Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 293: Starry Sky Survivors Enter The Holy Sect

Somewhere in the starry sky, there is a huge star here, but this star seems to be a dead star, not much life, giving people a very desolate feeling.

Dong Yaoyang and Dong Xingyue followed Xing Mantian and came here.

"The survivors of the starry sky are here? It's desolate too, those who don't know think it's a dead star!" Dong Yaoyang said.

It's not that I dislike the survivors of the starry sky, but that today, they are too desolate and withered!

"No way, this is the status quo. In order to survive, the space opened up by the ancestors is inside, and we are also living there. From the outside, without our guidance, this is a death star, because there is no There are no resources, and there are not many creatures!" Xing Mantian said with a wry smile.

Dong Xingyue, on the other hand, was full of expectations, "It's okay, I believe our master, there must be a way, and I can definitely help you!"

"Come on, let's go, I'll take you in!"

When they entered Star, it was really a desert as far as the eye could see, and the whole Star was lifeless.

Ordinary people would not come here at all. A star without vitality will have only one final result, and that is to become a death star. When the death star withers, it will turn into a shooting star.

Not long after, the three of them came to the barrier, which was the only way to enter the Remnants of the Starry Sky.

After entering, here is a new scene, everywhere is full of birds and flowers, one in front and one behind, this contrast is too shocking.

"Hey, Elder Xingmantian is back, everyone come quickly!"

A teenager shouted loudly at this time.

As a result, dozens of people came out very quickly. Dong Yaoyang and the two of them did a calculation, and there were only 88 people in total, which is too rare!

"Xingmantian, you brought two teenagers back this time?" The patriarch and the big Elder also came at this time.

"Xingmantian has met the patriarch and the great Elder. Let me introduce to you. These two are also people who have the blood of our starry sky survivors. They are Dong Yaoyang and Dong Xingyue. They are members of the Holy Sect. Now, they are Help us!" Xing Mantian said immediately.

Everyone looked at the two curiously, because there really was an aura similar to theirs in their bodies.

"It's really the blood of our starry sky survivors, two little friends, would you like to join our starry sky survivors and become a member of my starry sky survivors?" The elder Elder was also very excited when he saw the two of them, because their clansman was too small, suddenly There are two in between, can you not be excited?

But Dong Yaoyang and Dong Xingyue shook their heads, "I'm sorry, we already have Sect, and we are born as members of Shengzong, and die as ghosts of Shengzong, this life will not change!"

"Holy Emperor?"

It's Shengzong again!

Xingmantian mentioned it once before, but now they mentioned it again.

Xing Mantian began to explain: "Patriarch, Elder, and everyone, the Holy Sect is a sect that has risen recently. Their sect leader is so powerful that even the god emperor is subdued. Not only that, but in their sect , just God King Realm peak powerhouses, the number is no less than 20 people, in addition, there are more than 10,000 Ancestral God Realm powerhouses, and the entire Uranus has joined the Holy Sect!"

"Besides, there are hundreds of God King powerhouses in the Holy Ancestor. Even though they have risen in less than two months, their prestige has already spread throughout the entire star field!"

"What? Is it so scary?"

"Yes, not only that, it is said that the Little Princess of the Undead Divine Phoenix also called the Sect Leader Daddy, and it was the Sect Leader who raised her, and the Undead Divine Phoenix clan still owes him a huge favor!"


Everyone gasped. They were originally proud, but after hearing about the achievements of the Holy Zong, they all fell silent and gasped.

This is too exciting, too shocking!

"Sacred Sect disciple Dong Yaoyang, Dong Xingyue has met everyone!"

At this time, the two began to salute, and after knowing their identities, everyone reacted.

"You two are about to be exempted from the ceremony. I really want to thank the Holy Sect this time. For such a great kindness, we..."

"Patriarch, I have made the decision. Our entire starry sky survivors will join the Holy Clan, because this is our only way out, our only turning point!"

"Join the holy sect? Do people agree?"

"The Sect Leader has agreed. To be honest, you will understand how terrifying the shock is after seeing the Holy One!"

"Okay, the matter is almost the same, just to see if you are willing to join the Holy Sect!"

"Yes, of course I am willing. If the Holy Ancestor can help us tide over the difficulties this time, what's the point of joining the Holy Ancestor?" The patriarch immediately agreed.

It is really that they have reached the most dangerous moment. If there are no star beasts and no other members appear, their starry sky survivors may be completely extinct and become legends.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go and look at the eggs of the starry sky behemoth first, and then we will summon our master to come!" Dong Yaoyang said.

Under the leadership of the patriarch, Dong Yaoyang and the others came to a valley. The starry sky behemoth was very large, and so was their egg.

Looking around, the entire valley seems to be the nest of giant beasts in the starry sky, and every egg here is as high as several floors of buildings.

Is this really an egg? Compared with the dragon egg, it is much, much bigger!

"Master!" Dong Yaoyang shouted at this moment, and Ling Xiao descended.

An aura that almost freezes the space appears, and there is an incomparable aura around Ling Xiao. Just one move seems to be enough to destroy everyone.

"I have seen Master!"

"I've seen the Sect Leader of the Holy Sect!" Everyone in the starry sky survivors was shocked at this time.

Just like what Xing Mantian said, only when you see it will you be truly shocked. The vast and boundless aura is like a god emperor, no, it is stronger than a god emperor!

It was an unimaginable existence, and they could only survive if they surrendered and joined.

"These are the eggs of the starry sky behemoth?" Ling Xiao asked.

"That's right, Sect Leader, that's all, there are only more than 70 of them now!" The patriarch also said helplessly.

They don't have the ability to hatch them, so they can't form teammates with the starry sky behemoths, and they can't improve each other.

The relationship between the two is like parasitism. Although it sounds ugly, they share weal and woe, life and death.

There are only the survivors of the starry sky, and there are no behemoths in the starry sky. Their survivors of the starry sky are now the most true portrayal, almost to the point of extinction.

There are no survivors of the starry sky, only starry sky behemoths, they will be hunted and killed by the strong, they will avoid Power, and they can only survive.

Only when the two combine and grow together can they become the most powerful star warrior!

"System, is there any way to make it hatch?" Ling Xiao asked the system. To be honest, relying on his own words is definitely not enough, and the power of the system is needed.

"Yes, there is a strange fire in the mall called the fire of the sky, which can be burned slowly, and it can hatch within a few days!"

"The fire of the sky? What level of flame is this?"

"The fire of the sky is the highest level of all flames. Compared with the fire of the sky, the fire of the sky is even higher. Moreover, the fire of the sky has spirituality, and its power is domineering and fierce. If Xiao Yan refines it, his strength can at least be raised to the level of a god emperor!"

"What? It's so scary! How to operate? You know, I can only appear for half an hour!"

"Take away these starry sky behemoth eggs and bring them to the Holy Ancestor!"

"Anyway, they also want to go to the holy sect together, and there is only one way!"

Ling Xiao quickly looked at the crowd, "I can help you hatch these starry sky behemoths, but there are two prerequisites. First, everyone, including these eggs, will follow me and enter the holy sect. Second, all of you Everyone has to join the Holy Sect and become a part of the Holy Sect, among other things, just hatching these eggs will consume countless resources of mine!"

"You guys discuss it. If you think it's okay, I'll take these eggs away now, and you will follow back to the Holy Sect. If it doesn't work, we'll go back directly!"

"Sect Leader, can't you just wait a little longer?"

"No, I have important things to do. I only have half an hour here at most, so I have to go back!"

Everyone said that, so they were naturally embarrassed and let Ling Xiao stay here.

"Patriarch, decide!"

Everyone looked at the patriarch, and finally the patriarch ordered, "Everyone follow me to meet the Sect Leader, enter the Holy Sect, and become a part of the Sect!"

"I'm waiting to meet the Sect Leader!"

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