Jiang Xuan looked and looked at him in this place, and suddenly realized that there is a huge eagle passing by here, and the most important thing is that they are flying towards it.

Suddenly thought of a way, if you can grab the eagle's feet, you can take them out from here.

"Now I have come up with a solution." Jiang Xuan quickly told the two of them the idea of ​​owning.

If you want to use the huge eagle to take them out, then they must have no problem. That huge eagle must be able to drive the three of them.

"I think this is the only better way now." Fang Qing thought.

"How do we grab the eagle's feet now? This is a very important issue." Lu Chen felt that this seemed to be somewhat difficult.

Jiang Xuan has already thought about all these issues, so he decided to discuss it with the two of them here to get their opinions.

"Then listen to me first, if you think it's okay, then we will follow this method..."

Jiang Xuan and the three of them discussed this place for a while and felt that the method was really feasible, so they decided to use this method to get out of here.

At first, there were some arguments among them, but after Jiang Xuan's statement, they all felt that it was very correct.

"That has been decided now, so let's hurry up and don't wait too long here." Fang Qing was also very anxious.

If they can get out of here successfully, then they will be one step closer to the footsteps of finding the earth dragon, so now they are very hopeful to get out from here.

"If that's the case, then let's hurry up and catch this eagle, so that he can take us out of here.

Fang Qing and Lu Chen followed behind Jiang Xuan and went with him to catch eagles. The animals in this place are very huge.

Although the methods have been thought out now, there are still some difficulties in implementing them. They must find the right method, otherwise they may fail.

A few people have been trying desperately to catch them here, but they never thought that they would never be able to catch them. These eagles are really flying too fast.


"The reaction ability is still very good, it may be very difficult to catch them!" Fang Qing is also very helpless now.

I don't have a better way to get out of here right now, so I can only hold on for a while and everything will be resolved after I get out.

"If you catch it like this, you will definitely not be able to catch it, so the three of us must join forces to catch one."


Jiang Xuan now also found out that they can't catch blindly, so the three of them joined forces

What they want is that they haven't seen eagles come down from this place now, they have seen those eagles flying in the sky, so it is impossible to catch them.

At this time, an eagle suddenly flew down, and the three of them were very excited when they saw it, and they were ready to catch it.

Jiang Xuan thought that he could catch him if he spoke from behind, but he didn't expect that when he went to the back to turn around, he didn't catch him, so he let him run away.

The three of them finally encountered an eagle that flew down. They waited for so long, but they accidentally did not catch it and let it escape.

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