Jiang Xuan thought that he had passed through here and just happened to be in their caravan, so now he would definitely not ask them for these rewards.

"I just helped you along, and now you have arrived smoothly, you should keep the money for them!" Jiang Xuan declined very politely.

Fang Qing was also very helpless after hearing that he had rejected him. He didn't expect so many rewards, and he was very dissatisfied when he said whether "Zero 87" or not.

Thinking that if they take that revenge, then they must have a lot of money, which is enough for them to live a long time.

"If you don't want that much money, you don't want it. If you take it, it will be of great help to us." Fang Qing said unhappily here.

Lu Chen was also very helpless after seeing this scene in front of her. She was very angry now, so she decided to comfort her and make it clear to her.

"He has always been a very loyal person, and if he helps others in this way, he will never accept anything from others. 35

Lu Chen explained here that he hoped that Fang Qing would also understand, don't continue to be angry here, and this matter has passed for so long.

Fang Qing was also very helpless after hearing this sentence. A child has already said that if he is angry again, then he seems to be really too stingy.

If they continue to make trouble, they will feel that they are really a person who loves talents very much. Since it has already passed, they will not continue to mention it.

Fang Qing didn't say anything after learning about it. Now they are thinking about continuing to set off, and don't waste so much time here.

"Now that your business is over, we are leaving." Jiang Xuan politely bid them farewell.

The people in the caravan saw that this person was very kind and thanked him very much, so they sent him out of the door and watched him leave before entering.

A few people quickly entered the town. When they came in, they found that it was very quiet, and they were very surprised when they saw all this.

But thinking about it maybe because it was night and they all went back to sleep, thinking about tomorrow, it should be very lively, so they found another place to live.

"It's getting late now, everyone should rest quickly." Jiang Xuan told them.

So I went back with my own apprentice. I have been busy here for a long time recently, so I will go back to sleep first and talk about what to do later.

Time flies very fast and it's already the next morning, and they think it's time to do other things everywhere!

So I ate something and went to the street, I never thought that it was getting late after walking here for a while.

I just found out that there are still a lot of people in this small town. Yesterday it was probably because it was too late at 2.7 and there was no one to watch. The two of them thought something happened.

A few of them also liked it very much after seeing it. It was the uncle who planned to have a good time here, and Lu Chen hadn't seen such a lively scene for a long time.

"Since that's the case, let's take a stroll here." Fang Qing was even more delighted.

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