"No one will believe what I have to say here, but when you get there, you will realize that what I said is nothing, and everything is worth it."

The Great Elder's expression was filled with blood and determination, as if he was telling Lin Shu that these things could definitely be done as he wanted.

"Then what you mean is that there are countless treasures here, and none of you have seen them.

Although he was following behind Wang Bingning, Lin Shu was also very curious and questioned whether what they said was true or false. If so, what was the point of them staying here? Besides, they hadn't gone to see it, so how could they be sure? . Is that thing still there?

"Don't worry, although we haven't seen it for so many years, we have all the information about his location and all the circumstances, and nothing else has happened."

This can be said to be their life gate, if they can't even guard this.

Then it is impossible for them to continue to persist in this position to this day.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now. You don't have to explain it so hard. You take me there first to see the position you said, and let my junior sister go around the rest."

And the third child who woke up was still puzzled when he died.

Because the third elder did not expect things to be like this, and it was a little too different from what he thought at the time.

He thought he was dead at the time, because when he opened his eyes, he saw a chaotic world.

He couldn't see everything around clearly, someone was talking, but he could only listen and couldn't move, and he couldn't even repeat the situation just now until he woke up and found that it was Lin Shu's plan.

"Young third, you're really fine, just now I saw that you were badly injured and vomited blood, but now you can still look like you're nothing while standing here.

Not to mention the third elder, even the other young people who saw it thought it was really strange. How could they have seen this scene before?

"Don't ask, I don't know either, I only know that I was in a coma at the time, and the scene when I saw the scene was different when I was in a coma, and when I was in a coma, the things inside were all white. It feels so painful.”

Recalling the experience when he was in a coma, the third elder still felt very surprised.

Everyone looked at Lin Shu, who was chatting with the elder, and fell into deep thought.

Everyone has an unanimous expectation, that is, don't mess with this man if you have nothing to do, otherwise even if you don't kill you, you will be unable to get out for the rest of your life, which is too terrifying.

But I'm curious. You said that Su Qing Snake is a dignified beast, but now that its cultivation is so high, how can it be in the company of humans? What is the situation of 643?

All of them were thinking about this situation, but Su Qing Snake, the protagonist, was walking forward happily at this time.

Thinking that this time, I might have the opportunity to pick up some kind of treasure, improve my cultivation, and be able to help the master.

"Maybe these two have a very strong point, otherwise it is really hard to say, so Su Qing Snake is not very suitable for his position, but you are right, no matter what, he is still a divine beast." 5

In this way, this kind of person went to the bottom while chatting and didn't see much at first, but when everyone went to the underground palace, they were all shocked by the scene below.

"Wow, senior brother is really beautiful here.

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