Gu Xuan held a knife in one hand, with black hair and black eyes.

The black gas around his body is steaming, and the sword light and ghost shadow are disillusioned, like a sword monarch descending from the ghost, ruling life and death.

Everyone on the field was shocked, and their faces showed great surprise and disbelief.

Someone muttered.

"Isn't this guy the face of Princess Moon, why is he so strong?"

"Beichen Fifth Yao and that Southern Barbarian Tianjiao are not his one-sword enemies?"


The onlookers were numb, wondering if they were dreaming.

Beichen Yuheng's face was pale, blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were staring at Gu Xuan, and he spit out a few words with difficulty.

"Sword Intent Enchantment... Who are you?"

Tuoba Ye was also stunned by Gu Xuan's knife, staring blankly at a shocking huge knife mark on his chest, unable to believe his eyes.

"It's so strong..."

Youyue and the second night looked at each other.

"Dacheng Realm Sword Intent, Sword Intent Enchantment..."

Youyue's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of complexity and incomprehension, although she was shocked, she didn't seem to be surprised, "He's become a lot stronger..."

The second night said bitterly: "Before, I could still use the Shadow Dao to deal with him, but now I am not qualified to fight him." As long as he stepped into his sword intent enchantment, it was estimated that a single knife would be cut out. "

"It's a pervert. "

When the extreme flowers were in hand, Gu Xuan didn't entangle with these people more, the sword intent enchantment converged, walked to the two of Youyue, and gave a faint order: "Go." "

The three of them left in a hurry.

Now everyone knows that the three of Youyue are actually headed by Gu Xuan.

What they had guessed before was that Gu Xuan was the face of Youyue, which was simply a big joke in the world.

Someone looked at Gu Xuan's distant back, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he remembered something, and blurted out.

"I remember, it is said that not long before the Yin Moon Dynasty, there was a peerless Tianjiao, the age of the weak crown, who was defeated in three days on the twelfth night of the lunar month, known as the first person of the young generation of the Fourteen Kingdoms of the Lunar Moon, and even Xie Tianyi was defeated in his hands.

Isn't this the person?!"

"Defeat the twelfth night of the lunar moon in three days?!Xie Tianyi is defeated?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone inhaled one after another, and their faces showed a look of emotion.

The news was so shocking that the first time they heard about it, they were extremely shocked.

Beichen Yuheng got up from the ground with difficulty, reached out and stroked the knife marks on his chest, feeling the remaining domineering knife intent on it, and his face was ugly.

"The first person of the younger generation of the Yin Moon Dynasty is right... I remember you..."

After saying that, he disappeared.

Tuoba Ye looked excited, and said to himself: "Ah Gong is right, there are really many masters outside... This person is really strong, and it is estimated that even Tuoba Chi may not necessarily be his opponent.

Hehe, I'm going to tell Tuoba Chi so that he can also taste what it is like to be defeated."

Tuoba Ye walked barefoot and strode away into the black air.

The rest of the people also scattered and left, and the news about Gu Xuan quickly spread in the Demon Burial Cave.

More and more warriors in the Demon Burial Cave learned that the Yin Moon Dynasty had a shocking peerless Tianjiao, and with one sword, he could easily defeat the fifth Yao and another person in the Beichen Seven Yao.


"I think we'd better be separated for the time being."

Gu Xuan proposed to Youyue and the two on the way.

Youyue was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Gu Xuan with some resentment, and nodded, "Okay." "

Yuyue felt as if she was disgusted.

She is the first noble daughter of the Yinyue Dynasty, with a noble status, outstanding talent, and a charming appearance.

Even the fifth Yao Yuheng of Beichen Qiyao has to curry favor with a shy face.

But Gu Xuan actually disliked her.

Disgusted that she and the Phantom were holding him back.

Is this guy really a man?

Not only Youyue, but even the face of the second night, which had always been on top of an iceberg poker face that had not changed for thousands of years, turned red, as if he had been greatly insulted, but he was helpless.

Seeing Youyue agree, Gu Xuan nodded and said, "That's okay, if there is something to contact directly, please contact Yugui directly." "

After speaking, Gu Xuan disappeared into the distance without looking back.

"Forget it, let's go..."

Youyue looked at Gu Xuan's "resolute" back, and said helplessly: "Actually, this is better, if we blindly rely on Gu Xuan, the gap between us and him will only get bigger and bigger." One day, you may not even be able to see his back.

Shadow, you don't have to take care of me in the future. "

"Yes. "

The shadow whispered.

Throwing off the two of Youyue, Gu Xuan could finally do what he wanted to do unscrupulously.

Gu Xuan found a place where the black qi gathered, directly let go of his body protection elemental power, and absorbed it wantonly.

The rolling demonic qi and death qi poured into Gu Xuan's body, and the death qi seeds and demonic qi seeds in the dantian grew rapidly.

And his meridians and flesh seemed to have been washed with sulfuric acid, and there were scars full of holes.

At the same time, the crystallization of his divine thoughts was also covered with a layer of gray, and his consciousness had a feeling that he was about to fall into a bottomless abyss.

"If I keep absorbing it, I'm afraid that sooner or later I will become a demon-like existence, and become a walking corpse that has been wandering in the demon burial cave..."

Gu Xuan thought about it, took out the Extreme Raw Flower he had just gotten, crushed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

In an instant, the rolling essence and pure vitality emerged, quickly repairing the scars in Gu Xuan's body that had been corroded by death qi and demonic qi.

In this process, the metamorphosis of the Xuan's physique becomes more rapid.

When all the Extreme Flowers were consumed, Gu Xuan completely let go of the body protection elemental power, and the death qi and demonic energy from the outside world could not cause him much damage, only a slight tingling sensation.

"It's done!"

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately called on the two newly added power seeds, and quickly slashed out two knives.

A knife, the devil is galloping.

A knife, dead air entangled.

The power is not inferior to his sword using Yuan Li, and it even has an even more unexpected effect.

"If this demonic energy and death qi are fused into the Infernal Sword Technique, my Infernal Sword Technique will become more complete..."

Gu Xuan was trying, and suddenly saw a colorful light passing in front of him.

His mind moved, and he quickly chased after him.

Soon, a young man appeared in Gu Xuan's field of vision, who was wrapped in the light of various chances, especially an extremely eye-catching colorful light.

It's him?!

Gu Xuan's expression moved, a little surprised.

This person is none other than Xiao Chen, who was robbed of the Seven Xuandan Thunder Tribulations by him in the secret realm of Lingxiao Pavilion!


I didn't expect that "Nerve Eater", one of the four great wonders of ancient times, would have been born at this time, more than ten years earlier than the previous life!"

Xiao Chen was planning in his heart as he walked forward, completely unaware that he had already been targeted by someone.

"Each of the four great ancient scriptures is a supreme inheritance.

Moreover, it is said that if you can combine the four great wonders, you can point to the other side of the avenue!"

"In the previous life, the four great wonders were all born, and each had its own heirs. No matter what kind of background these four people come from, they have all become the trendsetters who stand at the front end of the world, one of the protagonists of heaven and earth, which makes countless people envy and worship...

The early birth of "Nerve Eater" in this life is a great opportunity for me!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and he secretly thought: "If I'm not mistaken, when "Nerve Eater" was born, it made a big oolong, and even a stunning and brilliant Tianjiao character fell halfway..."

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