The Three Musketeers thought that since they had already come up, they attacked Jiang Xuan directly. The three of them used all their strength to attack here.

Jiang Xuan felt a little helpless when he saw the three of them. He never thought that the three of them would be so impatient. If that was the case, then he would use this determination to deal with them properly.

"I'll let you know how powerful the three of us are now." The Three Musketeers were still very confident.

"Really?" Jiang Xuan looked at himself who the three of them had been attacking, and didn't plan to take the initiative.

Thinking that if I took the initiative to attack, I would be able to solve them soon, so it would be meaningless, so I planned to tease them a little.

Jiang Xuan was just defending the three of them here, letting the three of them not hurt himself and not attacking the three of them.

Thinking of doing it voluntarily will definitely make the three of them eager for success, and at that time the three of them will definitely reveal their three-man's feet.

One of them was very anxious to see that he had been defending here and not attacking, and he didn't know what this person wanted to do.

That person thought that since he didn't take the initiative to attack, then he could only take the initiative, it was impossible to keep the situation like this, and now this person was impatient.

"Don't think that you can win this way, I must teach you a good lesson in this game today." "." This person was very anxious, and said here.

Jiang Xuan took a look and felt that it was a good time, because he was in a hurry right now, and what he said to him would definitely catch him off guard.

So while defending them here and looking for a suitable spot, Jiang Xuan watched the three of them keep going around here.

So I thought about taking advantage of this time to take a good look at who that person is. Soon Jiang Xuan seized this opportunity to find the person's actions and came behind this person.

Thinking that coming behind this person can also give him a surprise attack, this person must not have imagined that he is already behind him now.

So I directly threw this person to the ground. When this person was thrown to the ground, I felt a little confused, and I never thought that I would be thrown to the ground.

No one has yet reacted to what is going on, but he is already on the ground now.

And he felt that his own work was flawless, and he never thought that he would still be beaten to the ground, and now he is very satisfied.

"..."I didn't expect you to do such a small gesture." This person was also very uncomfortable.

Jiang Xuan is really speechless for these people. He never thought that these people would be so incapable of losing. Everyone who came to him would say this.

As long as they find them to the ground (to Zhao), they will feel that it is worth doing small actions, and they have nothing to say to them.

The two people next to him could not see that his own companion was beaten, and they would be very uncomfortable in the future. They never thought that he would actually knock his own companion to the ground.

The two of them were also very heartbroken to see their own companion on the ground. After all, they came together, and now one of them fell to the ground, which greatly reduced their morale.

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