Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 175: The Essence Of The Tianjiao Conference

"Hehe, these are a few Juniors, and they've all grown up a bit now!" Ling Tian didn't say much, but the aura of the four little guys was extremely noble.

Yan Wudao and the others could also tell that these young men were divine beasts, but they only dared to imagine, not to actually raise divine beasts.

"By the way, Mr. Ling, are you going with these people?" Yan Wudao didn't see the master of Shengzong.

Mr. Ling is one of them, after all, the aura has reached the peak of the emperor, which belongs to the top combat power of the pyramid.

But besides him, there are only four little guys, and it still doesn't feel like enough!

"Don't worry, there are quite a few masters in our Holy Ancestor. If you want to trouble our Holy Ancestor, it's not that simple!"

Ling Tian laughed mysteriously.

Yan Wudao didn't say anything anymore, and then Ling Tian called Ye Fan and others, and they took the teleportation array together to go to Shenxiao.

Yunxiao City has more than one teleportation array leading to Shenxiao, and they can choose different cities. At this time, they chose Qincheng, which is one of the main cities of Shenxiao!

Shen Xiao is too big and too strong, and the city is much stronger than Yun Xiao.

These super cities are all built by the strongest forces, and it is also an important way for these super forces to make money.

When Ling Tian and others arrived in Qin City, the masters of the Qin family had already arrived here, waiting for a long time.

"Haha, welcome to Young Master Ling Tian and Yan Clan's Patriarch and others. My Patriarch and Second Master have been waiting for a long time, please!" The visitor said with a smile.

"It's time to work!"

Not long after, a group of people came to the Great Hall of the Qin family, where the Patriarch of the Qin family, Qin Cangmang and others were all present.

After Ling Tian and the others came in, Qin Cangmang stood up, "Haha, welcome Mr. Ling and Patriarch Yan, this is my brother and the head of the family, Qin Canghai!"

"Brother, this is the Little Brother of the Sect Leader of the Holy Sect, Ling Tian, ​​these are his direct disciples!" Qin Cangmang introduced Ling Tian and others emphatically.

Qin Canghai also got up and saluted Ling Tian and the others.

"Please sit down!" Qin Canghai said.

Ling Tian and the others sat down one after another. At this time, he said, "Patriarch Qin, can you tell us something about this Tianjiao Conference, because we don't know much about it, where it is held, what rewards are there, and how many people are there?" Can you enter that secret realm and so on?"

After listening to Ling Tian's words, Qin Canghai laughed, "Haha, Mr. Ling said, this is very simple. According to past experience, the Tianjiao Conference is held quite regularly. The last one was held in Ye Cheng Yes, as long as the members on the list can enter the secret realm, but other than that, only the top 100 on the list will receive rewards from Heavenly Dao, the higher the ranking, the better the rewards!"

"Is there only one hundred people on the list?" Ling Tian frowned slightly.

"No, it's 10,000, because this time it has brought together eight other than Tianxiao, countless Tianjiao, among other things, it is still possible for Great Emperor-level forces to enter the list, and the rest Some Sects also have a lot of people, and there are also some talented people!"

"Or you can look at it this way, the 10,000 is just the result after the audition, and the top 100 is the result of Heavenly Dao's selection, which is the object that Heavenly Dao plans to focus on training!"

When Ling Tian heard this, he understood that 10,000 people are only eligible to enter the secret realm. Basically, as long as they sign up, they will definitely be able to enter.

This refers to the Great Emperor level forces, and generally around ten people are selected, and some super forces may have more than this number.

The Qin family and the Ye family have thirty people in each family this time, which is the embodiment of strength!

"Patriarch Qin means that the top 100 rewards are distributed by Heavenly Dao?" Ling Tian grasped the crux of the problem.

"That's right, the last time it was before the Demon Sealing War, the strongest Tianjiao that time was from the Holy Sect, and the reward was an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, the Demon Slayer Sword, but the last Tianjiao also fell in the Demon Sealing War middle!"

"The opening of the Tianjiao Conference this time, I'm afraid it will be another catastrophe! I just don't know what kind of scene it will be this time!"

Only then did Ling Tian know that the previous champion was from the Holy Sect!

"Master Ling doesn't know?"

Qin Cangmang looked at Ling Tian, ​​who shook his head.

"From a historical point of view, the previous champions belonged to the Holy Sect, but each of these times corresponds to a major historical event, the battle of sealing demons, the battle of destroying Buddha, the battle of witch clan, and the battle of sealing monsters. Correspondingly, it is also a major impact on the holy sect!"

Ling Tian and the others were a little surprised when they heard this.

It turns out that every time the champion is a member of the Holy Ancestor, but it is precisely because of this that the impact on the Holy Ancestor is too great.

The previous disasters were all aimed at the holy sect!

"Oh? Want to target my Holy Sect? Haha, it's a pity that the current Holy Sect is no longer the previous Holy Sect!" Ling Tian said confidently.

"That's right, even any one of these talents today has the strength to become the champion! And there are still so many of them!" The second master of the Qin family was also extremely moved.

There are too many genius disciples in Shengzong's generation, far surpassing other major forces.

The Divine Sword Sect has three swords, and it has already established itself in the sky, and there are fifteen genius masters of the same level as the Holy Sword Sect!

This is almost a dimensionality reduction blow!

"The top 100 people, we don't know what rewards will be given, because these rewards come from there!" The second master of the Qin family pointed at the top of his head.

Everyone understood, Ling Tian continued to ask: "Then where is this year?"

"From the current point of view, it should be in the Excalibur City, which is the city that the Excalibur Sect belongs to!" Qin Canghai said.

Ling Tian nodded slightly, now he understands, it turns out that this session of the Tianjiao Conference is held in the Excalibur Sect, so doesn't this mean that conflicts between the two parties are more likely to break out?

In fact, he also understands that even in Ye Cheng or Qincheng, the conflicts that should erupt will all erupt, and it's just time.

"By the way, what about the next Sect ranking battle? Will all superpowers participate? How to proceed?" Ling Tian continued to ask, since he asked all the questions, he asked all the questions.

"The Sect Ranking Tournament is held after the Tianjiao Conference. The Tianjiao Conference chooses individual talents, and the Sect Ranking Tournament is to check the overall strength and background of a Sect!"

After finishing speaking, several people looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Ahem, don't you guys say that the Holy Sect ranked first a few times before?"

"Mr. Ling is really smart. The Holy Sect ranked first every time before, but the Sacred Sect's responsibility is also the heaviest. From now on, it can be seen that the Sacred Sect is about to wither before, but the other forces are still intact. standing upright!"

Ling Tian finally understands, this is targeting the Holy Sect!

"Hehe, good time, if this is the case, this year's champion will not be able to escape!" Ling Tian laughed.

After everyone chatted for a while, Ye Fan and others were arranged to rest.

The name of the Holy Ancestor was brought up again, because every previous champion was a member of the Holy Ancestor, and the same was true for the Sect Ranking Competition, basically there was nothing about other Sects.

Now that the Holy Sect is recovering, its strength is super strong, and there are many talented disciples, I'm afraid it will still be the same this year.

"Do you think that the Divine Sword Sect will unseat the Holy Sect? This time, the Divine Sword Sect is the most powerful and has reached an unprecedented level!"

"Shenjianzong can rank first in Shenxiao. Their strength is really not bragging. They have such a proud son of heaven!"

"I'll know when the time comes. There will definitely be a battle between them, but I don't know who will be more famous this time!"

Only the top 100 in the Tianjiao list will be rewarded, and everyone behind will not be rewarded, only the qualification to enter the secret realm.

After Ling Tian heard the news, he wondered if he could also take out the three thousand disciples?

But after thinking about it, he gave up. These three thousand disciples were cultivated by himself, so that when they appeared, they would shock the world!

It's better to continue dormant now!

One day later, the masters of the Qin family led thirty genius disciples to form a team of fifty people, and brought along the masters of the Shengzong and Yan clan to the city of Divine Sword!

Excalibur City is backed by Excalibur Mountain, and Excalibur Mountain is the root of Excalibur Sect. It is extremely prosperous, with a population of more than 200 million, and geniuses emerge in large numbers.

Because this Tianjiao Conference was held here, it attracted countless strong people to enter here.

In a short period of time, Excalibur City had a population of two to three hundred million people, and they were all powerful and elite disciples of the major forces.

"I don't know what the outcome will be this time!"

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