These changes in Shengzong shocked the four disciples as well as Dong Yaoyang and others.

Among them, Dong Yaoyang is extremely eager to join the Holy Sect. With such a sect, what Lingyun Sect is simply weak, and there is no comparison.

Dong Xingyue is almost the same, what Sacred Land, what Lingyunzong, all are shit.

"Elder, can we join Shengzong? No matter what we pay, we are willing!" The two found Zhushan at this time.

"Hehe, don't ask me, the Sect Leader knows everything, as long as he speaks, it's not a problem!"

Zhushan is still more polite, because Dong Yaoyang and Dong Xingyue's physiques are still very terrifying. If they become direct disciples, then needless to say, their status will definitely be higher than his own.

Don't look at them as Elders, but compared with a few direct disciples, there is no comparison.

In the Sect Leader's heart, in terms of importance, personal disciples are definitely ranked first.

At this time, Dong Yaoyang clenched his fists tightly, and he was bound to join the Holy Sect.

"Tell them that it's okay to join Sect, but you have to pass the test, and we'll wait for the details!" Ling Xiao's voice came from Zhushan's heart.

He was shocked, and he was even more in awe of his Sect Leader.

"Ahem, two, your Talent, the Sect Leader can naturally see it. The Sect Leader just explained that Sect will recruit a group of disciples, and you can also join them. As for whether you can become a Sect disciple, it depends on your performance. Already!" Zhushan said.

The two were very pleasantly surprised.

"Really? Great!"

"Hehe, here I would like to remind you that the people the Sect Leader hates the most are those who are half-hearted or betrayed. It is not as easy as you think to join Sect!"

How could the two care about these, as long as they can enter Sect, no matter how much they pay, it is worth it.

At the mountain gate, Ling Xiao came here with several disciples.

"Master, is this an artifact?" Cao Youde recognized it at a glance.

"That's right, I've called you here this time to let you ring the Chaos Bell again. Besides, you and Youqing haven't tried it yet, come on!" Ling Xiao said with a faint smile.

"I come!"

"Junior Brother, just input your own Spirit Power, and the Chaos Clock will naturally ring!"

Cao Youde started typing Spiritual Qi.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Six rings arrived very soon, which was no surprise to them, if there were no seven rings, it would be a shame.


Soon, there were seven rings from Cao Youde's side.

At this moment, he operated his own Spirit Power, and the Great Dao Chaos Clock finally rang again!


"Eight rings!"

Both Ye Fan and Xiao Yan were a little surprised, eight rings, their future achievements will definitely not be low, surpassing the Great Emperor is not a problem.

Next is Dugu Youqing. After this girl got a brand new physique, her potential and talent were greatly improved.

She ended up ringing eight times too!

Ye Fan looked at the juniors and juniors, and was very happy in his heart, which meant that their Talents were good enough.

"Ye Fan, go up and try it out, last time you only had seven and a half rings, this time you should be able to ring eight!" Ling Xiao said.

Ye Fan was stunned.

"Ah! Master, haven't I tried it?"

The first time Ye Fan rang, it was only seven and a half times.

"Now you, with the luck value added to your body and the bones of the Dacheng Sacred Body, should be stronger, not inferior to any of them!" Ling Xiao encouraged.

Ye Fan stepped forward and started typing Spirit Power.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"


Seven consecutive rings gave Ye Fan hope!

Soon, eight rings are coming!

At this moment, Ye Fan was overwhelmed with surprise, his own Talent was finally no worse than others, it was really great.

However, it wasn't over yet. At this moment, the Great Dao Chaos Clock trembled again, but it didn't ring completely.

"Eight and a half rings! It's not bad. It's one ring higher than before, which shows that your Talent and strength have improved a lot compared to before!"

Ling Xiao was quite satisfied, and Ye Fan also smiled at this time.

"Thank you, Master. If it wasn't for Master, there would be no Ye Fan. All of this is due to Master!"

"No, this is all achieved by your own hard work, and the same is true for you guys. I don't need you to go through fire and water for me, and I don't need to go through fire and water for Sect. I just need to cultivate myself, improve my strength, and spread the reputation of the Holy Sect! " Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Yes, Master!"

Ling Xiao nodded slightly at this time, and then said: "The four of you, went to the four big cities in the southern region, and issued a notice, saying that my Holy Sect is going to recruit new disciples. You can bring it back!"

"Yes, Master, when are we going to leave?" Ye Fan asked.

"After those sects arrive, let's set off. At that time, the name of the holy sect must reach an unprecedented height!"

"You take advantage of this time to speed up your cultivation. You are in the Spiritual Qi Hall. You don't need to come forward during this time!"

The four of them soon entered the Spiritual Temple and began to practice selflessly.

Three days will come soon.

Shengzong, Dongtianmen!

Dong Xuanzong's Sect Leader, Dong Wulai, and the Sect Leaders of the major forces, Gu Zhu, gathered here at this time, because they could not enter the previous mountain gates, they could only enter through the four heavenly gates.

"This is the holy sect? Why didn't there be such a magnificent mountain gate before?"

"This aura is even more terrifying than Lingyunzong!"

"It's useless to talk too much. Now that even the Holy Land is within this mountain gate, it's unnecessary for the Lingyun Sect to occupy the Holy Land!"

"Holy Zong, it is no longer the previous Holy Zong!"

That's right, they didn't care about the Holy Zong before, because the other party was only two people, and they were still in the Innate Realm, the Martial Artifact Realm.

However, in less than three months, everything has changed.

The sect leader of the holy sect even beheaded the saint, what a terrifying thing.

It completely subverted their cognition, and it still feels a little unreal until now.

"Dongwulai, Yaofeng and the others are begging to see you!"

After the dozen or so people finished speaking, the East Heaven Gate opened, and Zhushan came out and brought them in.

There is a teleportation array here, because it is too far away from the Holy Sect Leader Hall.

When they came outside the Sect Leader's hall, everyone was stunned. Is everything in front of them really the Holy Sect?

Who said that the Shengzong was dilapidated, who said that there were less than two people in the Shengzong? Who said Shengzong can bully at will?

Rumormonger, daddy fucks you!

"I'm waiting to meet the Holy Sect Leader!"

Those of them are not eligible to enter the Sect Leader hall, they are just outside the Great Hall.

Ling Xiao's figure appeared in front of everyone, leaving no trace in the void.

"Leave these things, and you can get out!" Ling Xiao said flatly.

No one dared to say a word, because they knew that they were not comparable to the one in front of them.

"Senior, I want to ask, my two children?"

Dong Wulai's two children are both in Shengzong, so he has to ask.

"Others can go!"

Zhushan appeared at this time and took the others away, leaving only Dongwulai here.

Immediately, Dong Yaoyang and others came out, and the three met.

"Yaoyang, Xingyue, are you alright!"

"Father, we're fine, Sect Leader didn't do anything to us, instead he served us delicious food!" Dong Yaoyang said.

"That's good, as long as you are good, I am willing to do anything!"

Dong Wulai looked at Ling Xiao at this time, and said something that shocked everyone present.

"Sect Leader of the Holy Sect, I plan to disband Dongxuanzong. I have lived for so many years, and I have enough. I also ask the Sect Leader to be large and don't target my children!"

After speaking, Dong Wu came to salute and left immediately.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at the two children.

"Cultivate well, I am very comforted for my father!"

Ling Xiao watched silently without speaking.

A day later, Nan Yu was shocked.

Dong Xuanzong disbanded, Dong Wulai and other high-level officials committed suicide and apologized.

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