"Nanling, this time, it's really piercing the sky. "

It was not only the people in the secret realm who were shocked by Gu Xuan's actions, but also many people who were watching outside the secret realm.

Seeing that Gu Xuan killed the Beiling disciples with one sword, they didn't know what to say.

"With the addition of Zhao Jianfei and Qi Ming, the elite disciples of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge who came to participate in the trial this time are almost dead!"

"In another few decades, the Seven Sects of Northridge will be green and yellow!"

"Gu Xuan, this son, has directly cut off the lifeblood of the Seven Sects of Beiling for the next few decades with a single sword!"

Everyone looked shocked.

One person, cut off a generation!

It sounds unbelievable and incredible, but it actually happened, and it happened in front of everyone's eyes.

Many people set their eyes on the few remaining disciples of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge on the field.

Some of these people were eliminated in the middle of the trial, and some were just forced out of the chains by Gu Xuan.

Before, they felt embarrassed and unwilling after being eliminated, but after seeing the fate of the rest of their fellow disciples in the secret realm...

These people are left with deep happiness and fear in their hearts.

Even the two most outstanding people of their generation of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge, Qi Ming and Zhao Jianfei, died at the hands of that young man, and they could not but be said to be lucky to come out alive.

"No way!"

A disciple of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge whispered with an ugly expression, "If such a big thing happens, you have to inform the elders quickly." "

"Nanling has this son rising, if it is not strangled in the cradle as soon as possible, my Beiling Seven Sects may usher in a catastrophe!"

A few people left in a hurry.


Gu Xuan picked out the storage spirit rings of the Beiling disciples from a piece of stumps and severed arms, and put them into his arms.

Looking back, I saw that the forbidden light of the secret realm was almost close to the edge of the abyss.

And most of them have come to the other side through chains.

"How do I get up?"

Someone looked up at the floating platform overhead and frowned.

As if in response to his words, white circles of light appeared at the bottom of the Pyramid Mountain.

Someone cautiously approached the aperture, and as soon as they walked in, the person disappeared.

Reappeared, already on a platform at the bottom of the Pyramid Mountain.

"So that's how it came up?!"

The man was surprised and delighted, but before he could be happy, a humanoid white ball of light suddenly appeared in front of him, and without saying a word, he attacked him.

"Damn, little trash, you play sneak attack!"

On the platform, the warrior and the humanoid light group ping-pong were in a ball.

Gu Xuan didn't rush up and took a closer look.

He discovered that as soon as he entered the white aperture, he was randomly teleported to a platform.

Then a humanoid light cluster will appear on the platform.

Only by defeating the humanoid light group can you continue to the next platform.

"Xuan-level lower grade exercises!"

A person grabbed a book of exercises and secret techniques that had just fallen into his hand, and his face showed joy.

"The platform at the bottom may be able to obtain the Xuan-level exercises, and further up, God knows what rewards there will be!"

Not only exercises, but also pills and even weapons.

As long as you win the battle, you will be rewarded.

Those who lose will be directly teleported by the forbidden light.

Remembering what a person said to himself when he first came in, it was possible to obtain the mid-grade exercises here, and it didn't seem to be a joke.

At this time, Gu Xuan saw that Xuandan Realm powerhouses such as Ling Yue and Sima Xin had already rushed to the fourth platform.

One by one, as if they were racing, they quickly approached the top platform.

Gu Xuan no longer hesitated, and strode into the white aperture.

In a blink of an eye, someone else appeared on a small platform at the bottom.

Between breaths, a humanoid light cluster appeared on the opposite side.

The light group conjured a sword in his hand and rushed towards him.

"Linghai Fivefold.."

Feeling the aura of strength emanating from the humanoid light group, Gu Xuan punched out and directly exploded the light group.

"This platform involves a lot of formation knowledge, and I don't know if it was built by the person who died in the center of the psychedelic formation..."

Just as he was thinking about it, a white jade slip fell in front of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan picked it up and looked at it.

"The willow sword, the human rank is a masterpiece. "

"Others can get the Xuan-level exercises at the first level, but I only have human-level masterpieces, so the quality of the original reward depends on luck.."

Gu Xuan shook his head helplessly and entered the newly appeared white circle of light in front of him.

This time, Gu Xuan encountered a humanoid light group again, but this time his strength was stronger than the previous one, reaching the sixth level of the Spirit Sea.

As usual, it is solved with one punch, and after taking the reward, move on to the next one.

In this way, Gu Xuan continued to climb up.

Seven Layers of the Spiritual Sea..

Reikai Yae..

Nine Layers of the Spiritual Sea..

When Gu Xuan exploded a humanoid light cluster with a strength close to the Void Pill with one punch, he suddenly found that he was already on the eighth platform.

One step further up is the large platform in the middle of Pyramid Mountain.

Ling Yue, Sima Xian and the others, who climbed the fastest, were all standing on this platform, and if they went up, there seemed to be no way out.


A white jade slip fell in front of Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan picked it up, and inside it was a Xuan-level high-grade technique.

A white circle of light appeared, Gu Xuan walked in, and then he was also teleported to the central platform.

The people who stood on this platform and waited, the worst strength also had Xudan, and the air pillars more than ten zhang high above their heads were wolf smoke.

Gu Xuan, who was ninefold in the Spirit Sea, stood in the middle of such a group of people, extremely dazzling.

Many people looked him up and down, their faces slightly surprised and contemptuous.

After waiting for a while, people were teleported up one after another.

When everyone gathered, there were twenty-eight people in all.

If you want to ascend to the central platform, you need to defeat the humanoid light group with the strength of the Void Pill on the eighth-level platform.

The light group has no wisdom, and it is much weaker than the real Void Pill powerhouse, but it is not something that ordinary people can defeat.

Those who can get this far are all geniuses who rank in the top 30 on the talent list!


With an unwilling whisper, the last person fighting on the platform below was teleported out of the secret realm.

So far, only these twenty-eight people are left on the central platform in the entire secret realm.

"Looks like the next fight is going to take place among our people..."

Sima Xi sneered and looked at Ling Yue defiantly.

In his eyes, there is only Ling Yue, and only Ling Yue is qualified to be his opponent.

Ling Yue still had the same lofty posture, and said lightly: "I'm waiting for you at the top." "

At this time, the white circle of light that had disappeared for a long time finally reappeared.

No more, no less, exactly twenty-eight,

Everyone on the platform glanced at each other and walked into the aperture one after another.

In the next second, twenty-eight people were assigned by two to teleport to the next level of platform.

"A real battle of the elite!"

Outside the secret realm, only the last fourteen of the water prism are left.

Those trialists who were eliminated, as well as the martial artists who watched the excitement, all stared intently at these fourteen pictures.

He looked excited, his face full of nervousness and anticipation.

"The real first person of the younger generation of our Great Xia Kingdom will finally be decided in this battle!"

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