"This kid is crazy, that's a lava volcano!"

"The temperature of the magma is so high, under the Xuandan Realm, even a martial artist who specializes in cultivating body will be burned to slag if he falls into it. "

"For a mass of 10,000-year-old fire spirit, as for it?"

The onlookers were puzzled and surprised.

Someone shook his head and sighed: "I thought that the Six Sects of Nanling had a real dragon, but I didn't expect it to be a brainless fool, and he actually killed himself for a mere chance!"

"Not necessarily. "

Someone retorted: "This son has great luck, and he may save the day in the mortal realm of ordinary people." And no one has seen him go all out so far, so maybe there's a way to defend against magma?"

"Let's see. "

At the same time, the secret territory.

The great young man Xiang Liaoyuan saw Gu Xuan rushing directly into the crater with the fire essence, and hurriedly ran over to check.

Just saw the moment when Gu Xuan's figure disappeared into the magma.

"Damn it!"

Xiang Liaoyuan slammed his fist into the volcanic rock under his feet, smashing a large crater.

He didn't know who Gu Xuan was, and he didn't care about Gu Xuan's identity.

He only knew that Gu Xuan had just buried an opportunity that was extremely important to him.

Xiang Liaoyuan's face was ugly, his eyes flickered, and he simply sat down cross-legged in the crater.

"I don't believe it, the fire spirit can be born once, but it can't be born a second time?


The red-robed young man looked at the crater that was gradually falling silent, and he had not yet recovered from the impact of Gu Xuan's depth.

"That bastard... That's it?"

The red-robed boy was a little unacceptable.

A person who was so annoying just now suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and may never appear again.

He felt an inexplicable feeling of emptiness in his heart.




These are Gu Xuan's only two thoughts after falling into the volcanic lava.

The blood of the Ancient Vermilion Bird swallowed into his abdomen, and it was as if a sun exploded in his body.

Holding the fire spirit in his arms is like hugging a blazing fireball.

And then around the hot lava.

The robe on Gu Xuan's body turned to ashes in an instant.

Although he had already wrapped his whole body with Yuan Force before entering the magma, he only supported a few breaths in the magma before he was declared broken.

The hot magma began to scorch Gu Xuan's skin and flesh.

Fortunately, at this time, the ancient Vermilion Bird blood came into play.

A large amount of fire yuan was poured into the body, and it began to slowly refine Gu Xuan's flesh, blood, and bones...

However, this speed is too slow, and the flesh and blood that have been tempered after a round of tempering still can't resist the invasion of magma, and it is burned again.

Gu Xuan was ruthless, and directly bit the 10,000-year-old fire essence in his arms and sucked it hard.

It was as if I had swallowed a mouthful of lava raw, and my mouth and throat were about to burn.

The fire spirit in his arms let out a howl of fear, desperately trying to break free from Gu Xuan's embrace.

Gu Xuan hugged it and didn't let go at all.

The fire essence gathered the fire element contained in the magma, and the color of the magma surrounding Gu Xuan became brighter and brighter, almost turning golden.

And, of course, even hotter.

Gu Xuan completely let go, took out the red extracted fire lotus that he had just arrived from the storage spirit ring, and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

Inside and outside his body, Gu Xuan was completely wrapped in extremely pure Fire Yuan Power.

His consciousness gradually blurred in indescribable intense pain.

I can only feel that every inch of my body, every inch of skin, and every inch of flesh and blood are rapidly transforming.

Instinct drove him to bow his head and suck in a mouthful of fire essence every once in a while.

The fire spirit screams with anger at the beginning, and gradually weakens, fears, and pleads later...

Eventually, there was no sound at all.

In a trance, Gu Xuan seemed to be in a world full of flames, and there was a crimson bird with a cold expression flying in front of him...

"Congratulations to the host for successfully cutting off the beard and obtaining the reward: Ancient Vermilion Bird.Blood*1"

The sound of the system prompt woke Gu Xuan up from his daze.

Another drop of ancient Vermilion Bird blood?

Without thinking, Gu Xuan directly extracted it and swallowed it with his mouth open.

The surging fire element and the slightest strange blood force were integrated into Gu Xuan's body, making him feel extremely comfortable, as if he was in a hot spring.

Wait a minute!

Gu Xuan suddenly reacted.

Nima, aren't I in the lava right now?!

Going to die, going to die!

Hmm? Why am I not dead yet!

Gu Xuan came back to his senses and found that he was in a huge dark red eggshell.

The eggshell is harder than iron, as if it was formed by the cooling and solidification of magma.

After recalling carefully, Gu Xuan realized a little....

I look like I've won the bet!

In the body, the bright red and golden blood flows like a river.

Compared with the previous realm of swallowing 10,000 years of blood Ganoderma lucidum refining the body, the realm of qi and blood like mercury has reached a higher level.

The bones are slightly reddish, like the finest red jade.

Every inch of skin, every trace of flesh and blood, is also tinged with a faint red, and his whole person seems to have been reshaped.

Inside the dantian, a red flame burned quietly, scorching and refining his dantian and yuan power all the time.

Gu Xuan inhaled slightly, and the eggshell outside his body shattered.

A large amount of magma poured in, startling him.

But he soon discovered that the temperature of the magma was no longer a threat to him at all.

Being in the magma was like being in a hot spring, and a steady stream of fire power poured into his body.


Gu Xuan was overjoyed.

His breakthrough this time is not just about cultivation.

Cultivation jumped directly from the sevenfold of the spiritual sea to the ninefold of the spiritual sea.

And his hybrid spirit.

From the original high-level spirit body to the top-level spirit body, he exuded a scorching aura with every move.

"The hybrid spirit body seems to have undergone a slight change, and it is no longer appropriate to call it a hybrid spirit body..."

Gu Xuan thought for a moment, "Now it should be called the Mixed Yuan Fire Spirit Body!"

On the basis of the hybrid spirit body, the characteristics of the fire attribute spirit body are added, and the power is becoming more and more powerful.

"The strength of the flesh has also skyrocketed, directly reaching the power of ten Jiao!"

Ten Jiao is one dragon.

The power of ten Jiao is the power of a dragon.

A whole million pounds!

Millions of catties of great power are contained in one punch, it is hard to imagine what kind of destructive power it will cause!

"Even with my Yuan Force, my divine thoughts, all of them have undergone transformation!"

Gu Xuan was ecstatic.

His Gengjin Gang Qi had only broken through the seventh layer not long ago, and now he had directly reached the ninth layer.

Yuan power is like gold and mercury, and every drop is worth a hundred or even a thousand drops of Yuan power of an ordinary martial artist.

"With a knife in my hand now, it is worth ten times the weight of the ordinary spiritual sea!"

In a sense, Gu Xuan has broken through the limit described in the exercise of "Gengjin Gangqi".

From the seventh layer onwards, his Yuan Power underwent a strange transformation after being tempered by flames.

Although he still followed the cultivation method of Gengjin Gangqi, the effect of Yuan Li refining was far more than several times the original effect of this exercise.

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