"This royal secret realm trial is the most exciting one I have ever seen, the first transposition on the talent list, and a group of Xuandan Realm geniuses have to bow down to the Spirit Sea Realm. "

"yes, it's worth the trip!"

"Champion Hou, the champion of the generation, deserved!"

Several warriors walked out of the royal capital while discussing fiercely.

There are a lot of warriors who are similar to several people, all of them are ordinary Jianghu guests who left the royal capital after the grand event.

And among these people, the name that is talked about the most is Gu Xuan.

Wei Lin and the other disciples of the Six Sects of Nanling were mixed in the crowd, listening to the discussions of others, and couldn't help but sigh: "This time, Senior Brother Gu Xuan's name will definitely spread throughout Great Xia." My Nanling Six Sects can be regarded as a real dragon!"

The rest of the people nodded their heads, their expressions quite complicated.

Gu Xuan came to prominence in the martial arts of the Six Sects, and many of them guessed that Gu Xuan would rise, but they never expected that he would rise so quickly.

It was like a hidden dragon coming out of the abyss, and with one jump, it jumped into the clouds and became the blazing sun above the heads of all the young generations in the entire Great Xia.

"The more famous Senior Brother Gu Xuan's reputation is, the more uneasy the people of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge will be, and the more dangerous the way back will be!"

Yang Miao said in a deep voice.

Now Yang Miao has long lost the heart to compare with Gu Xuan, and his mentality has become extremely stable, and he has become stable and calm again.

"The elders of the sect are rushing from within the sect, but they will definitely not be able to catch up with the people of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge.

I mean, we all went our separate ways and left the royal capital. On the one hand, the target is small, which is easy to escape, and on the other hand, it can also distract the other party's attention and confuse the public, so as to gain greater vitality for himself and Senior Brother Gu Xuan. "

Ji Shunqing frowned and said: "Gu Xuan is now the champion of the Son of Heaven, and with the addition of officials, the people of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge still dare to really attack him?"

Wei Lin shook his head, "You underestimate the revenge of the people of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge, this time Senior Brother Gu almost wiped out the elites of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge Sect, and he became famous.

Under this situation, the people of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge will definitely go crazy. "

"Then why don't we wait until the sect elder comes and then come back?

Wei Lin glanced at Yang Miao and did not speak.

Ji Shunqing Bingxue was smart and quickly figured out the levels.

The biggest target of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge must be Gu Xuan, and although Gu Xuan belongs to the Six Sects of the South Ridge, he is still a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect in the final analysis.

The six sects of Nanling are not monolithic, and it is impossible for the other five sects to fight hard with the seven sects of Beiling for a disciple of another sect.

And the strength of the Spirit Sword Sect alone could not compete with the Seven Sects of the North Ridge at all.

How can you wait, the more you wait, the more slim your chance will be, unless Gu Xuan will not leave the royal capital for the rest of his life.

So all they can do is to cover Gu Xuan out of the city, which can be regarded as benevolence and righteousness.

Yang Miao also solemnly saluted Wei Lin and the others: "No matter what the outcome of this matter is, Yang Miao is here to thank you for Senior Brother Gu and for the Spirit Sword Sect." "

Wei Lin and the others said solemnly: "Brother Yang doesn't have to be polite, the six sects of Nanling should have watched and helped each other." The Spirit Sword Sect was able to take care of the junior disciple, which was also a blessing for the entire Nanling. "

Yang Miao nodded, and several people didn't talk nonsense anymore, they dispersed separately, blended into the crowd of left, and quickly left the royal capital.


At the same time, Gu Xuan, who had changed into a black robe and had done a simple disguise, had already been galloping on a fast horse in the wilderness hundreds of miles away from the royal capital.

"After returning to the sect this time, I immediately retreated and cultivated, digested the harvest well, and impacted the Xuandan realm by the way. "

Gu Xuan secretly made up his mind in his heart, "If you don't become a Xuandan, you will be an ant after all, and you don't have to hide like a mouse like now." "

The main reason is that he killed too many disciples of the Seven Sects of Beiling in the trial, Rao is Gu Xuan has always been not afraid of heaven and earth, and in the face of the revenge of the seven sects, he will still be a little frightened in his heart.

Gu Xuan was riding a fast horse and moving forward at a rapid pace, when suddenly, a trace of throbbing appeared in his heart for no reason.

Gu Xuan's face changed, and he subconsciously jumped up from his horse and jumped high into the air.

Almost as soon as he left the horse, the ground beneath the horse's hooves suddenly bulged.

A bolt of light shot out of it and slammed into the belly of the galloping horse, shattering it in one fell swoop.

Gu Xuan landed steadily on the ground and looked at an old man with a gloomy face who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The old man wore a dark blue robe, and the robe was printed with a large number of golden star stripes.

"People from the Star Luo Sect?"

Gu Xuan's expression froze, and he spoke.

The old man sneered and said, "You killed so many disciples of our Star Luo Sect, and you still want to return to the Spirit Sword Sect alive?"

Gu Xuan's face was gloomy, he wasn't curious about how the other party found him.

He killed the Seven Sects of the North Ridge I don't know how many disciples, and the things in the spiritual ring of these disciples, God knows which ones were marked.

Having said that, this Star Luo Sect elder is really shameless.

As a powerhouse in the Xuandan Realm, it is okay to deal with his own Spirit Sea Realm, and he even engages in sneak attacks.

If it weren't for the moment when the other party was about to make a move, Gu Xuan's divine thought that he let go of was noticed, maybe he really got it.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I'll die!"

The old man snorted coldly, and his body narrowed the distance between himself and Gu Xuan in a flash, and then stretched out a hand and grabbed it straight at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, and the Xue Luo knife was instantly unsheathed.

"Void Killing Knife!"

One knife after another, a full fifteen sword lights were superimposed.

A black sword light wrapped in purple lightning appeared in an instant.

The old man felt a strong threat from Gu Xuan's knife, his face changed, and he immediately changed his grasp to shooting, and he slapped several palms in a row before he barely erased the black knife light.

"Good boy, something. "

The old man looked serious, and he was secretly surprised in his heart.

He is a dignified Xuandan sevenfold powerhouse, although the Xuandan grade is not high, but he is not much higher than this kid in front of him in the realm.

With such a huge gap in strength, it was really unbelievable that Gu Xuan was not taken down twice in a row.

Before coming, the old man didn't pay too much attention to Gu Xuan's deeds when he heard about it.

No matter how good the talent is, before it grows, it is a seedling that can be stifled at will, and it will definitely be caught.

But now, the old man's mind has changed.

Gu Xuan's talent far exceeded his expectations, if such a demon was allowed to grow, the Seven Sects of the North Ridge would sooner or later usher in a catastrophe!

"Give me death!"

Thinking of this, the old man didn't leave his hand anymore, and the strength that belonged to the Xuandan Sevenfold was completely released, and he slapped it towards Gu Xuan with a fierce palm.

The terrifying power is like a mountain pressing on Gu Xuan's shoulders, but fortunately, Gu Xuan's body is strong, and if he is replaced by an ordinary spiritual sea, he is afraid that he can be directly suppressed alive and die.

His eyes were cold, and he directly used his strongest killing move.

"Infernal Knife Technique, Bitter Infernality!"

In an instant, the Infernal Arrival!

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