The thunder light is instantaneous.

Gu Xuan's speed was incredibly fast, and he quickly approached the center of the secret realm.

Although he had some doubts about such a high-profile way of "Nerve Eater", and he always felt that something was not quite right in his heart, Gu Xuan still came.

When Gu Xuan arrived at the place, he found that many people had already arrived first.

But it was the demon corpses that came faster.

Thousands of demon corpses surrounded the black pillars of light, each of them was at least a cultivator of the Spirit Sea Realm, and they knew no pain, never tired, and were not afraid of death.

In the black pillar, a brilliant golden light was quietly suspended, exuding a profound rhythm of Taoism all the time, affecting the hearts of everyone present.

Gu Xuanshennian swept around, and found the figures of Youyue and Second Night, as well as Beichen Fifth Yao Yuheng and Tuoba Ye, who had been defeated by him before.

There are also several aura that are more powerful than them, and there is even no shortage of god-like realm powerhouses.

At this time, these people all rushed towards the direction of the black qi pillar in the center with all their might, wantonly unleashing powerful attacks, slaughtering the demon corpses that stood in their way along the way.

Gu Xuan didn't hesitate and quickly followed.

A large number of demon corpses stand in the way to the Black Pillar, and if anyone tries to get closer, they will be attacked by demon corpses frantically.

As soon as Gu Xuan got closer, four or five demon corpses burst out at the same time and rushed towards him.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he instantly drew his knife.


A line of sword light slashed, and the five demon corpses instantly split into two halves, turning into a pile of rotten flesh and falling to the ground.

Gu Xuangang wanted to take the opportunity to step forward, but more demon corpses filled up.

Gu Xuan frowned slightly, then looked to the side, and found that there were powerful people who had reached a distance close to half of the black qi pillar, and the closer they got to the black qi pillar, the stronger the demon corpse blocking the way.

It's not going to go on like this...

If you want to quickly shorten the distance with others, you can only use some extraordinary means.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and clenched the Minghong knife in his right hand.

Out of the knife!

The sword is long!

In less than a breathless time, Gu Xuan instantly slashed out nearly 10,000 knives.

Nearly 10,000 golden sword lights appeared, converging into a mighty river of sword qi, wrapped in the majestic and murderous aura of the difficult phenomenon, and rushed towards the front.

The long river of sword light rushed into the tide of demon corpses, and everywhere it passed, all the demon corpses were swallowed up and stirred into powder.

The long river of sword light rushed forward for a distance of nearly a hundred zhang before the momentum finally weakened.

Look again.

At the front end of Gu Xuan, a completely "vacuum" zone had already appeared, and the severed limbs and remains of demon corpses were everywhere.

Taking advantage of the fact that the "vacuum" area had not yet been filled by new demon corpses, Gu Xuan's figure flashed, turning into a thunderbolt and moving forward quickly.

The sword qi of that move just now was almost his full attack, and one move consumed almost one-third of his yuan power.

And Gu Xuan's knife also attracted the attention of others.

The people who were fighting in the group of demon corpses were attracted by the huge movement in their ears and turned their heads one after another.

When he turned his head, his face immediately showed a look of shock and shock, and he gasped.

"Holy, what's going on?!"

"Who is this person, and how can he have such terrifying strength?"

"Another young magnate has entered!"

They saw that the surging and crowded group of demon corpses had been opened a "gap" by life.

At least hundreds of demon corpses were killed in the gap.

And all this is caused by the power of a single sword.

With such a terrifying combat power, how can people not be shocked.

"It's him!"

Beichen Yuheng stared at Gu Xuan, who had forced a lot of distance from them with the power of a sword, and his eyes showed a deep look of jealousy.

Next to him, a Qiwei young man with pale blue eyebrows and bright eyes spoke: "This person is the first person of the young generation of the Yin Moon Dynasty who defeated you?"

Yu Heng nodded, his face was ugly, and he said, "His strength is indeed very strong. "

With a palm of his hand, the young man Qiwei slapped the Xuandan Realm demon corpse in front of him into pieces, staring at the sword-like figure in the distance, and said lightly: "I have some strength, I can meet it if I have the chance."

The most important thing at the moment is to obtain "Nerve Eater".

As long as I can get the inheritance of "Nerve Eater", the position of Tianshu is mine!"

As he spoke, the Qiwei youth slapped his palm forward, and a bright starlight sprinkled through, and more than a dozen demon corpses in front of him cracked together.

The power of a palm, terrifying!

On the other side, Tuoba Ye rushed into the group of demon corpses, stretched out his hand to grab a rampaging majestic young man, and pointed in Gu Xuan's direction and said, "Tuoba Chi, do you see it?"

The person who can cut such a knife is a real genius, and even you can't beat him!"

The blood and qi of the great young man's whole body were steaming, and the whole person was like a furnace with a high temperature of 1,000 degrees, and the ordinary demon corpse was scattered by the terrifying blood qi before he could get close to him.

"Tuobano, you're a piece of waste!"

The great young man said angrily, "You wait, see how I defeat him and laugh at you!"

As he spoke, the majestic young man strode towards Gu Xuan's direction.

"Gu Xuan is here!"

Youyue and the second night looked at the direction where the sword light was raging, and their faces showed a slight expression.

"He's coming, too."

Xie Tianyi, who was dressed in white, silently withdrew his gaze looking in a certain direction, and refocused his attention on the group of demon corpses in front of him.

The speed of Xie Tianyi was extremely fast, and every time those fierce demon corpses wanted to attack him, they would be avoided by him by a fraction of a second, and every time they were a little bit worse.

Xie Tianyi was like a swimming fish, quickly approaching the center in the gap of the demon corpse group.

Gu Xuan urged the Thunder Light Body Method, and in a few breaths, he narrowed the distance between him and many geniuses.

Ming Hong's knife continued to strike, swaying one knife light after another, and the demon corpses fell down one after another as if they were cutting wheat.

Gu Xuan let go of his body protection yuan power, and wantonly absorbed the pure demonic qi and death qi on the bodies of these demon corpses, and the two power seeds in his body also grew rapidly.

For a figure of his level, these demon corpses whose strength was only in the Xuandan Realm at best couldn't cause much of an obstacle at all.

It was only a matter of time before we reached the center of the black air column.

Soon, someone arrived at the Black Pillar.

Gu Xuan glanced at it, and his eyes flashed.

Untie the clothes!

The first one close to the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" is Xie Tianyi!

Yes, Xie Tianyi is the best at finding flaws with skillful strength.

Such a chaotic scene is more suitable for his play.

Seeing that Xie Tianyi was the first to arrive next to the black air pillar, he was about to fly towards the golden light in the air pillar.

Suddenly, at this time, a terrifying figure wrapped in black gas burst out from the pillar of air, and rushed towards Xie Tianyi like lightning.

Xie Tianyi couldn't reach it and was instantly knocked out.

All the people on the field who were paying attention to this scene saw this, and their pupils shrank fiercely.

This is... Divine Realm Demon Corpse?!

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