Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 129 The Historical Truth

"Wait what kind of force is this Heaven Court you mentioned?" Linghuang asked at this time.

Although she had never heard of it, the Holy Sect had a demon court, which also corresponded to the previous demon court.

But what the hell is Heaven Court?

"My lord, the Heaven Court is a force established by Emperor Qin Tian. Its strength reaches the sky, and it is known as the Heavenly Emperor. Later, Emperor Ye Tian continued to carry forward the Heaven Court, but after experiencing two Heavenly Emperors, the Heaven Court declined and finally fell apart! "

"Heaven Court, in the traditional sense, is truly a behemoth second only to the Holy Sect in ancient times. It unified the Qixiao of the Jiuxiao Continent. Except for Tianxiao, which is occupied by the Buddha Kingdom, and Yunxiao has the Holy Sect, all other areas are ruled by Heaven Court! "

Linghuang also understands a little bit, it turns out that Heaven Court really appeared, and its strength is so powerful.

Moreover, the Heaven Court experienced two Heavenly Emperors. After hearing the news, Ling Xiao also began to check the secret volume. Fortunately, he did find it, and it was even more detailed than what the Demon Emperor Qi Tian said.

The reason why Heaven Court didn't notify Yun Xiao was not only because of the presence of Shengzong, but also because they didn't want to get involved. After all, what kind of ruthless characters are around Shengzong?

The land of sealing demons, the land of sealing demons, the land of sealing witches, and the eastern region related to the war of exterminating Buddha, plus the Holy Sect itself, these Karmas are what Heaven Court is unwilling to face.

"That is to say, the demon court is completely imitating Heaven Court and wants to become the same force as Heaven Court? But why did the Holy Sect stop you instead of Heaven Court?" Linghuang asked again.

"Because we are the demon race, and the founders and rulers of Heaven Court are all human races, and after the establishment of Heaven Court, it has been stable for a long time, and the world is peaceful, but after the establishment of the demon court, after all, humans and monsters have different paths, not my race. , their hearts must be different, and the two groups don't trust at all!"

That's right, mistrust is the most fundamental reason for the war. The human race does not want to be ruled by the monster race, and this is the reason.

"Then how did your demon emperor do it?" Linghuang continued to ask.

"My lord Demon Emperor imitated the Great Emperor of the human race and promulgated a series of policies to strengthen the relationship between the two races, but they were all stranded in the end. The fact that the two races can intermarry was directly denied by the human race!"

Although everyone has animistic creatures, it is impossible for human races to intermarry with monster races.

"It just so happened that the Emperor Qing was born in that era. He not only killed the Demon Emperor, but also sealed the Demon Master. There were also several other Demon Emperors who were sealed together. Those disobedient and rebellious guys were all killed by Qing God killed it!"

"No, my father said that in the post-dharma-ending era, isn't it allowed to have two Great Emperors in one era? You can't make sense!" Linghuang said.

"Grandma, this is something I personally experienced, can't you still explain it clearly? The lifespan of our monster race is generally much longer than that of the human race, and with the seal, we have only lived for tens of thousands of years. What we personally experienced back then Can things be false?"

"Back then, Lord Demon Emperor was also in the late stage, not the peak period. Emperor Qing's testimony at this time directly shattered the Dao of Demon Emperor and Demon Master!"

"Is this the result of that year?" Linghuang finished asking.

"Yes, my lord, I've told you everything I know!" The Demon Emperor Qi Tian gave a wry smile. My lords, let's go!

"Hmph, if the deity knows that you are teasing me, don't blame the deity to kill you directly! Let's go!"

Linghuang returned to the Holy Sect with a few little guys. Although she was playful, she knew what was more important. Now the most urgent task is to ask her father whether these things are right or wrong!

When they came back, Ling Xiao was already holding the secret scroll, checking the secrets of the year.

Two key words are mentioned here, Heaven Court, Demon Court!

Through the secret scroll, Ling Xiao knew that seven parts of what the Demon Emperor Qi Tian said was true and three parts were false, and he intentionally made it difficult for Ling Huang to tell the difference.

"Father, we're back!"

Ling Xiao looked up and looked at the four little guys, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Oh? How's the harvest?"

Ling Huang said the words of Demon Emperor Qi Tian, ​​and Ling Xiao had actually heard them all, but he still listened patiently to the little guy.

"You, you are still a little careless. The Demon Emperor Qi Tian doesn't know your identities, whether you are friends or foes, do you think he will tell you everything?"

"That's right, Dad, do you know the truth of the matter?" Linghuang asked.

Ling Xiao looked at the four little guys with a smile, and then handed them the secret scroll in his hand.

"This is recorded by my ancestors of the Holy Sect. The Holy Sect is the only sect that has been passed down from ancient times to today. Almost all major events on the Nine Heavens Continent have been recorded!" Ling Xiao laughed.

The four of Linghuang took the secret scroll and looked at it with relish.

I also saw the ins and outs of the whole thing.

It turned out that there was nothing abnormal when the demon court was first established, but following a series of policies of the demon emperor, the world was in chaos. Not only that, the demon emperor also provoked the two Heavenly Emperor families and the Holy Ancestor, trying to make these forces Surrender.

Just kidding, how is this possible?

At that time, the Demon Emperor was as stupefied as a demon, with too much hostility, destroyed many forces, and the anger of both humans and gods.

They acted arrogantly and domineeringly. They did not put the human race in one's eyes at all, and even massacred the human race wantonly for the sake of cultivation, which eventually aroused the strong dissatisfaction of the Holy Ancestor.

It was at this time that Emperor Qing strongly testified. After all, what the demon court did before was so sad that even Heavenly Dao couldn't stand it anymore, so Emperor Qing proved, and it was easy to succeed. After the test, his strength Go directly to the Great Emperor middle stage!

And the demon emperor is just an early stage, where is the opponent of the Qing emperor, he was directly destroyed by the Qing emperor. At this time, people discovered that the demon emperor had long been blinded and controlled by evil spirits.

With the power of Heavenly Dao, Emperor Qing killed the demon emperor, exterminated the remnant souls of demons, turned the people killed by the demon court on their backs, and finally sealed the people who surrendered to the demon clan. This is the ins and outs of the demon sealing war!

"Qingdi is so great!" After reading it, Ling Huang felt that Qingdi was the savior of the world, and he was born as the protagonist of the world.

"The Qing Emperor is indeed great, but take a look at this one!" Ling Xiao handed them another tome called The Biography of the Great Emperor!

The above records in detail from ancient times to Emperor Qing, all the Great Emperor powerhouses of the Holy Sect throughout history, from the blooming of flowers in ancient times to the sad journey after several catastrophes. , The many sacrifices and efforts made are clearly recorded.

From the first generation of the Holy Master to the Qing Emperor, Shengzong has given birth to eighty Great Emperors, and it is also recorded above that ninety-nine Great Emperors Return to Self will lead the Holy Zong to a whole new level!

Eighty Great Emperors have gone through now, and the last one is left!

And Ling Xiao is most likely to be the eighty-first Great Emperor, which coincides with the number ninety-nine Return to Self.

After watching the biography of the Great Emperor, the four little guys were all moved. Every Great Emperor worked hard for the sake of the Holy Emperor and the common people in the world. !

It can be said that the number of Great Emperors of the Holy Ancestor is the largest, but they are also the ones who have fallen the most. There is no one else, just because each of them has a heart of selfless dedication.

"Father, every Great Emperor is so great and strong!" Linghuang said emotionally at this time, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Although the four of them, Xiao Jiang, are mythical beasts, after transforming into human forms, they lived in Shengzong again, grew up beside Ling Xiao, and developed emotions.

"Yes, every Great Emperor is great. This sect is going to spread the glorious deeds of the eighty Great Emperors throughout the Holy sect, so that all the disciples who passed on them will remember them all in their hearts!"

Because the direct disciples are the most likely to be in power in the future, and these secrets, the history here, they must know!

Just like Ling Xiao, when the master passed away, he still told himself some secrets and passed them down from generation to generation!

The Holy Ancestor is great. For countless years, the number of Great Emperors born has far surpassed that of other major sects. Even the most glorious Heaven Court, the number of Great Emperors born before and after is far less than that of the Holy Ancestor.

Moreover, whether it is the Heaven Court or the Demon Court, after they are strong, they all want to be recognized by the Holy Ancestor!

Just because the Holy Sect is the first and only transcendent force to rule the Nine Heavens Continent in the true sense of history!

This is the glory that belongs to the Holy Clan and should not be forgotten by history!

"Okay, I went out to play too, shouldn't it be time to practice hard?" Ling Xiao looked at the four little guys dotingly.

"No, Daddy, we want to visit Yunxiao and the whole Nine Heavens Continent, okay?" Linghuang was not satisfied, she was very curious about this world.

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