"No.. It's okay. "

The handsome man blinked, obviously not relieving himself.

"It's okay. "

Gu Xuan comforted the handsome man and said softly: "It's good for the Seventh Highness to watch from the sidelines, and I'll take care of the rest." "

"Oh . . . Oh good. "

The handsome man looked confused, obviously not knowing where the person with a good temperament in front of him came from.

He obviously didn't know each other. Why did the other party give him a head?

Ji Yurou ran to the two of them and shouted at the Qingxiu man: "Seventh brother." "

At the same time, he introduced to Gu Xuan: "This is my Seventh Emperor Brother Ji Shaokang, and that is my Fifth Emperor Brother Ji Shaoze." "

Ji Shaokang..

Gu Xuan's heart moved, this was the name that Ji Yurou used when she pretended to be a man, and it seems that Ji Yurou and his relationship should be good.

At this moment, the Seventh Prince on the side couldn't help but scold loudly: "Who are you? You dare to even take care of the affairs of our royal family, are you really not afraid of death?"

Before Gu Xuan could speak, Ji Yurou had already sneered and stepped forward.

"The Fifth Emperor Brother is so majestic, he even dares to do it in the Imperial Garden, do you believe it that I will go to my father to sue you and let my father punish you to go to the border?"

The fifth prince's face changed, and there was a bit of jealousy in his eyes, but he didn't give up, pointing at Gu Xuan and said: "Ninth sister, I can forget what happened just now, but this kid injured my guard, I can't bear this breath." "

"If you have the ability, you can send someone to take him down. "

Ji Yurou said coldly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, this is the champion of the emperor by his father." "

As soon as he heard Ji Yurou's words, the faces of the people on the field all changed.

"Champion Hou, you are Gu Xuan?!"

The eyes of the fifth prince Ji Shaoze when he looked at Gu Xuan suddenly changed, and he had a complicated look that was both surprised and annoyed.

The Great Xia Royal Family Secret Realm Trial had just ended, and during this time, the most famous was the name Gu Xuan.

The first demon of the Great Xia millennium, the legendary Linghai eleven, the defeat of the five-grade Xuandan Ling Yue...

Regarding Gu Xuan's proud achievements, even the people in the palace were cocooned when they heard it.

Who wouldn't want to get acquainted with such a talented character?!

I was still talking about it yesterday, but I didn't expect to run into it today, but it's a pity that in such an embarrassing situation, I offended the other party in disguise.

The fifth prince regretted that his intestines were blue, his face changed for a while, and he said embarrassedly: "It turned out to be the champion Hou, how offended, please Haihan." There is a lot of inconvenience today, and next time I will ask the champion Hou to drink and talk happily. "

After speaking, he beckoned his subordinates to leave in a hurry.

And Ji Shaokang, who was standing behind Gu Xuan, heard Gu Xuan's identity, and a strange light suddenly burst out of his eyes, and he looked at Gu Xuan intently, and said in a low voice: "Champion Hou.. Champion Hou.."

In the looks, there is a lot of fascination and worship.

Forcing away Ji Shaoze and his party, Gu Xuan turned around, and Ji Shaokang saluted him excitedly: "Shaokang, thank you for the champion Hou for relieving the siege." "

"It's okay, it's just a gesture. "

Gu Xuan smiled and shook his head.

Ji Yurou asked Gu Xuan in surprise: "I didn't say anything, how do you know which side to help?"

Gu Xuan secretly thought in his heart, I am not blind in my eyes, how can I not know who to help?

At this time, in Gu Xuan's eyes, the ordinary Ji Shaokang was like a big golden light bulb, standing in front of him.

The golden light of chance on this guy's body was dazzling, not to mention Ji Shaoze making things difficult for him, I'm afraid that even if Da Xia Zi is here, it is estimated that he will rush forward without hesitation.

Golden... Legend!

Another golden legend!

Of course, he definitely couldn't explain it to Ji Yurou like this, Gu Xuan thought for a while and said: "His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince's dragon qi leaked out, it is unspeakably expensive, and someone will naturally help in times of crisis, I just happened to meet it." "

Ji Yurou was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and wondered: "It's really so mysterious, why didn't I see it?"

Ji Shaokang was as happy as if he was something when he heard Gu Xuan's words, and said excitedly: "Really? Champion Hou really thinks so?"

Gu Xuan nodded and said seriously: "His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince is now in the abyss, what he lacks is just an opportunity, I don't want it long, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky." "

"It's... This.."

Ji Shaokang was so happy by Gu Xuan's words that he was about to tremble.

Gu Xuan took the opportunity to add a fire again, and said with emotion: "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and strain their muscles and bones... Speaking of which, I am in a similar situation with His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, I was born in a reckless background, and today's achievements have only been achieved after many hardships. "

"The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds..."

Ji Shaokang muttered these words, suddenly his eyes turned red, he grabbed Gu Xuan's hand suddenly, and said with great emotion: "Champion Hou, it's really my confidant..."

Ji Shaokang is bitter in his heart.

Although he is a prince, his mother is only a maid in the Great Xia Palace, and she is the product of a drunken time in the Great Xia.

Destined for his misfortune.

From childhood to adulthood, Ji Shaokang has been excluded by everyone, except for the ninth princess, no one has not bullied him.

Even his own pro-Laozi Da Xia didn't want to see him, and sent him to guard the imperial mausoleum early after finding a reason.

It can be said that it is miserable, don't want it.

Now he is suddenly so highly praised by others, and the person who gives an affirmative is still Gu Xuan, who is known as the first demon in the Great Xia for thousands of years.

How could he not be moved to tears of pain.

At the moment, I can't wait to cut the head of the chicken with Gu Xuan.

Fortunately, Ji Yurou stopped it in time.

"Seventh brother, aren't you guarding the imperial mausoleum, why did you suddenly run to the palace?"

Speaking of this, Ji Shaokang's expression immediately dimmed.

"Ninth sister, you don't know, something happened to the Imperial Tomb recently. "

Immediately afterwards, Ji Shaokang carefully explained the original story.

It turned out that the Great Xia Emperor's Mausoleum had been haunted recently.

The guards guarding the imperial tomb always disappeared for no reason, and after careful searching, they had no clue, which made the people in the imperial tomb panic.

Ji Shaokang is responsible for guarding the imperial tomb, and if something like this happens, he must hurriedly come to tell Da Xiazi.

However, he reported it several times in a row, but he was deliberately pressed down, and he didn't even see a single hair in the summer.

Speaking of this, Ji Shaokang couldn't help but lament: "These people are obviously deliberate, once something happens to the Imperial Tomb, my father will definitely blame me for everything." When the time comes, I'm afraid my life will not be saved..."

After hearing this, Ji Yurou was furious, and shouted: "These bastards, can't you tell which is more important than the other? Seventh brother, don't worry, I'll take you to see my father and emperor now, I want to see who dares to stop you." "

At this time, Gu Xuan couldn't help but interject: "Your Highness the Seventh, dare to ask if the location of the Imperial Mausoleum is in that direction?"

Gu Xuan pointed to a certain direction.

Ji Shaokang nodded and said, "That's right, why is Brother Gu asking this?"

Gu Xuan's expression moved.

The direction he pointed in was the direction in which the golden edge line on Ji Shaokang's body extended.

Sure enough, as he expected, this opportunity on Ji Shaokang was inseparable from the change in the imperial tomb.

If he was asked to tell Da Xiazi, this matter would definitely become more complicated, and it would become impossible for him as an outsider to fish in troubled waters to cut off his beard.

Therefore, we must not let Ji Shaokang tell Da Xiazi about this!

At least, not now.

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