Fantasy, My Sect Is A Bit Strong

Chapter 371 There Are Three Surprises

One boy couldn't hold on any longer, and when he lost, the remaining ten people automatically became the top ten!

Ling Tian stood up at this time, "Haha, very good, although the top ten have been announced, there must be some people who are not convinced, because after all, you have never really fought against each other!"

"Young Master Ling is right!"

Throughout the game, there are actually very few opportunities for two-two duels, almost none.

This also makes many people think that our strength is so strong, why are we eliminated?

That's what they looked like, and it ended up being on the field all the time.

"The first to be eliminated, no one should challenge these people, right? When you are all defeated, they are still strong, but I will give you a chance to challenge!"

"These ten people are the benchmark. Everyone can challenge them, but you only have one chance. If you win, you will be among the top ten. If you lose, you will not be qualified to continue challenging!"

"I don't agree!"

The last person who was eliminated before stood up at this time.

"Very good, you can choose anyone to challenge!"

"I choose him!"

The two of them soon started to fight, and there was no reservation in this battle.

Although the two are not sons of destiny, Cultivation Base is very strong. This battle lasted for a long time, and finally the top ten won with a slight advantage!

"No way, senior brother Lingyu is so strong, but he still lost?"

"This is the strongest genius in our star field, and it turned out to be no match for them!"

"What a pity!"

"Are you still challenging?" Ling Tian continued to ask.

It can be seen that Lingyu's face is extremely ugly at this time, and she has really lost. Although the opponent has little advantage, she still loses!

Lingyu's jewel is in front, and many people are also hesitating.

At this time, another person went up, but he was defeated very quickly. After about a dozen rounds, he was defeated.

"No way, could it be said that these ten people are really the ten strongest people?"

Ling Tian gave them a chance, but several people in a row failed to challenge successfully, and the others did not continue to challenge.

"Is there still no one to challenge? I gave you a chance before, don't say that I don't give you a chance!"

"Young Master Ling, we believe that they are the ten strongest!"

"Yeah, there is no need to continue to challenge, the result is still the same!"

Lingyu was the most promising one before, but he was defeated, and the rest of them are naturally no match!

"Very good, let's take a look together, the challenges of the ancient gods, and the rewards will be distributed together after they are over!"

The Ancient God Realm uses a group arena, that is, ten arenas, whoever can successfully defend the ring will be the final winner.

After a hard fight, the ten people finally came out, and Ling Tian spoke.

"Congratulations to the twenty proud sons of heaven, let's go, everyone go outside to receive rewards!"

Everyone withdrew from the False God Realm.

"Everyone, the top ten have been born, what kind of rewards will there be next? Let us wait and see!"

As soon as the camera turned, Ling Tian and the others all appeared in the square. It was still the same as before, with a large amount of open space remaining.

"Everyone go up and challenge the three artifacts!"

In fact, each of these twenty people has four artifacts, because they all received one when they were in the top 100.

The artifacts were quickly selected, and everyone got their own rewards.

"The top ten, in addition to these, each will be rewarded with ten God Emperor Pills, one hundred God King Pills, and one thousand Ancestral God Pills!"

Ling Tian directly increased the reward by a lot. Before the top 100 players got one God Emperor Pellet, but now, there are a total of ten!

"My God, there are actually ten God Emperor Pills? Now almost every God King has one!"

"That's aimed at others, not us!"

Ling Tian explained at this time: "Originally they only had three Divine Emperor Pills, but these days, everyone has worked hard, because the Divine Emperor Pill has been upgraded to ten, everyone can breakthrough here, or you can breakthrough after going back, but you can What I want to tell everyone is that our Holy Ancestor will definitely bless every god-emperor and powerhouse!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ling, thank you, Mr. Ling!"

"I haven't finished yet. In addition, the top ten, everyone can practice in the three major secret treasures of the Holy Sect for three months!"

“Great is really great!”

Ling Tian clapped his hands at this time, and ten women appeared in front of the crowd, each holding a trophy in their hands.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the certificate and trophy of the top ten strongest star fields. Later, there will be a plaque of the top ten strongest sects, all of which will be witnessed by all the lower star fields. I hope that in the next time, All star domains can learn from other star domains, and everyone can communicate and make progress together!"

"work hard together!"

"Master Ling, isn't there a surprise? Can we talk about it now?"

"Yeah, we really want to know now, what is this surprise?"

Seeing many people talking, Ling Tian smiled and stretched out three fingers.

"There are three surprises!"

"First, the accompanying personnel of the top ten will have the same qualifications as them, and will practice in the Holy Sect for three months!"

"Wow! This is so great, that is to say, we can all breakthrough to the Emperor Realm in the holy sect?"

"Sure, do you even need to ask?"

"Haha, okay, this surprise, it really is a surprise, we have never thought about it before, dare not think about it!"

Ling Tian continued to say at this time: "The second surprise, there are many God King realm powerhouses present, we will release the God Emperor Pills for sale, but there are restrictions, we will only take out 200,000 God King Pills! "

"What? So many? My God, this holy sect is going to make people crazy!"

Countless people were pleasantly surprised, it was the right time, it was worth it!

"Haha, is this true? 200,000 pieces, the foundation of the Holy Sect is too strong!"

"Yeah, it's true that people are more popular than people. Don't you care about these people if you don't see them? And no one dares to play wild in the holy sect!"

"Surprise 3, I have already told the Sect Leader about everyone joining the Holy Ancestor!"

"Mr. Ling, what's the result, don't be fooled, just tell us!"

Compared with the first two, the last one is everyone's dream. As long as the Holy Sect is open, they can enter the Holy Sect. This is what they want most. At that time, there will be as many God Emperor Pills as they want!

"Hehe, if you want to enter the Holy Clan, there are conditions. Condition one, you must get the consent of more than half of the people in the Holy Clan!"

"Condition two, it must be approved by more than 90% of the direct disciples, that is, at least twenty-seven direct disciples must approve it!"

"Condition three, I am willing, and I have discussed it with the teacher, because entering the Holy Sect will mean breaking away from the past, cutting off the past, and there will be only one identity from now on, and that is the disciple of the Holy Sect!"

"Everyone, this third condition is the most difficult!"

"Condition four, after meeting the first three conditions and passing the assessment, you can officially become a disciple of the Holy Sect!"

Ling Tian looked at everyone at this time, "Everyone, from now on, I will give you a month's time. At that time, from the Ancient God Realm to the God King Realm, the Holy Sect may recruit you. The conditions have already been given to you. As long as you meet all the conditions, you will have the opportunity to enter the holy sect!"

"One month later, the Holy Ancestor will start recruiting disciples for the last time before attacking the sixth-level forces!"

"Okay, everyone, just do what you should do. Also, those who want the God Emperor Pill can stay. Our God Emperor Pill is at the flawless level. The price of each God Emperor Pill is One trillion god stones"

"One trillion? It doesn't seem like much. You know, the previous God King pill sold for a sky-high price of more than 100 billion!"

"Yes, at that time, God King pills were extremely precious, but now, what the Holy One is facing is the entire lower-level star field, or 200,000, one trillion, and it is not expensive. After all, the people who came, It's more than two hundred thousand!"

There were too many buyers, so Ling Tian asked his direct disciples to help sell them. After several days, the 200,000 God Emperor Pills were finally sold out!

"Everyone, there is still a long time before we can recruit disciples. During this time, everyone can breakthrough to the God Emperor Realm in the Holy Sect for free! At that time, there will be so many God Emperor powerhouses in the lower realm, and we must not be afraid even if the sixth-level forces are lower realms." !"

"Then thank you, Mr. Ling!"

Breakthrough in the Holy Ancestor is the safest and most secure.

People who buy it are basically God King realm peak powerhouses, that is, the kind that can basically breakthrough after taking it.

At the same time, Ling Xiao also began to gather disciples of the Holy Sect, ready to let them break through!

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