention of answering Guo Jing's words. The endless anger had already made him lose his mind. As the roar fell, his whole body was filled with overwhelming power, and he stepped forward.

The majestic power turned into ghost mist and wrapped around his body, making him look like a ghost from hell. It was extremely terrifying. Wisps of cold ghost mist enveloped the entire mountain top, making the mountain top, which was already extremely cold, Becoming even colder.

Guo Jing didn't know why, but he didn't freeze. He even had an astonishing fighting spirit. At this moment, he was no longer what he used to be.

Originally, after accepting the inheritance of Tianlong Daozu, his cultivation reached the peak of immortality, but he was still a short distance away from breaking through to the realm of spiritual gods. However, after Wang Feng upgraded the system, he used the extracted cultivation to bless many gods. As for the sect elder, Guo Jing also received blessings even though he was in this secret realm.

It was this blessing that allowed him to successfully cross that line and reach the realm of the Spiritual God. Of course, if it weren't for the ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi contained in the inheritance of Tianlong Daozu, he would not be able to break through to the realm of the Spiritual God.

Guo Jing did not expect that when he had just consolidated his spiritual cultivation, a battle was about to begin. Although this ghost mandrill was only at the peak of immortality, it gave him a strong crisis.

Such an opponent made Guo Jing even more excited. He was worried that he could not find a suitable opponent to test his current fighting power.


As Guo Jing moved, a deafening roar of a dragon seemed to emanate from his body, and a golden dragon shadow appeared in an instant, hovering around Guo Jing. The tyrannical dragon power swept across all directions, colliding with the power of the ghost mandrill, and issued a A sizzling sound.

"Kanglong has regrets!"

As a thunderous roar resounded throughout the mountain top, Guo Jing stomped his feet, and his whole body ejected like a cannonball. He controlled the golden dragon shadow and bombarded the ghost mandrill with unparalleled momentum.


In an instant, the two figures collided together, and a roar like a bell resounded throughout the world. Accompanying this roar was a terrifying strong wind, and the void around the entire mountaintop was shaken by this force. When the wind blows, they collapse one after another, as if the sky is falling. The scene is extremely shocking!

Guo Jing felt a powerful counter-shock coming, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. Every step he took made the mountain peak shake, and the same was true for the ghost mandrill opposite.


"The Immortal Peak has such strength that he is qualified to be my opponent, Guo Jing!"

Guo Jing's eyes flashed with blazing light, and his whole body was filled with astonishing fighting spirit. He stared at the ghost mandrill and praised.

If he had not accepted the inheritance from Tianlong Daozu, even if his cultivation reached the peak of immortality, he would not have such terrifying combat power as this ghost mandrill.

"court death!"

Hearing Guo Jing's praise, Ghost Mandrill was not happy at all, but became furious. Who was he? But the supreme figure who once looked down upon the emperor's realm, and the heaven-defying existence that left even the law enforcement department of the divine realm helpless, was now criticized by Guo Jing, a mere spiritual god, with the attitude of a high-ranking person. How could he endure it?

As the angry voice fell, Gui Mandrill's body shook, and wisps of cold ghost mist appeared in an instant, turning into a huge and strange ghost beast, shrouding his entire body in it.

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