Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 193 General Meeting Of Shareholders

The bigwigs from all major forces entered Tianxialou one after another at this time, and when they entered, they all felt a sense of coercion, a feeling of being tall.

Not only that, each faction seems to be respected, because here, there are their Sect names and representative names!

"Is this all Master Ling Tian's idea? It's unbelievable!"

"Yes, I have to say, Master Ling Tian is indeed a genius in the world!"

"First Tianxialou, then Wushuang City, each of them gives people a feeling of being respected, and the same is true for calling us to hold a meeting now!"

"With such a holy sect cooperating with us, why not rise?"

More and more powerful people entered the venue, and the first feeling after entering was almost the same.

Actually is not how strong Ling Tian's business thinking is, but in his previous life, these are the most basic!

Soon, all the bosses had arrived, and at this time, Ling Tian also appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, welcome to the venue of this meeting. Please forgive me for the hasty preparation!" Ling Tian said modestly.

"No, Mr. Ling is really humble. Every idea here is enough for us to learn a lot. You are a real business genius!"

"Business prodigy is not fake at all, Mr. Ling deserves this title!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ling is not only powerful, but also has such a talent in business, which is admirable!"

Ling Tian waved his hand, the compliments of these people are a little superficial, compared with those professional trolls and professional flatterers in the previous life, it is far worse.

"Everyone, I asked you to come here this time. I have a few things I want to discuss with you. Every faction is free to speak. If you have anything to say, feel free to speak up!" Ling Tian looked at everyone and said.

"Master Ling, please tell me, we must listen carefully."

Ling Tian is a little speechless, he just made an opening remark, do you also compliment him? Do you want to be so disgusting?

"Okay, I'm about to start next. First, I will talk about one thing, the so-called strategic alliance. I said before that any force that cooperates with us can form a strategic alliance with us. But so far, the only real strategic alliance is A dozen or so, this time I called everyone to see what you mean!"

"Of course, once a real strategic alliance is established, when the time comes, the offensive and the defensive will face each other. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support it. No force can violate it. Once it is violated, my holy sect will come and completely destroy it. One person, ten thousand Don't affect a Sect force!"

At this time, Qin Ye and other forces felt extremely proud, because they were the first batch of strategic alliances of the Holy Sect, and they were such forces in the true sense.

"Everyone can think about it, because my Holy Sect will face many enemies in the future, among other things, such as clearing the restricted area, and the Western Land Buddha Kingdom, as well as demons, witches, demons, etc., everyone should think about it , under such circumstances, those who are still willing to form a strategic alliance with our Holy Ancestor, stay, and those who are not willing, can leave directly. The previous cooperation will last for one year. After the time is up, all benefits will belong to us All the Saints!"

In a word, all interpretation rights belong to Shengzong, and Shengzong has the final say on everything!

"Young Master Ling, I want to ask a question, which may be a question that many forces are worried about at this time. I wonder if I can ask it?" A big man got up and asked.

"Of course, everyone has a right to speak!"

This person is the Pavilion Master of Fenglei Pavilion, "The purpose of the Holy Ancestor is to clear the forbidden zone, that is, those Great Emperors who don't want to die, but now we also have Great Emperors in Sect, may I ask, is there any way to solve this problem? "

"That's right, although we are cooperating with you, there are also Great Emperor powerhouses in the Sect, not like everyone else!"

Ling Tian smiled at this time, "I'm very glad that you can ask such a question. Here, we offer two options. One is to be a strategic ally with us and return to Sect. Within two years, we will take him with us. Going to God Realm, two, not returning, but it can be used as our internal response, and can help us when we attack the restricted area!"

"These two options can be immortal, and we will take them to the God Realm. Besides, no Great Emperor can ignore human life and devour living things!"

Ling Tian also has his own bottom line, and now he has said it out, and from the old man, he also knows that the final decisive battle will follow, and after this time, the Nine Heavens Continent may be able to return to its former height.

"Young Master Ling, are you really sure that you will lead us into the God Realm within two years?"

That is the God Realm. Since ancient times, no one has been able to breakthrough to that Realm and ascend to the God Realm!

Ling Tian smiled mysteriously, "I'm not afraid to tell everyone that within two years, there will definitely be a decisive battle. I don't know exactly when, but what is certain is that after the decisive battle, Jiuxiao Continent will return to its former height! "

"What? Impossible!"

"Okay, now the answer has been given to you, and you can make a choice. All forces must make a choice. We don't want to be attacked by the enemy in the decisive battle!"

"We would like to stay!"

"We are also willing to become a strategic alliance with the Holy Father!"

"And us!"

Not a single force leaves, which means that all forces are willing to live and die together with the Holy Sect!

"Very well, the first problem has been solved. All the forces have made their own choice and formed a strategic alliance with our Holy Ancestor. This is something that Ling is very pleased with. Next, the second problem, in Sect, we No matter, but Wushuang City, Tianxialou, and Goulan, all forces must be consistent, with the same price, same discount, and consistent service!"

"In addition, in other words, all the management rights of Wushuang City, Tianxialou, and Goulan are here. No force from you can interfere. You only need to make money, and that's enough. Goulan’s internal management will not work, unless it is the owner of our holy sect!”

"Everyone, this is extremely important. Only by stabilizing a market can we stabilize and develop peacefully. This is also the bottom line of our holy sect. We don't want any force to intervene in our management! Can it be done?"

"Those who can't do it can still go out. At the same time, they will no longer have any relationship with us, and the strategic alliance will also be cancelled!"

In fact, Ling Tian also reminded, because many forces will not intervene, they are running well, you only need to count the money, and worry about so much, you must be sick!

"We can train management talents for you, but Wushuang City, remember, this is the property of our Holy Ancestor. Anyone who wants to intervene will be regarded as internal penetration of the Holy Ancestor!"

"Mr. Ling, don't worry, we all know the rules. When we talked about it, we have already made it clear!"

"That's right, don't worry, my lord, we won't interfere in the management!"

Ling Tian nodded slightly, this is also a reminder, "The next third point, the world network composed of Wushuang City, Tianxialou, and Goulan can be used by everyone, but you must also share information with our Holy Sect. For mutual communication, each force must send a representative to take full responsibility for this matter, for example, we will target Undead Mountain next, and the forces that have their information are obliged to send their information!"

"Haha, this is a trivial matter, Mr. Ling, after the meeting, the five of us will report to you, how about it?" the master of Fenglei Pavilion said at this time.

"Yes, the exchange of information is also the core part of this strategic alliance. I hope that all forces can pay attention to it. Finally, since we are allies, we must have a covenant. I have two contracts here, and each force has one. It represents the Holy Ancestor and your Sect!"

"The points I talked about before are all written on it, and they are very detailed. No force can violate it. Now, we need everyone to sign this contract together. Even if our alliance relationship is completely established, come here, send these down! "

In fact, these are cooperation contracts, but he did not explain them, but explained them in terms of contracts, so that everyone will not be confused.

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