Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 297: The Strongest In History

After Ye Fan won, it was the turn of the others.

Qinxian, Xianguo, and Wanyue also won consecutive victories. They may not have won as easily as Ye Fan, but they all won for real.

You must know that the talents of these people are all first-class, the son of destiny with the destiny of heaven!

Soon, Ye Fan played again.

This time, he still directly defeated his opponent without using other means.

"I want to change districts and challenge Tianshen District 1!" After Ye Fan spoke, countless people were excited.

Unexpectedly, I will be able to see it tonight. You must know that it is very difficult for the previous Great God Realm to challenge the Heavenly God Realm. It does not mean that no one succeeds, but those who succeed have paid a high price.

"We want to be together too. Seriously, these people are at most warming up for us!" Qin Xian, Can Yue and others said.

Their strength is enough to instantly kill the proud son of heaven here, but for step-by-step verification and warm-up step by step, they did not directly challenge the heavenly god realm.

Now, they feel that these people are not enough to threaten themselves, and it is almost impossible to use them to ascend to the god level.

If you want to break through, you can only rely on the pressure of the gods.

"Sure! Come on, let's go to Tianshen District 1 now!"

"By the way, can I explain it to you? After arriving in the first stage of the gods, it will be different. The first stage of the gods is all in the first stage of the gods, but in this area, there are also two rankings, one is the historical ranking, One is the current ranking!"

Black Rose explained.

"Is there any difference?" Ye Fan asked.

"Historical rankings are the rankings of the strongest people in the history of statistics and comprehensiveness, and the current rankings are the rankings obtained by all the War Practitioners who have entered this district within a hundred years. Of course, many of them have become big bosses now!"

"What is the basis for this ranking?"

"Yes, of course it is the ceiling of combat power!" Black Rose explained.

"Everyone should know that a person's potential and limit are uncertain, and this combat power ceiling is set up for this. When you keep breaking through the limits of your predecessors, you are the strongest person, there is no doubt about it !"

"Tianshen District, as long as each community enters the historical ranking, it will receive additional rewards from us. According to the ranking, corresponding rewards will be given. Everyone, if you are challenging the first district now, statistics will be calculated according to the Tianshen First Stage day, but in the end When giving a comprehensive score, it will combine your current Cultivation Base to improve your potential and ranking!"

"To put it simply, you are in the first district, and you are in accordance with the standards of the first district, but in fact, your Cultivation Base is the Realm of the Great God, which has extra points, understand?"

"Understood, I can't wait, I want to see how this district will challenge!"

"Haha, very good. We have a rule here. After winning ten consecutive victories, we will start a historical challenge. This is a mirror image challenge. We will leave our mark on the fighting arena before. This is a special setting. Looking for the strongest in history!"

After Black Rose's explanation, Ye Fan and others finally understood.

"Haha, that's good, then let's talk about ten consecutive victories first!"

Ye Fan came on the field soon, and his opponent was a Cultivation Base who was in the First Stage of the Celestial Realm.

This area is all Cultivation Base, but everyone's strength limit is different.

To be able to enter the historical rankings is recognized as the strongest Tianjiao.

Moreover, there are only one hundred historical rankings, which is a bit powerful. Whoever gets on the list will squeeze the other person down, and if the person gets squeezed out, all the brand marks will be destroyed.

It can be said that this history is the strongest, and it also represents a kind of honor.

After several rounds of fighting between Ye Fan and his opponent, the opponent came to the sky. This is also the most difficult point, because other gods can fly, but Ye Fan only has a great god and cannot fly in the sky.

But he didn't panic at all, he had plenty of means!

"I have to admit, you are very strong, but I am in the sky, you can't hit me at all, how can you be my opponent?" the god said.

Ye Fan snorted coldly, "Really? Being too confident in yourself is not a good thing! Desolate Ancient Excalibur, Taixu Yulei Sword Art!"

"I wonder if you can avoid the power of Thunder?"

Naturally, Ye Fan and the others couldn't compare to Ling Xiao, but when they used this set of sword tactics, they would attract the thunder of Nine Heavens.

This is the horror of this set of sword tactics.

A thunderbolt appeared and hit the god directly, and soon he fell, and was defeated by Ye Fan with a single blow.

"It's so strong, is this the strength of the leaves? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Not only you, even we have never heard of it!"

Many people are talking about it, but Black Rose has vaguely guessed something.

You must know that the four of Ye Fan and the others came with the people from Wushuang City, and Wushuang City belongs to the Shengzong's property, and it is now the biggest cornucopia in Tianyong City!

She has also been in Wushuang City, Tianxialou, and Goulan. It has to be said that these properties of the Holy Sect will change the structure of the entire God Realm.

After Ye Fan won, he didn't stop, but continued to challenge. He wanted ten consecutive victories!

The next few opponents were quickly defeated by him. Those who came to the sky were all defeated by him. Not only that, he also used different moves to force these people down.

Sometimes he used thunderbolt, sometimes he used moon-breaking shadow, and sometimes he used vision, especially after the blessing of vision, his combat power directly soared by more than 30%.

This is still a kind of vision. If several visions appear together, it is estimated that it will explode.

"What a terrifying Tianjiao, I'm afraid even the sixth-level sect's direct disciple is not so powerful, he has already comprehended the power of vision at a young age?"

"Blessed by vision, it is said that only the top Tianjiao can comprehend this kind of vision, and in the lower star field, there are so few visions that we don't even know what vision he casts!"

Ye Fan's challenge was very fast, and it was over in less than three hours.

Then Qinxian, Xianguo, and Wanyue also started to challenge together. The three of them started at the same time, challenging ten gods.

On the eve of dawn, the four finally succeeded.

"Congratulations to the four Tianjiao, you have obtained the qualifications for the historical challenge. Tonight we will continue to bring you wonderful duels. This time it is a mirror image duel, which will not cause harm to you. Retire!" Black Rose said.

"Thank you boss!"

"Everyone, please share this news. Tonight, let us witness the historical moment together!"

"Yeah, how many years have passed, and a new name should appear in the ranking of the first district of the God Realm!"

"By the way, is this ranking still using a code name? Or is it a real name?" Ye Fan asked at this time.

"Haha, don't worry about this son, you can use your code name or your real identity, provided you are confident enough!" Black Rose laughed.

Ye Fan nodded slightly, "Okay, everyone, tonight, I will start a historical challenge, and then I will use my real identity, not only me, but also the three of them!"

"Really, that's great. There are not many people who dare to use their real names. Everyone is a top talent. Some people are said to have reached the seventh-level sect. This is the highest achiever!"

"Yeah, but it all happened a million years ago. For a million years, we were blocked here. It is too difficult to break out of the sixth-level and enter the seventh-level!"

When people mention this, they feel unspeakably uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Why do those sixth-level Sect suppress us and prevent us from advancing?

If the Yuhua star field is promoted to a medium star field, what a stalwart it would be.

It's a pity that even the first batch of strong people who grew up didn't think about building their hometown, but after entering the seventh-level sect, they never came back.

The same is true for some people entering the sixth-level sect. It can be said that it is precisely because of the inaction and lack of responsibility of these people that the feathered star field is suppressed today.

In fact, not only the feathered star field, but all the lower star fields have the same problem.

First, it was suppressed by the sixth-level sect, and then those people rarely came back and looked down on this place. Over time, it became the current situation.

"Everyone, tonight, let us witness history together, wait and see!"

The four of Ye Fan soon came to the door, and when they were about to leave, Black Rose appeared.

"Wait a minute, can you give the little girl some time, let's talk about something?" Black Rose smiled.

Everyone looks at Ye Fan, because he is a big brother and has the right to speak.

"I don't need it now, after we succeed in the challenge, it might be better to talk about it at that time!"

"That's right, let's do it!"

"Well, I look forward to your performance tonight!"

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