Fantasy: My Talent Can Add Points

092 Is It A Master In The Holy Tibetan Realm? 【1】

"act recklessly!"

The headed old man looked cold and said in a cold voice.

Afterwards, violent coercion swept towards Zhou Qing.

At the same time, thousands of cultivators unleashed terrifying coercion towards Zhou Qing.

There are cultivators in the Samsara realm, cultivators in the enlightenment realm, and cultivators with a lower Cultivation Base.

So many cultivators unleashed coercion towards Zhou Qing together, it was terrifying!

Under the pressure of thousands of forces, the earth trembled, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the rocks hit the sky, and the stormy waves hit the shore!

Wisps of divine light converged towards Zhou Qing alone.

Some cultivators who were relatively close to each other felt the impact of a strong breath, and spit out a big mouthful of blood with a puff.

There are even some low-strength cultivators, who burst into death instantly like the coercion in front of Tianwei.

All of a sudden, the whole scene was in chaos, and the void was distorted and turbulent!

However, Zhou Qing, who was at the center of the coercion, had a "290" expression calmly, and didn't seem to have any signs of discomfort.

I saw Zhou Qing's feet slowly rising into the air, standing in the void, with his hands on his back, and said calmly.

"Anyone else want to join them?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

How powerful is this person's Cultivation Base?

With the joint efforts of thousands of cultivators, there was nothing strange about it.

The thousands of people on the opposite side suddenly felt bad, and couldn't help but change their expressions.

A person who can be so calm and calm in front of all of them must be a great cultivator of the Congealing Nation Realm!

Just when everyone was in doubt, three big cultivators in the Nascent Condensation Realm soared into the sky, releasing a majestic and terrifying coercion towards Zhou Qing.

"Surrounded by our three Congealing Stage masters and thousands of cultivators, how can you stand against me?" A black-clothed cultivator said coldly, his tone full of confidence.

Another cultivator in the Congealing Realm also said: "Fellow daoist, we have no intention of being your enemy, hand over your Cultivation Technique, and we will leave immediately, without further ado."

Zhou Qing's expression was calm, and his eyes were shining brightly, sweeping the audience, he spoke lightly.

"Is there anyone else to join? This seat counts to three, if there is no one, this seat can do it.

Everyone was immediately angry, especially the black-clothed cultivator who was the leader felt something was wrong.

Under the coercion of so many people, the other party's expression did not change, he was abnormally calm, and he was not oppressed by any force at all, he was definitely a master.

"Be the first to strike first!"

With the order of the black-clothed cultivator, thousands of cultivators in the audience immediately released the strongest killing move and blasted towards Zhou Qing.

"God Destroyer Palm!"

"Half Moon Slash!"

"Purple Veined Hegemony!"

"Taixu divine solution!"

"Chongxu Fist!"

Thousands of attacks quickly approached Zhou Qing.

Thousands of rays of light with different colors are formed, which are dazzling and colorful when viewed from a distance.

Under this monstrous attack, the trees were smashed, the wind was strong, and the Galaxy Cluster collapsed in the sky hundreds of millions of miles away, creating an apocalyptic scene.




After Zhou Qing counted three breaths, the divine light in his eyes skipped, his black hair was windless and automatic, but his hands didn't move at all, and they were still behind his back.

But in the sky, the void was turbulent for a while, the space was distorted, and black light shrouded the earth.

Dark clouds are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it!

Then, a big hand condensed out of the void.

It is the Mahamudra of the Void!

This time Zhou Qing condensed the void big handprint, much bigger than ever before!

The Void Mahamudra is hundreds of feet wide and thousands of feet long, just enough to enclose thousands of cultivators.

Immediately, under the horrified gazes of thousands of cultivators, the Mahamudra of the Void quickly bombarded everyone.


With a palm strike, the gravel was blown into the air, the wind was strong, the dust was filled, and the momentum was majestic!

After the dust and smoke dissipated, the rest of the cultivators took a closer look, and suddenly a chill rushed into their hearts, and their eyes were full of fear and anxiety.

Because, the thousands of cultivators who attacked Zhou Qing just now have been completely crushed into meatloaf!

Blood Qi filled the sky, and a bloody smell rushed straight into the nostrils.

The white bones are dense, reflecting the light, making people shudder.


Everyone focused their eyes on Zhou Qing, their eyes full of awe and terror.

This person is too strong!

It is able to kill thousands of cultivators with one palm without any injuries and effortlessly.

Moreover, among these thousands of cultivators, there are three big cultivators of the Congealing Nation Realm!

There are dozens of cultivators in the Samsara realm, and nearly a hundred cultivators in the Mingwu realm!

This kind of strength is simply terrifying!

Could it be that this person is the legendary master of the holy Tibetan realm?

Of course Zhou Qing is not in the holy Tibetan realm.

However, it is now a middle stage cultivator in Samsara.

But the real strength is about the same as the cultivator of the late stage of the Congealing Realm.

If you encounter the Great Consummation of the Ningying Realm or a real master of the Holy Tibetan Realm, Zhou Qing will be beyond his power...

However, now Zhou Qing is confident that even if he encounters such a master, even if he cannot beat him, he will be able to retreat unscathed.

After all, his current speed is simply not comparable to that of a Congealing Stage master.

Even, Zhou Qing is confident that he can compete with the masters of the holy Tibetan realm in terms of speed.

This is naturally the credit of "Shen Xiang Prison Power".

However, it is also because Zhou Qing Insight has so many Cultivation Techniques, including many speed Cultivation Techniques.

These speed-type Cultivation Techniques, many of them are top-grade Cultivation Techniques.

At a high level of practice, one can even teleport for a short time, catching opponents by surprise.

Zhou Qing glanced lightly at the audience.

Wherever the eyes pass, no one dares to look at him.

"You guys." Zhou Qing looked at the hundreds of people and said calmly, "Don't think that you are lucky if you didn't participate in the siege."

"Just now you have a panoramic view of your eyes, but just now you have a deliberate expression."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of hundreds of people in the crowd changed suddenly.

Immediately, he quickly fell to his knees on the ground, kowtowed to Zhou Qing and begged for mercy.

"Senior, it's just that Junior has been obsessed with ghosts for a while, please forgive me, senior!"

"Senior, Junior has a young and old, and the lard has covered my heart for a while, please forgive me, senior!"

"senior, spare Junior's life!"

Hundreds of people kowtowed to Zhou Qing, crying with snot and tears.

They definitely won't be able to fight, the only thing they can do now is to beg for mercy, and pray that Zhou Qing5.4 is not a person who kills indiscriminately.

However, there were still some cultivators who were lucky enough to think that Zhou Qing hadn't noticed them, so they didn't kneel down.



Immediately, there were dozens of cultivators in the crowd who did not kneel down but intentionally joined the other side burst open, turning into a cloud of blood mist and flesh.

The faces of everyone in the audience changed wildly, and the faces of hundreds of people who had just knelt down turned purple with fright, and their kowtows became even more ruthless.

"Those people who just died were lucky people."

Zhou Qing pondered for a while, then raised his head and said: "Although you just made a move on purpose, the crime is not worthy of death.

These words immediately made the kneeling cultivator overjoyed, and a feeling of survival after a disaster welled up in his heart.

However, The next moment Zhou Qing's words made their hearts sink again.

"However, capital crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes cannot be forgiven."

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