"Involving a King Realm powerhouse, no wonder it's a golden chance..."

At night, Gu Xuan stayed alone in the imperial mausoleum, studying around the mausoleum of the founding ancestor of Great Xia for a long time, but found nothing.

It made him want to pry the mausoleum open and take a look.

"It seems that the trigger point of this opportunity still has to be on Ji Shaokang..."

Gu Xuan thought secretly.

At this time, Ji Shaokang walked in with a bunch of wine and food, and said with a smile: "Brother Gu, the night is long, let's be accompanied by wine and meat tonight." "

Saying that, Ji Shaokang also solemnly bowed to the many mausoleums in the imperial mausoleum, and read in his mouth: "The ancestors of Daxia are above, and the descendants of Ji Shaokang are friends today, if you are offended, please don't blame the ancestors." "

Then, he beckoned Gu Xuan to sit down and drink wine and eat meat.

Ji Shaokang was obviously ignored by others, and he had been excluded for a long time, so it was easy to make friends with Gu Xuan, a "confidant", and he vomited at Gu Xuan with bitter water in his stomach.

Gu Xuan is also very smart, and he specially picks Shaokang what he likes to hear, and comforts him in various ways-

"I am born to be useful", "Gold will always shine", "The wrong thing is that this world is not you", "You have to work hard quietly, and then surprise everyone"

Ji Shaokang was so moved that he felt more and more that Gu Xuan was his confidant in life, and he couldn't wait to worship him directly as a brother with a different surname in front of the ancestors and ancestors of Great Xia.

chatted until midnight, and Gu Xuan found that the mausoleum had been calm and quiet, and there was no movement.

Thinking of Bai Shaokang talking about the founding ancestors of Great Xia, the light of chance changed the situation, so he deliberately led the topic in this direction.

"Your Highness the Seventh, you said that the founding ancestor of Great Xia was once a strong man in the royal realm, and the inheritance left behind must not be weak, why has the Great Xia royal family never produced any powerful strong people?"

"What is your name Your Highness Seven, Brother Gu calls me Shaokang. "

Ji Shaokang was in the mood for wine, waved his hand, and replied: "Brother Gu, don't you know, although the Great Xia royal family is in decline now, there are still strong people in the Divine Realm in the deep palace, and it is even rumored that there are old monsters in the Life and Death Realm who have lived for nearly a thousand years and are all hanging on the elixir.

Of course, I'm not so sure.."

An old monster in the realm of life and death.

Gu Xuan was secretly surprised in his heart.

It is worthy of the royal family, but then again, if the Great Xia royal family does not have a master in charge, it will not be able to suppress so many martial arts sects in the country.

“... As for the ancestral inheritance..."

Ji Shaokang sighed lightly and said: "After the violent death of my founding ancestor of Great Xia, the Great Xia Kingdom flourished and declined, and was besieged by the surrounding countries, and lost a lot of powerful inheritances in the war.

Moreover, the founding ancestor left too suddenly, and many earth-shattering methods were not passed down in time, which can be regarded as one of the important reasons for the decline of the Great Xia Kingdom. "

Gu Xuan listened to Ji Shaokang speak, and suddenly found that the light of chance on the other party's body suddenly fluctuated violently.

Looking back, the mausoleum of the founding ancestors of Great Xia was also shining with golden light.

The opportunity is coming!

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, his eyes were firmly fixed on the mausoleum, ready to cut off his beard at any time.

At this moment, Ji Shaokang's mouth was dry, he smacked his lips, got up and said to Gu Xuan: "Brother Gu, you wait a while, I'll go out to find saliva to drink, and put some water by the way." "

Ji Shaokang staggered to his feet and walked drunkenly towards the outside of the mausoleum.

At this moment, the Great Xia Ancestor Mausoleum shook slightly, and a huge whirlpool appeared on the originally ordinary tombstone.

At the same time, an illusory big hand poked out of the whirlpool and grabbed it straight towards Ji Shaokang.

Gu Xuan could see clearly that the fate line on Ji Shaokang's body was in that big hand.

It was too late, it was too late, Gu Xuan shouted: "Your Highness the Seven, be careful!"

Ji Shaokang was shouted by Gu Xuan, his head was shocked, and he woke up instantly.

When he turned his head, he saw a big hand covering the sky and the sun grabbing him.

Suddenly, Ji Shaokang was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

Just when Ji Shaokang was desperate, he saw a figure suddenly flash in front of him, slap him with a palm, and slapped him far away.

"Your Highness the Seventh, leave me alone and leave quickly!"

"Brother Gu!"

Ji Shaokang's eyes were cracked, and he watched Gu Xuan being snatched away by the illusory big hand, and disappeared into the whirlpool in the blink of an eye.

It all came so fast that it caught people off guard.

When the Imperial Tomb returned to peace, everything seemed like a dream bubble, as if it had never happened.

Ji Shaokang sat in the imperial mausoleum in a daze, looking at the location where Gu Xuan had disappeared, tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Brother Gu..."

Ji Shaokang muttered dumbfoundedly: "Why are you... Why are you so stupid.."

At this moment, Gu Xuan's status in Ji Shaokang's heart suddenly rose to an unparalleled height, surpassing everything.


At this time, Gu Xuan was experiencing the experience of the world spinning.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a gray space.

An illusory figure with a yellow robe and a dragon-shaped phantom wrapped around his body, and an incomparably majestic temperament was looking at him.

"Boy, you're bad for me!"

This semi-illusory majestic figure spoke in a deep voice, and the sound was like thunder falling from the nine heavens, which shook Gu Xuan's brain.

"I have been sleeping for a wisp of remnant soul so far, and I was able to wake up easily, and I have accumulated a lot of strength for a long time, and I want to leave a legacy for my family, but I was disturbed by you..."

The more the majestic figure spoke, the more angry it became, and the breath around it rolled like boiling porridge.

The space seemed to be unstable and shaking violently.

Gu Xuan was very calm.

He came in under the guise of saving Ji Shaokang, no matter whether this opportunity can be successful or not, there is a high probability that there will be no danger, and at best he will be sent out.

"The seniors were. The founding ancestor of Great Xia?"

Gu Xuan took the initiative to ask.

At this time, the mood of the majestic figure also slowly stabilized, and he snorted coldly, and said, "How many years is it in Great Xia?

Gu Xuan answered honestly one by one.

The majestic figure fell silent, and suddenly sighed: "I didn't expect that my Great Xia would be so weak that I could only shrink into a corner of the Southern Regions. Hateful! hateful.."

After sighing, the majestic figure asked Gu Xuan: "Who are you?

Gu Xuan smiled bitterly and replied: "Do you think I want to be here? I am the champion of the Great Summer Prince, and I have a good personal relationship with the Nine Princesses and the Seventh Prince of the Great Xia. You pretended to be a ghost in the imperial tomb, causing panic in the hearts of the people, and the seventh prince had the responsibility of guarding the imperial tomb, and he was afraid of being punished, so he asked me to help investigate...

This matter is a hundred harms to me, I knew that you were the founding ancestor of Great Xia, and I didn't stop it for the Seventh Prince just now. "

As he spoke, Gu Xuan's face showed a depressed look.

After listening to Gu Xuan's narration, the majestic figure was silent for a while, and said, "You have a heart, and you are a rare loyal minister."

I only have a remnant of soul now, which may dissipate at any time, but I can't do it again.

Let's go, maybe it's providence, it's cheaper for you kid.."

After speaking, the majestic figure slapped towards Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan was caught off guard, and was directly caught in his hand.

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