Fantasy: Play As The Sage Of Ancients Times

Chapter 132 Heaven and Earth are Human Cauldron, King Burning True!


Bodhisattva dharma images are high or low, or clear to visible eyebrows, or misty and vague. Among them, the four Bodhisattva dharma images are the most majestic and solemn, and they are divided into four directions.

Avalokitesvara who eradicates the suffering of all beings, Manjushri Bodhisattva who is pure and untainted and beneficial to the world, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who has no desire to retreat, and Ksitigarbha King who vows to save all beings and become a Buddha.

Jiang Xuan stepped on the void, suddenly withdrew his fists, and with him as the center, an air force that was enough to eclipse the entire Sound Wall City, released wantonly.

As far as the qi machine can reach, whether it is a dharma image that has landed or is still in the air, most of them collapse with a bang, and some are also crumbling, obviously showing signs of collapse.

Only the four great Bodhisattva remained motionless, even with their golden mouths slightly opened, chanting scriptures, and a long-sleeved, swaying goddess swirled around their heads.

The golden light is overflowing between the heaven and the earth, and the fluorescent flow is colorful, just like being in a Buddhist country on the other side.

Jiang Xuan "Nine Eight Zero" didn't perform any special attack at all. He turned into a sword, and his body was transformed, and he slammed punches in all directions.

After punching, the phantom did not have time to merge into one, only to see a snow-white streamer bypassing the Bodhisattva Dharma image and rushing towards the old monk who was like the God Son of Guangyin Guanyin.

A statue of Bodhisattva, the immovable deity of the esoteric sect, appeared behind the Avalokitesvara of Guangyin, wearing wrathful makeup.


After being violently hit by Jiang Xuan's body, Guan Shenzi of Guangyin did not change his sitting position, but the whole person retreated again and again.

On the way that both the person and the dharma were retreating, the immortal king let out a dull and angry shout.

If they were obsessed, they would have been woken up long ago, and if they were stubborn demons, they would have been frightened away long ago.

The one who can collide is Jiang Xuan who kills the king in one hit!

In the second blow, standing Jiang Xuan went down from a height and kicked the forehead of Guan Shenzi, who was sitting cross-legged.

He directly kicked the heavenly arrogant who was famous in the entire Guangyintian into the ground, and the law of King Fudo Ming sank deep into the ground, revealing only the terrified face that was about to look terrified.

At the same time, the four Bodhisattva in the distance turned into fireflies in the world, slowly lifted into the sky, and returned to the sky.

Jiang Xuan stopped the simply unrivaled offensive and didn't look down at the man again.

At the last moment, God Son of Guangyin Guan still retained a Buddha heart.

But so what, Jiang Xuan thought of killing, and he was unstoppable.

"Are you going too?

Jiang Xuan looked coldly into the distance, and half of the entire Yinbi City was almost destroyed, and it was almost shattered in the confrontation of Wangjing.

But Jiang Xuan was tense all over, because in the distance, there was another person standing in the air.

The lord of Yinbi City, a rank seven true king!

This is the top powerhouse in the entire Yinbi City, who controls everything in the vicinity and masters this place. I didn't expect to encounter Jiang Xuan today, and then half of the city was reduced to ashes.

How could this not make him angry, and even thought of killing in his heart.

The true king, no matter where he is, is the top existence. The king in the king's realm, even Jiang Xuan, who is in the sixth rank and can fight across the sixth rank, is a little afraid of facing a true king.

"You are in my jurisdiction, killing my residents and destroying my ruins, how can I tolerate you?"

The city lord opened his mouth, his face was indifferent, and he looked at Jiang Xuan.

Although he is a real king, he is shocked when he sees Jiang Xuan's combat power. You must know that there is a huge gap in combat power among the kings. The span of the first rank is very large, while Jiang Xuan's Realm he also observed it.

A first rank king can easily kill the middle king.

This kind of fighting power shocked him. But at the same time, he was also very excited.

He has been stagnant in this Realm for many years, and it is too difficult to break through, but now, he sees hope.

In Jiang Xuan's body, he saw a peerless opportunity, several imperial laws, and it was a great temptation for people's hearts.

If he gets it, he is confident that he can break through to Power, and even become Saint in this age of golden age is gradually recovering.

A strong person in the king realm, one thought is born and one thought is extinguished, but it is only a moment.

It was such a short moment, but it made him firm up his idea of ​​taking Jiang Xuan and forcing him to question the emperor.

Jiang Xuan chuckled lightly, looking at each other's eyes gradually firming.

"Make up your mind? You can really take me?"

He was teasing, but Jiang Xuan was also vigilant in his heart, because a real king shot, it would be earth-shattering, and he didn't dare to relax.

The next moment, the world is boiling.


When the real king made a move, the city lord did not speak, but just made a move in an instant.

He had no weapons, so he emitted a sword light with his bare hands, as fierce as the cold wind.

The void was torn apart, and in the entire Sound Wall City, several zhang cracks opened and were torn apart by invisible forces.

In just an instant, there was a fierce sword light rising within the range of dozens of miles nearby, and there was a sword light between the sky and the earth.

I don't know how many ordinary people were torn apart at this moment, and their bodies were directly cut off. All the vitality in the body was destroyed in an instant, and they didn't react at all.

All beings perish, and tall buildings collapse.

This is the horror of the true king, just a simple shot, and it has already destroyed everything in the vicinity.

Jiang Xuan watched from the sidelines, the sword light struck, as if it were just a line.

But wherever he went, everything was cut.

Nothing can stand, nothing is invincible.

It was the spirit of a true king condensed into a single line, forming a heavenly saber that was splendid and invincible.

But facing this extreme attack, Jiang Xuan slowly took a step back, raised his right hand slowly, and squeezed his fist.

Then, he stepped out suddenly and blasted his right fist.


For a moment, the void was filled with fragments of knife light, reflecting everything around.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, unrivaled by fist marks!

The city owner naturally knew that Jiang Xuan's strength would not be that simple.

His hands were knotted to form a complex pattern.

The next moment, between the heavens and the earth, a formation emerges, Shrouding the Heavens covers the sun and seals this piece of heaven and earth.

There is a large formation in Yinbi City, which draws on the power of this earth and wants to suppress Jiang Xuan.

2.6 Usually, this large formation is not opened. I did not expect such a large formation to be hidden. Everyone was shocked.

The city owner didn't want to fight Jiang Xuan directly, he just needed to suppress Jiang Xuan, and then forced him to ask the emperor's law.


But The next moment, there is the ultimate punch that penetrates this world.

In the sky and the ground, there are dense array patterns emerging, which are not the original array patterns.

In the moment just now, the great formation was tampered with, breakthrough, and even the power of heaven and earth was not used by the city lord.

Yuantian pattern, change the world!

Jiang Xuan didn't think that there were such a huge spiritual vein in this area at first, but since it was exposed, it was the city owner who was tying himself up.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, a Human Cauldron rises.

The sky is the cover, the earth is the furnace, and the dark yellow is the charcoal!

Burning True King!.

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