Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 996 The first person in the imperial realm throughout the ages

"See the Sect Master!"

When Wang Feng's figure was revealed, Song Que and others all bowed and saluted, looking at Wang Feng with awe in their eyes. They could feel that compared to before entering the Divine Forbidden Tower, At this time, Wang Feng's aura was restrained, but it gave them a more terrifying feeling.

Even though their strength has greatly increased, they can't help but feel a fatal crisis.

"No need to be polite!"

Seeing the respectful gestures of Song Que and others, Wang Feng smiled, waved his hands and said, his eyes flashing with brilliance, he glanced at Song Que and others, and a look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

Although the promotions of Song Que and others are not as terrifying as his, they have all entered the divine forbidden realm, and they have all reached at least the second level of divine forbidden level. For example, Song Que and Li Yuanba have reached the third level of divine forbidden level, which is the same as the divine forbidden realm. Compared with the strong men at the peak of spiritual gods, they can't give in too much.

The next moment, Wang Feng took Song Que and others back to the main hall of the Immortal Sect. In the main hall, there were already dozens of figures standing in the main hall. They were the strong men of the Immortal Sect who had successfully passed through the sect's elder hall.

For example, the leader of the Worshiping Moon Sect, Dugu Sword Master, Taiqing Master, etc. have all successfully passed the examination and become the real elders of the Immortal Sect. Their strength has been condensed to the peak of immortality. Even if they have never stepped into the forbidden realm of the gods, they can still be comparable to the divine realm. The strong compete against each other.

In addition to the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and others, there are dozens of powerful people from the Immortal Sect who are undergoing the assessment of the sect's elders' hall. Once they all pass, the strength of the Immortal Sect will surely increase several times. In the world, with the strength of Shenxian Sect, it can dominate one side.

"You also go to the Forbidden Tower of God to sharpen your skills!"

After glancing at the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and others, Wang Feng waved his hand and spoke.

In fact, in Wang Feng's opinion, the increased combat power in the Forbidden Divine Realm is secondary. What really benefits him throughout his life is the training he received when he entered the Forbidden Divine Realm, allowing him to break through the limits and then further. This is undoubtedly the development of his own potential. Pushing it to the extreme will definitely have huge benefits for your future cultivation path.

Therefore, he hopes that every member of the Immortal Sect can go to the Divine Forbidden Tower to have a try. Even if they cannot enter the Divine Forbidden Realm, it is still good to hone themselves and break through their own limits.


Hearing this, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and others bowed their hands and disappeared directly into the main hall in a flash, heading to the Divine Forbidden Tower to practice.

"You guys should go down too. When they complete the challenge and become the real elders of the Immortal Sect, it will be the time for us to attack the Nether Clan!"

Then, Wang Feng waved his hand and said to Song Que and others.

Song Que and others nodded, bowed their hands to Wang Feng, and then left the main hall, leaving Wang Feng alone in the main hall, continuing to practice and comprehend, and control his soaring strength!


Previously, after Wang Feng destroyed the Tianyuan Divine Clan, he did not recall many elite disciples of the Shenxian Sect, but allowed them to continue training in the Imperial Realm. Therefore, during the period when Wang Feng and others were practicing in seclusion, many elites of the Shenxian Sect It can be said that the disciple has made a great show, causing a storm in the entire imperial world, and his reputation has spread far and wide.

"As expected of an elite disciple of the Shenxian Sect, his strength is so terrifying!"

"Yes, now the young geniuses of the Imperial Realm are overwhelmed by the elite disciples of the Shenxian Sect!"

"You haven't seen that Xiao Yunfeng, an elite disciple of the Shenxian Sect, has extremely terrifying fire control skills. It is said that even the once famous casual cultivator Tianjiao Swordman was defeated by him!"

"Who is a swordsman? I also heard that Xiao Yunfeng crossed the Takama Desert and single-handedly defeated the Snake Tribe, the overlord of the Takama Desert. Even the Queen of the Snake Tribe was taken under his command and became his side One of the maids!"

"I'm envious! We monks should be like this!"

"I don’t know when the Shenxian Sect will recruit disciples? If there is a chance, I will give everything I have to join the Shenxian Sect!"

All the cities in the entire Imperial Realm were filled with voices of discussion. Any action by the elite disciples of the Immortal Sect would arouse the enthusiasm of many practitioners. Although countless younger generations were overwhelmed, they could not breathe. But he was gradually impressed by Li Qing and others, and regarded them as role models and idols!

Even the young geniuses of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan and the Fudao Divine Clan were defeated by Li Qing and others, and became the stepping stones for Li Qing and others.

With the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan being destroyed by the Shenxian Sect, although the Gods are still supreme in the Imperial Realm, they no longer have the terrifying prestige they had before. Now, in the entire Imperial Realm, the only overlord respected by the world is the Shenxian. Zong!

Wang Feng, the leader of the Immortal Sect, was even said to be so miraculous that the reincarnation of the unparalleled god king and the number one person in the Imperial Realm throughout the ages were all pinned on Wang Feng's head by the cultivators of the Imperial Realm.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are rumors that that year, the peach blossoms bloomed in Yongye City, and millions of female cultivators in the Imperial Realm fell in love with them.

If Wang Feng knew these legends about him circulating in the Imperial Realm, he would probably shake his head and smile bitterly, sighing at the horror of rumors.


At the same time, when the legend of the Immortal Sect was circulating in the Imperial Realm, Tuoba Tianyuan, the former strongest ancestor of the Tianyuan Divine Clan, was angry and unwilling to give up.

At this moment, he was in the main hall of the Netherworld Clan, glaring angrily with the clan leader Jixuanhuang.

"Chief Ji, you are taking advantage of the situation!"

Tuoba Tianyuan's roar resounded in the main hall. He originally wanted to rely on the power of the Nether Clan to help him take revenge, but he did not expect that the Jixuanhuang would let him join the Nether Clan and become a member of the Nether Clan. dog?

Even though he is alone now, he still has pride in his heart. How can he be willing to become a dog of the Hades?

"Tsk tsk, Tuoba Tianyuan, you are just a lonely person now, and you will face the pursuit of the Immortal Sect at any time. Apart from me, the Nether Clan, who else in the entire Imperial Realm dares to accept you? Who else can help you? Do you want revenge?"

Facing Tuoba Tianyuan's roar, instead of being angry, Ji Xuanhuang sneered, looking at Tuoba Tianyuan with a playful look in his eyes.

It’s a joke, even they who are in the outer starry sky know the terror of the Shenxian Sect, and know that the two major divine clans Tianyuan and Yangsheng in the Imperial Realm were destroyed by the Shenxian Sect. No matter how confident Ji Xuanhuang is in the strength of the Nether Clan, He doesn't think that the Nether Clan is 100% sure that it can destroy the Immortal Sect.

With just a few words from Tuoba Tianyuan, he wanted many of his soldiers from the Nether Clan to die through fire and water. How could that be possible?

Even if Tuoba Tianyuan is really willing to surrender to his underworld clan, he will not help Tuoba Tianyuan get revenge, or he will never take the initiative to deal with the Shenxian Sect if the Shenxian Sect does not reveal its flaws.

After hearing Jixuanhuang's words, Tuoba Tianyuan's face turned gloomy. He wanted to refute Jixuanhuang's words, but he knew clearly that what Jixuanhuang said was right. At this moment, he was like a rat crossing the street and could only Hiding here and there, for fear of being found by the powerful men of the Immortal Sect!

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