Yang Miao and Wei Lin raised their eyes when they heard this, and saw that at the other end of the white pillar of light, two figures were rapidly approaching this position.

One figure fluttered like the wind, and the other walked like a galloping horse, bringing up billowing smoke and dust, and the momentum was amazing.

It was only a few moments of fixed observation by a few people, and the two figures had reached a place less than a few hundred meters in front of them.

This distance is only a moment for a Spirit Sea Realm martial artist.

"Not good!"

Wei Lin's expression changed, "It's Zhao Jianfei of the Star Luo Sect and Qi Ming of the Xuanguang Sect." Let's go!"

After speaking, Wei Lin jumped in front of the white pillar of light, grabbed the jade slip in the pillar of light, and turned around to leave.

Yang Miao and Ji Shunqing also fled without hesitation.

But behind the three of them, a voice snorted coldly.

"You want to leave after taking something, leave it for me!"

In the next moment, Wei Lin and the three of them immediately felt as if a hurricane was rapidly approaching behind them.

When I turned my head, I saw a figure rushing towards me like an angry beast.

The three of them changed color instantly.

Wei Lin and Yang Miao shot almost at the same time.

"The Red Sun Burns the Sky!"

"Xiaoxiao Luomu!"

On the plain, it seems that a small sun suddenly rises, accompanied by the gloom of falling leaves.

But before the sword intent of the two of them was fully deployed, an iron fist was directly drawn.

The scorching sun was shattered, and the bleak meaning of the autumn wind was also washed away by the fist wind.


Wei Lin and Yang Miao flew out upside down like broken kites, spitting blood from their mouths and already injured.

"It's ridiculous!"

One of them stopped and slowly retracted his fist.

The man was tall, bronzed, and his half-open robe revealed muscles like steel-poured copper, with scars on them.

Xuanguang Sect, Qi Ming!

Ji Shunqing's face was pale, and Wei Lin and Yang Miao showed even more unwillingness and despair in their eyes.

The gap is too big, Qi Ming is one enemy and two, and he can defeat the two of them with one punch, and the two sides are not opponents in the weight class at all.

Between the top 50 and the bottom 50 of the talent list, it seems to be a moat!

"Yo, I'm still a member of the Six Sects of Nanling, hehe..."

Another person fell beside Qi Ming, this person was long, his temperament was cold, and his eyes seemed to be holding a sharp sword, sweeping around Wei Lin's three people, shaving the three of them.

Star Luo Sect Zhao Jianfei is stronger than Qi Ming.

Ji Shunqing's face was pale, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Give you something, let us go." "

Wei Lin was also very interested in taking out the jade slip that had just arrived from the storage spirit ring.

But Zhao Jianfei shook his head and said lightly: "It's not enough.."

Wei Lin frowned, and said in a deep voice, "What else do you want?"

Zhao Jianfei said coldly: "My Star Luo Sect's Senior Brother Qin Rongyue was seriously injured by your Nanling Six Sects by despicable means, and missed this trial. Naturally, you will have to compensate for his loss.

In this way, the three of you will leave the storage spirit ring, and then obediently eliminate yourself, and we will spare you. "


When Wei Lin and the three of them heard this, their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

If the storage spirit ring is left behind, it will be eliminated, so the three of them will not only gain nothing in this trial, but also lose a fortune.

It's just pushing them to a dead end.

But even if the three of them are added together, they are not necessarily the opponents of one of them, let alone two of them.

There is a desire to fight for his life, but he has no power to return to the sky!

Seeing that Wei Lin's faces changed, and they refused to express their determination for a long time, Zhao Jianfei snorted coldly, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"If you don't want to, then die!"


"It's over, the three people of the Six Sects of Nanling are really unlucky, I thought it was a chance, but I didn't expect it to be a big pit, and I put myself in it. "

"The six sects of Nanling have always been weak, and there has not been a genius who can enter the top 50 of the talent list for many years, and it is normal to have such an end. "

"Although it is not appropriate to kill people in trials, but the skills are not as good as people, and there is no way to die. If the Six Sects of Nanling are going to lose three geniuses at once this time, they may really have to lose their talents. "

People outside the secret country are talking about it.

A young man covered in gauze mixed in with the crowd, staring at the picture on the water screen.

This person is the seriously injured Qin Rongyue.

Qin Rongyue was seriously injured the day before the opening of the secret realm, not only missed this trial, but also became a laughing stock in many people's mouths, and he had already hated Gu Xuan and everyone in the six sects of Nanling in his heart.

At this time, when he saw Wei Lin and the three of them being arrested, his face suddenly showed a strong look of joy and resentment.

"Yes, exactly. Help me kill them, Senior Brother Zhao!"

In the picture, seeing that Zhao Jianfei was about to be ruthless to Wei Lin and the others, at this moment, the water curtain suddenly shook violently.

"What's going on?"

The crowd of onlookers made puzzled voices.

"The water prism is malfunctioning?"

"That's not right!"

Someone with sharp eyes pointed to the picture and exclaimed: "It's because of that, you look at it!"

The onlookers looked at it fixedly, and immediately gasped.


“... Die!"

Zhao Jianfei's body suddenly erupted with a strong and incomparably strong killing intent.

The killing intent urged the sword qi, and a sword light slashed out horizontally towards the three of them.

Wei Lin's faces changed greatly, and they wanted to resist, but the momentum of Zhao Jianfei and Qi Ming's joint efforts suppressed the three of them, and they couldn't even move.

I could only watch the sword light slash in.

At this moment, a sound like thunder sounded in everyone's ears.


Before a few people could discern the direction where the voice was coming from, a black sword light had already approached.

This sword light came silently.

Behind it, a twisted vacuum trail was dragged.

When the knife came to the end, everyone on the field suddenly had a numb scalp, and large goosebumps grew on their backs.

It was as terrifying as if someone had suddenly put a knife against the center of the eyebrows.

The black sword light flew towards Zhao Jianfei, and Zhao Jianfei's eyes widened.

The sword that was originally slashed towards Wei Lin was reversed, and at the same time, a strong momentum suddenly erupted from his body, and the sword light was even stronger.

But even so, under the terrifying sword light, Zhao Jianfei's sword light was still as easily shredded as a piece of brittle paper.

Zhao Jianfei's long sword snapped into two, and the sword light continued unabated, slashing at him.

Zhao Jianfei didn't say a word and quickly stepped back.

In the process...


The robe was torn, and then the armor inside, too.

And then there's the flesh and skin...

A shocking huge knife mark crossed Zhao Jianfei's chest, almost disemboweling him.

The knife is over.

Zhao Jianfei fell to his knees, staring blankly at his chest, looking at the blood, internal organs and other things that flowed out wantonly, and was a little overwhelmed.


At this moment, whether it is in the secret territory or the school martial arts field outside the secret territory.

All fell into an eerie, deathly silence.

Especially in the school martial arts field, the onlookers have not seen where or who this sword light came from so far.

A sword light that came out of nowhere directly disemboweled, Zhao Jianfei, who ranked thirty-ninth on the talent list, was disemboweled?!


The onlookers are going crazy!


Starting tomorrow, above the five watches, it should be made up for the more, and it should be added for the more, thank you for your flower monthly ticket evaluation votes and rewards, thank you~~

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