Su Liang's figure is sometimes illusory, sometimes solid, sometimes far and sometimes near, erratic.

The essence of Huitianyou lies in the word "you".

As for the word Huitian, it means a little bit of the power of Huitian.

Su Liang kept dodging and giving way, appearing to be at ease.

Zhao Tianquan became more and more frightened as he fought.

Shenfa also requires spiritual support.

Until now, the other party has not shown any signs of fatigue.

After another punch failed, Zhao Tianquan stopped and even took a punch from Su Liang.

Su Liang returned to Tianshuo and wandered to a distance again, standing still and looking at Zhao Tianquan.

The talented warrior at the pinnacle of the Three Realms cannot afford to be careless, not to mention that he now has to try his best to hide his trump card.

"Yinyuan Universal Truth is really powerful." Zhao Tianquan suddenly sighed.

It's not like he didn't sprint at the beginning, but he wasted two years in the end.

"In this case, I have no choice but to let go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Tianquan's aura began to rise steadily, reaching its peak in one breath.

The Yaoguang of the Third Realm uses spiritual power to refine the inner secrets of the Grotto-Heaven, chisel out the spiritual light, and expand the spiritual sea. In every aspect, it can be regarded as the watershed that crushes the Second Realm.

Zhao Tianquan has now reached the peak of twelve thousand spiritual lights.

In the previous fight with Su Liang, he was a pure martial artist and did not have much realm suppression.

"Be careful."

Zhao Tianquan's body glowed with a pale yellow light, he pulled out his fists, stepped forward and backward, and sank down, his fists sinking in front of his chest, which looked a little weird.

"Here we come, the boxing technique from the ancient Beiwu Kingdom."

In the stands, the knowledgeable people exclaimed.

The ancient country of Beiwu has an ancient character.

It is said that it was fought by a seventh-level martial artist ten thousand years ago, and what is left behind is naturally his boxing technique.

The Seven Realm Boxing Lord, Zhao Beiwu, was named Wuzhen. He was a famous Wuzhen Boxing Lord back then.

It's a pity that since it has been passed down to this day, only a few descendants can obtain its essence, and the ancient country has gradually declined.

Su Liang squinted slightly and saw something unusual about Zhao Tianquan.

Yin Yuan Hua Yu made his mind more meticulous and meticulous than ordinary people.

Zhao Tianquan's momentum completely changed.

It's not just a simple realm bonus, but a transformation like a sleeping tiger opening its vertical pupils and standing up, ready to bite and devour anyone who disturbs its dormancy.

There is murderous intent.


Zhao Tianquan suddenly said one word, and with a figure like a tiger, he rushed towards Su Liang with a powerful straight punch, hitting Su Liang hard.

So fast!

Su Liang was slightly startled, but his movements were not slow at all. Almost at the same time, he moved sideways and dodged. Huitianyou's movement was fully activated by him, and the figure was almost invisible.

But this time it obviously doesn't work as well as before.

As the sound of shattering came one after another, the ground of the competition platform was stepped into pits, and the gravel flew and fell all over the ground.

It's just like the word "collapse" that Zhao Tianquan said.


A huge muffled sound was heard, and then two small black shadows shot out, scattered to the foot of the competition stage, and disappeared into the ground.

In the eyes of everyone, the two people who were constantly dodging separated briefly after this sound.

Zhao Tianquan stepped into the air and lowered his head to look down.

Su Liang plowed a ravine in the center of the competition platform.

The dust dispersed, revealing a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

The green clothes were torn to pieces and somewhat dilapidated.

But the whole person looked fine.

In the stands, Chen Huaiyu suddenly turned his head and asked Qin Nian: "When did your master accept you as his disciple?"

The little girl who was nervous when she saw her master was at a disadvantage was startled, looked at the fairy-like sister, and replied: "Master accepted me as his disciple at this year's recruitment ceremony."

Then she quickly explained the whole process.

Chen Huaiyu nodded and stopped asking.

This left Qin Nian a little confused.

Why are you asking this suddenly?

Of course she couldn't understand.

Even Li Simiao didn't understand why his precious apprentice suddenly asked such a question.

I think only Chen Huaiyu knows it.

Chen Huaiyu raised her hands slightly. After Su Liang was hit by a punch, her heart tightened.

When she is nervous, she will habitually divert her attention in other aspects.

This is not a good habit, it is more of a sequelae left behind when I was six years old.

Just like when she was hiding behind Su Liang and desperately wishing for the master to come over soon.

Therefore, she decided that if Su Liang lost, she would appear in person.

"You can actually carry on?"

Zhao Tianquan did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He raised his eyebrows slightly and made a sound in surprise.

That punch just now was a serious Qijingquanjun boxing technique passed down from his Zhao family, and he still used the Bengzi boxing that he had practiced to the Great Accomplishment.

If it was really shot down, he really didn't think that Su Liang of the first level could be as relaxed as he is now.

Let alone the first level, with one punch from him, the warriors in the late third level would probably faint and die on the spot.

Su Liang shook his numb right hand and grinned: "It's a fluke."

Zhao Tianquan glanced slightly, as if he was looking for something.

"Don't look at it. That sword is just a sword for ordinary disciples. It is specially prepared for first-level disciples. It can block this blow, which is very good."

Speaking of which, this was the first time Su Liang used that disciple sword.

I didn't expect it to break like this.

I still feel a little uncomfortable at the moment.

"Are you going to get another sword? I can wait."

Zhao Tianquan didn't want to take advantage of others' danger.

"No need." Su Liang shook his head and said softly: "It's not necessary."

"you sure?"

"Sure...after all, I have to take it seriously."

Su Liang dusted off his clothes and looked a little sad again.

These are the clothes I carefully selected, and now they are so worn...

Zhao Tianquan was a little dumbfounded when he heard the word serious.

Isn’t the gap between the two obvious?

Su Liang stopped talking. Spiritual power gathered in his palms. He pinched a golden light and pulled it with both hands, turning it into a lightsaber.

When the lightsaber was taking shape, a mysterious charm swirled around him, rose into the air, and then spread to the entire competition stage.

The sword becomes sharper.

This is momentum.

The sword momentum condensed after crossing the sword intention.

The final form of the sword's power is transformed into a domain, forming a sword domain of its own.

Su Liang naturally cannot reach it at present. He has only reached the first level of sword power and entered the sword realm where man and sword merge into one.

But this is enough.

"Sword Power?! Nanxi Sword Sect actually has a hidden disciple who understands Sword Power?!"

"Damn it! Third senior brother actually understood the power of the sword? When!"

"Now it's better, it's not just a rich background."

"I thought of a scary thing. Couldn't Third Senior Brother spend these ten years just to understand the power of the sword? This is too forbearable... It's a perfect protagonist panel of Fifth Senior Brother's novel."

"Could it be that the fifth senior brother followed the third senior brother as a template for writing?"

"No way, there is another monster in Xiaolian Peak who understands the power of the sword? How will our other peaks survive?"

There was quite a stir in the stands.

Sword power is not something you can get from the street, nor can it be obtained as your realm improves.

He can only perceive, experience and obtain it personally.

During the practice of sword cultivation, sword intention may still be accumulated through the accumulation of time, but sword power is just like the Universal Truth of Yin Yuan. If it is not there, it is not there.

Some people practice swordsmanship all their lives, even after entering the Sixth Realm, but they may not be able to break through the sword intention and condense their own sword power. There are too many such examples.

Even in the Nanxi Sword Sect, which mainly focuses on sword cultivation, there are many elders of the Sixth Realm who have not understood the power of the sword.

Among the younger generation of disciples, only two of them have understood the potential so far.

Now including Su Liang, there are three.

"Is this your confidence? Your sword power is... amazing."

Zhao Tianquan fell down, his eyes full of solemnity.

The first level of Universal Truth, understanding the power of the sword, is really powerful.

"In the past ten years, have you been polishing your sword skills?" Zhao Tianquan asked.

Su Liang, who revealed the Universal Truth overnight but had not broken the mirror for ten years, was not taken seriously by everyone.

But if it took ten years to comprehend the power of the sword after a night of Universal Truth... Su Liang, who is only seventeen years old now, is quite worthy of people's attention.

What does it mean? It means that the previous rumors from Nanxi Sword Sect that Su Liang cannot break through the second level are false!

Everything is just to cover for him!

He is only seventeen years old now, and he has already understood the power of the sword!

Even younger than Luo Zijin when he understood the power of the sword!

Although it is inevitable that Luo Zijin only started practicing swordsmanship after he was twenty years old.

But after all, Su Liang is only seventeen.

With one night's comprehension of Universal Truth, he can break the mirror, can he slow down?

Zhao Tianquan didn't believe it.

Almost everyone present today does not believe it.


(Yao Guang Realm: Use spiritual power to refine the Grotto-Heaven within the body, and chisel out the first ray of Yao Light as the early stage of Yao Guang. With the addition of Yao Guang, one's own spiritual power is no longer stored blindly in the body and can travel around the Grotto-Heaven. Instead, it will give birth to spirituality, which will fit with the direction of one's own practice, allowing one to master spiritual power in more detail, and the spiritual sea will also expand accordingly.

Note 1: After opening the Grotto-Heaven, the storage of spiritual power can fall into the place opened in the Grotto-Heaven, which is called the spiritual sea.

Note 2: The more spiritual light there is, the broader the spiritual sea will be. It is roughly divided into three levels: Bailing, Qianling, and Ten Thousand Spirits, which correspond to the middle, late and peak stages of Yaoguang.

Note 3: Spiritual light is also called Yaoguang.

Note 4: Theoretically there is no upper limit to the development of Yao Guang. It only depends on the depth of one's foundation and how much it can carry. The more Yao Guang there are, the more powerful the Divine Ability will be after breaking through the four realms, and the more powerful the spiritual energy stored in the body will be.


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