"Congratulations to the host for successfully cutting off the beard and receiving the reward: Mending Heaven Pill*1"

A hint of joy flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Sure enough, the chance interception succeeded.

Since discovering that the marriage book is the key point of this opportunity, Gu Xuan has been guessing.

The success condition of the opportunity to cut off Hu is not to make Nangong Yun agree to marry him.

Now, the facts confirm it.

The marriage certificate came into effect, and the opportunity was also successful.

Although I don't know what secrets Nangong Yun hides, she is definitely not a simple person who can represent a golden opportunity.

Even Anu, who is carrying the body of the cold spirit, is just a purple opportunity that represents, and Nangong Yun symbolizes gold.

Doesn't it mean that her future achievements will be even higher than Anu's!

Anukor has been accepted by the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Zhongzhou, and his qualifications and inheritance are all top-notch.

Nangong Yun may surpass Anu in the future, so how strong should her potential be?


Of course, no matter what Nangong Yun will become in the future, from now on, Gu Xuan will occupy an extremely important position in her heart.

"If I can have ten wives who represent golden or purple chances, after many years, even if I lie still, just eating soft rice can make it easy for me to reach the peak of martial arts."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

In order to avoid a lot of dreams at night, Gu Xuan said to Nangong Yun at the moment: "Sister Yun, why don't we get married one day, what do you think?"

Under the white veil, Nangong Yunqiao's face turned crimson, and she nodded extremely shyly: "It's all up to your arrangement." "


Gu family out of the dragon!

Gu Xuan, the second son of the Gu family, returned from his studies and arts, and with his own strength, he destroyed the entire Sun family.

Not only that, but at the age of a weak crown, he defeated Tong Yu, a genius of the Purple Yan Sect who ranked eighty-seventh on the Great Xia Talent List.

Instead, he became the first existence ever to ascend to the Great Xia Talent List with the Spirit Sea Realm Fivefold.

This news is currently only spreading in Yunlou City, and if it spreads, God knows what kind of sensation it will cause in Great Xia.

Almost all, the people of the entire Cloud Tower City were exclaiming.

Gu family out of the dragon!

The little Gu family actually produced a real dragon!

"Mending Heaven Pill, this effect... Sure enough, it is worthy of being a mending pill!"

Gu family, cultivation room.

Gu Xuan looked at a golden pill in his hand, with a faint look of surprise and excitement on his face.

For the first time, he successfully intercepted the golden chance, and the reward of the system was the Heavenly Pill.

This was an elixir that Gu Xuan had never gotten before, but the effect of the elixir was beyond Gu Xuan's cognition and imagination.

The function of the Heavenly Pill is to directly upgrade a Xuandan level.

The next stage of the Spirit Sea Realm is the Xuandan Realm.

And the Xuandan realm is also the most important realm for martial artists.

Xuandan is divided into nine grades.

The first grade is the highest, and the ninth grade is the worst.

is also in the Xuandan realm, and the difference between the first-grade Xuandan and the ninth-grade Xuandan can be called cloud mud.

A hundred nine-grade Xuandans are not worth one first-grade Xuandan.

Because the former can only stay in the Xuandan realm for the rest of his life, while the latter...

You can be king!

Xuandan is the most intuitive manifestation of martial arts potential, and it is also the most authoritative criterion for distinguishing geniuses.

There is a saying in the cultivation world - Xuandan looks at life!

Xuandan Yicheng, how far you can go in martial arts in this life has basically been determined.

Therefore, many geniuses will take the initiative to suppress their cultivation in the Ten Levels of the Spirit Sea, desperately increasing their own foundation, in order to condense a higher-grade Xuandan.

Because, once the Xuandan is condensed, the future will be finalized, and there is no possibility of changing it unless it encounters a great opportunity.

And the Heaven Replenishing Pill that Gu Xuan got was able to directly improve the grade of Xuan Dan.

Increase the foundation out of thin air and make up for the foundation of martial arts.

It's incredible.

Worthy of the name of mending the sky!

"If this pill spreads, God knows what kind of bloody storm it will set off in the cultivation world, which is enough to make any martial artist of the Spirit Sea Realm and the Xuandan Realm risk their lives to fight for it..."

Gu Xuan carefully put away this Heaven Replenishing Pill.

He was born in the grass, no matter how talented he was, there was still a gap that could not be ignored between him and the first-class geniuses of those top-level holy land descendants.

There are always a handful of people in this world who are born with a golden spoon, and the starting point is the end point of many people, and the background is a hundred times beyond ordinary people.

And this Heaven Replenishing Pill is a glimmer of heaven for Gu Xuan to shorten the distance between him and these people!

Calming down, Gu Xuan walked out of the cultivation room.

happened to meet Gu Yan in a hurry, and it seemed that he was looking for something.

"Second brother..."

Gu Yan looked at Gu Xuan and stopped talking, "Nangong family's side.."

Gu Xuan's heart moved, and he had a bad premonition.

"The Nangong family doesn't agree with our proposal?"

"That's not it."

Gu Yan shook his head, and immediately took out a letter and handed it to him.

"You'd better see for yourself. "

Gu Xuan took the letter, only to see four small characters on the letter - Gu Lang personally opened.

Gu Xuan opened the envelope, read it carefully, and was silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Gu Yan patted Gu Xuan's shoulder with a complicated expression, and comforted: "Second brother, don't worry, I believe that Yun'er must have her reason for saying goodbye, and she will definitely come back." "

Gu Xuan nodded and didn't say anything.

Nangong Yun is gone.

Sudden departure.

This situation was unexpected by Gu Xuan, but it was reasonable.

Nangong Yun is Gu Xuan's golden chance, but she is just an ordinary person now.

There is something to be experienced in the middle, and it is inevitable to leave.

It's just that Gu Xuan didn't expect that this day would come so soon.


It is more than 500 miles away from Yunlou City.

A horse is galloping fast.

Immediately sat a woman in purple wearing a white gauze hat.

"How long will it take to get to the place you said you said?"

"Don't worry, at your speed, you will be able to arrive within two months. "

Nangong Yun nodded and didn't say anything more.

Grimace said faintly, "I'm curious, why didn't you wait until you married that kid before leaving." You know, it may be many years before you see each other again. "

Nangong Yun was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "I don't want to marry him with an ugly face that people hate ghosts."

I think that one day, I can take off the veil generously and be his bride in the most beautiful appearance. "

"Moreover, Xiao Xuan'er is committed to martial arts. Staying now will only hold him back. Next time..."

Nangong Yun took a deep breath and said with a firm expression: "I really don't want to stand behind him anymore." "

The grimace looked complicated, and his eyes seemed to be slightly touched, and finally turned into a light sigh.

"Every generation of the Celestial Spider Eucharist is lonely and old, without anyone close to him. This is a curse and a fate. You'd better be prepared..."

Nangong Yun didn't say a word, just looked ahead with a determined look.

In her field of vision, there seemed to be a handsome young man with a knife in one hand, looking at her with a smile and calling out in his mouth: "Sister Yun." "

Nangong Yun thought silently in her heart.

"Wait until I get back..."

Hurry up and go.

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