With Gu Xuan as the starting point, a long river of blood stretched out in front of him.

Further on, the river of blood vanished, leaving only terrifying scar marks.

It stretched hundreds of feet away before it gradually disappeared.

Along the way, the remains of broken arms and flesh were blurred.

The vitality of the warrior is strong, and some of them were affected by the light of the sword, but they were not completely dead, and they were still lying on the ground and howling.

Gu Xuan's knife, the sword light is too fast and too strong.

So much so that even if many Liang Guo geniuses reacted and wanted to escape, they were still too late, and they were directly plowed by the sword light.

The genius who is the number one on the Liang Guo Talent List, the rebellious young man bears the brunt, and he doesn't even leave a whole corpse.

After a knife, the Liang team was five or six out of ten.

was directly wiped out by Gu Xuan with a knife!


All the people gathered at the gate of the city looked stupid.

"Liang Guo genius... Half of it was killed by Xia Guo with one sword?"

"Damn, am I mistaken?!"

"Good girl, this person is so cruel!"

In the distance, all the people in Da Zhou, who were watching this scene, also had their pupils constricted, and they gasped fiercely.

"That's right, this knife is so similar to the one that wiped out the black-robed young man at the beginning, but it is dozens of times more powerful!"

"Killed at least eight Xuandan geniuses in Liang State with one sword, and even Liang Guokui's capital was killed... Hiss-"

"Senior Brother Pei Yang..."

Pei Yang muttered, "This person is already Xuandan Fivefold."


The bodies of the people shook violently, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Someone suddenly said, "How long has it been since he condensed the Xuandan... How can you make the Xuandan Fivefold?"

"This cultivation speed... It's not so fast to soak in the spiritual liquid pool every day, is it?"

"The point is, this person turned out to be a native of Great Xia... Unbelievable.."

Pei Yang also looked shocked, and said with difficulty: "I didn't expect that Daxia would be able to give birth to such a proud figure, it seems that this gathering of the Heavenly Empire, Xia Guo must be a blockbuster.."

On the Xia side, the people of Ji Shaokang are numb.

He didn't expect Gu Xuan to say that killing people would really kill people, and he almost slaughtered most of the Liang country's team.

The prince of Liang was already stupid at this time.

Sitting on the ground, looking at his own team of dead and wounded like puppets, it seemed that his soul had been smashed by Gu Xuan's knife just now.

Ling Yue and the other geniuses of the Xia Kingdom had straight eyes and dry throats one by one.

Gu Xuan's name shocked Great Xia, but the image that stayed in their minds and memories was only when he was in the secret realm of the royal family.

Although Gu Xuan at that time was amazing and amazing, he did not have much deterrence and shock.

They still have a little dissatisfaction with Gu Xuan and a desire to catch up and surpass.

But now.

These messy thoughts all disappeared with Gu Xuan's sword.

It's horrible!

Even if you turn your back to the sword light, you can feel an indescribable horror and horror.

The leader of the Liang Kingdom, who had single-handedly overwhelmed all of them before, couldn't even resist it under this knife, and died directly.

The stunning image of Gu Xuan in their minds was refreshed and turned into a towering figure, difficult to look up to.

"Into town!"

After Gu Xuan finished all this, he gave a faint order.

Ji Shaokang and others woke up like a dream, so they followed one after another.

Xia Guo and his entourage entered the imperial capital one after another.

At the gate of the imperial capital, only a stump and a dazed and sad Liang Guoren were left to tell the tragedy of the scene just now.

And the news that Gu Xuan killed most of Liang Guo's genius with one knife was also spread by word of mouth, like a hurricane throughout the Yinyue Imperial Capital.

Many people have heard about this.

Xia Guo has an unborn Tianjiao figure on this trip, and the clouds are moving in all directions!

An inn in the imperial capital.

Ji Shaokang, Gu Xuan, Ling Yue and several other Xia Kingdom Xuandan Realm geniuses were sitting at a table, discussing things.

"I just sent someone out to inquire about the situation of the countries of the Celestial Empire gathering, and it doesn't seem to be optimistic..."

Ji Shaokang said: "Daqian, Dashang, and Dayou, the three countries that rank in the top three in the thirteen countries and whose national strength far exceeds the rest of the countries, this generation has produced Tianjiao characters who have condensed the three grades of Xuandan.

If it was in the past, it would be difficult for such characters to come out of one in the next country, but this time there are three at the same time.

Oh no, plus Brother Gu, it should be four. "

Ji Shaokang paused for a moment, and then said: "The geniuses of this generation of the Yin Moon Imperial Capital are also better than in the past.

There are twelve Tianjiao who condensed the light to condense the upper third-grade Xuandan.

Each of them is above the fifth level of Xuandan, and it is known as the twelve nights of the lunar moon.

It is said that the first night of the first of the twelve nights is a second-grade Xuandan that is rare in the Yinyue Imperial Capital for a thousand years, and it is a well-deserved male lord of the Yinyue Imperial Capital's generation, and his strength overwhelms his peers.

It was even praised by the older generation of strong people as promising to break through the realm of gods before the age of thirty. "

The appearance of a thirty-year-old god...

Everyone at the table had a deeply moved look on their faces.

This is almost a whole realm of catching up with the geniuses of the same generation, which is really terrifying.

"This is an unprecedented world, and it is even more difficult for ordinary geniuses to get ahead...."

Ling Yue couldn't help but sigh.

Ji Shaokang nodded and said to Gu Xuan: "However, most of the people in the twelfth night of the lunar month are over twenty-four years old, and they will not participate in this rally, even if they meet the conditions, there is a high probability that they will not end."

The head genius of the Yinyue Imperial Capital has always disdained to compete with the martial artists of the lower kingdom, so Brother Gu, your main opponent this time is still the three upper third-grade Xuandan Tianjiao of the Great Qian, Dashang, and Dayou, and we still have a great chance of winning the first place this time. "

Ji Shaokang's expression was a little excited.

Xia Guo has always been at the bottom of the Celestial Empire gathering, and this time he is expected to hit the first, and it is also a session that he personally leads, can he not be happy.

"Twelve nights of the lunar month, it's kind of interesting..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said, "What are the specific rules of the Heavenly Empire assembly competition?"

Ji Shaokang said: "First, the geniuses of the thirteen kingdoms competed with each other to determine the top ten, and then the top ten geniuses fought against the geniuses in the middle and lower parts of the Yin Moon Imperial Capital. "

Gu Xuan frowned and said, "This is the whetstone for the geniuses of the Thirteen Kingdoms to be the geniuses of the Yin Moon Dynasty?"

Ji Shaokang smiled bitterly: "Who made the Yin Moon Dynasty a kingdom, this is also a helpless thing." "

"When will the Celestial Empire gathering officially begin?"

"About three days later. "

"Okay, I got it. "

Gu Xuan nodded and got up to leave.

At the same time, someone was also talking about Gu Xuan's name.

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