Those who can rush through the tide of demon corpses are either Tianjiao characters in the Xuandan Realm or veteran gods who have been famous for a long time.

More than a dozen people shot at the same time, and the momentum in an instant was terrifying.

The scales on the corpse's body were shattered almost instantly.

The demon corpse was in pain and began to go berserk.

The Dharma-phase phantom of the leopard's head behind it opened its mouth and sucked it hard, sucking out billowing black gas from the black air column.

The originally illusory Dharma phase gradually became solid and clear, and continued to grow larger.


The demon corpse threw up its head and let out a roar that shook the void.

The countless demon corpses below also roared.

Immediately, the Demon Corpse Law Minister stretched out his big hand and grabbed it fiercely in the direction of everyone.

The powerhouse of the Divine Aspect Realm, who had fought with the demon corpse once, couldn't dodge it and was caught in the hands of the demon corpse law minister.

"Damn, open it for me!"

The face of the god-like powerhouse changed sharply, and he shouted, and the law phase long sword behind him "buzzed" violently.

But before he could break free, the Demon Corpse Law Appearance clenched his fists hard.


only heard a loud earth-shattering sound, and the long sword law of the god powerhouse was pinched and exploded by him.

The latter spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth and fell from mid-air like a big bird.

This scene made countless people gasp and their scalps tingle.

"This Divine Aspect Realm Demon Corpse is inevitably too terrifying! Even the Divine Aspect Realm powerhouse has been pinched and exploded by him?!"

"Even if there is a geographical advantage of the Demon Burial Cave, this strength is really terrifying. "

"It's over, with this demon in the way, I'm afraid no one will have a chance to get the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" today. "

"Hey, after all, it is the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, how can it be so simple to get it. "

The people below lamented.

Everyone in the air also looked solemn.

The strength of this demon corpse exceeded everyone's expectations, and even the Zheng'er Eight Meridian Divine Realm martial artists were easily defeated by it.

Although the suppression of the powerhouse of the Divine Aspect Realm in the Demon Burial Cave was relatively large, and the strength was weakened a lot, and the grade of the Divine Aspect Martial Artist just now was not high, but it was enough to prove the strength of the Demon Corpse.

Just when everyone in the field was so frightened by the power of the demon corpse that they didn't dare to move anymore, a figure came out from below.

It was Gu Xuan, who was dragged by Tuoba Chi and came belatedly.

Gu Xuan saw the demon corpse at a glance, frowned slightly, and then glanced at the golden light cluster above his head, his eyes flashed, and he flew directly towards the light cluster.

"Gu Xuan, be careful!"

Youyue exclaimed in surprise and hurriedly reminded Gu Xuan.

The rest of the crowd was also shocked by Gu Xuan's actions, and then their faces showed a look of ridicule.

"There's another one who doesn't know whether to live or die."


The demon corpse was having nowhere to vent its evil fire, and when it saw Gu Xuan, a rising bird who was not afraid of death, he immediately roared and pounced.

Absolute Killing Knife!

Gu Xuan slashed out hundreds of knives in an instant, and all the sword lights overlapped together, forming a pitch-black sword light as thin as a cicada's wings.

The sword light streaked through the void, leaving a deep black trail in the void.

The demon corpse slapped out with a claw, the sword light flashed, and the four fingers fell neatly.

The terrifying sword light was deeply embedded in the demon corpse's chest, and the terrifying impact directly blasted the demon corpse into the black air pillar behind it.

After doing all this, Gu Xuan received the sheath, and flew straight to the golden light cluster above without looking back.

The people who saw this scene next to them were all stunned.

What's the situation?

The demon corpse of the Divine Appearance Realm was actually blown away by Gu Xuan's sword?

This Nima is too outrageous.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and their expressions were the same as those of a dog.

Beichen Tianxuan was the first to react, his eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Don't let him take the lead!"

Beichen Tianxuan's figure flickered and chased after him, and when he came behind Gu Xuan, the stars floated behind him, and he slapped Gu Xuan's vest with a palm, and the killing opportunity was complete.

Gu Xuan frowned, and the sword intent enchantment unfolded directly, and his backhand was a knife.


Beichen Tianxuan's eyes widened suddenly, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"The sword intent is complete, the sword intent is enchanted?!"

Like the light of the prison knife tearing through the void, it slashed towards Beichen Tianxuan.

Beichen Tianxuan made a frantic attack, trying to eliminate this horror with a knife.

But he took out more than a dozen palms in a row, each palm shook the void, but under Gu Xuan's knife light, it was easily torn apart like a piece of brittle paper.


Beichen Tianxuan was slashed firmly in the chest by a knife, his robe was torn, and a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell down quickly.


Seeing this scene, many strong men who had wanted to rush up to stop Gu Xuan before stopped abruptly, with a look of horror and inexplicability on their faces.

The knife that blasted away the demon corpse before could be said to be Gu Xuan's luck, and the demon corpse was caught off guard by the cold knife.

But now, he defeated Beichen Tianxuan head-on, which was too amazing.

You must know that Beichen Tianxuan is the second of the Beichen Seven Yao, and the Beichen Dynasty is second only to the younger generation of Beichen Tianshu!

"Dacheng sword intent! It turned out to be Dacheng's sword intent..."

There was a strong man with a shocked face and muttered.

"And it's a superb Dacheng sword intent formed by the fusion of several sword intents, it's terrifying!"

"How old is this person, how can he comprehend the sword intent to such a realm, and start to comprehend the sword technique when he is in the womb?"

The remaining two Tianjiao figures of the Beichen Dynasty, Beichen Yuheng is okay, he has seen Gu Xuan's strength, although he is surprised, he can still accept it.

Beichen Shaoguang looked stupid directly.

As the last person in the Beichen Qiyao, he saw Gu Xuan's eyes with a feeling of scalp tingling.

"Dacheng Sword Intent..."

Xie Tianyi stared at Gu Xuan at the heights, his eyes were like diamonds, and he muttered in a low voice: "As soon as the sword intent enchantment comes out, even if I can see the flaws in his move, I don't dare to make a move at all...

He's progressing so fast..."

Gu Xuan defeated Beichen Tianxuan with one sword, shocking the audience.

Hardly anyone dared to stand in his way anymore.

Just as he was about to step forward to check the true appearance of the golden light cluster, the black qi column next to him suddenly seemed to be boiling, tumbling endlessly.


With an angry roar, the demon corpse that had been blasted away by Gu Xuan before reappeared.

The black qi on the demon corpse's body was entangled, and all the previously injured parts were healed.

He stared at Gu Xuan, and the phantom of the leopard head behind him seemed to be completely alive.

The power of the divine appearance enveloped the audience, and the law minister of the leopard head and the human body looked up to the sky and roared, and stretched out his hand to grab Gu Xuan.


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he slashed out with all his strength.


Like the light of the prison knife slashing into the hand of the law phase, it set off a black qi billowing.

But the terrifying big hand recovered in a few breaths, and grabbed Gu Xuan in his hand.

And then...

Squeeze hard.

On the field, the pupils of countless people who witnessed this scene all shrank violently.

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