Jiang Xuan felt that if he did not agree to him, he would definitely not be so relieved. After all, Tang Ze was also very young and definitely needed his own help.

"Since I have encountered this matter, I must try my best to help you find Tang Ze. As long as I am here, I will definitely not let her have an accident."

Jiang Xuan, this Devil Venerable, promised him to help him find Tan Ze, and handed over the Devil Venerable "three two three" power to Tang Zelai to manage.

Devil Venerable felt relieved when he heard his answer, after all, he had been with him for a while and knew that he would definitely finish it.

Thinking that since he has already promised himself, he can be relieved, at least Tang Ze has someone to help him now, and he will definitely be able to save the overall situation.

"I really thank you very much. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely thank you very much."

After Devil Venerable thanked Jiang Xuan, he now knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so the devil's soul had already slept, and he didn't know if he could wake up again.

Jiang Xuan looked at Devil Venerable like this and was very worried. It was impossible to leave her in this place. Otherwise, those people would definitely not let him go easily.

Since this is the case, I put Devil Venerable in the Fufu Spirit Bag, and now I can only let him stay in this place, otherwise I will definitely not be able to do other things.

After all, now that he has promised Devil Venerable to help him find Tang Ze, he must not sit still in this place and must go to other places to see what the situation is like.

Jiang Xuan thought that since this matter has something to do with the regent, then Tang Ze's disappearance must have something to do with him, because he has been looking here for so long.

If he hadn't been caught, he must have appeared long ago, so the most likely thing to happen now is that he has been caught by the regent.

Otherwise, how could he put his own father in this place so easily? If he knew what happened to his own father, he would have rushed over immediately.

Although his father told him to escape quickly, but in the process of escaping, he must have been discovered by the regent.

"There is no better way now, after all, there is no evidence.⁹⁹

Jiang Xuan is also speculating here that if there is any evidence, it must be a very difficult thing. If this is the case, then he will sneak into the palace of the Regent secretly and take a look.

If I go, I will know if he has arrested Tang Ze, I must find him as soon as possible no matter what.

Jiang Xuan had a good time, so he went straight into the palace of the regent, and when he came in, he found that there were very few guards in this place.

Thinking that my regent is really very bold, and at this critical period, he has not yet sent some people to guard this place.

"But in 2.7, it's better to take this opportunity to visit everywhere. Now I don't know if Tang Ze is in this place."

After all, they usually don't have the chance to come in, but now they have the opportunity, of course they have to look for it.

Jiang Xuan is not sure now, he can only find it everywhere in this place, after all, this place is also very big.

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